View Full Version : Arch questions

02-14-2013, 08:43 PM
I have a 2x6 arch I will not have in a permanent location for another year. This year I am thinking about just placing the brick in w/o mortaring to give the side walls (galvanized) some protection, taking the brick out at the end of the season and mortaring in permanently next year. I have a 1/4 inch ceramic blanket I could put in to but if the brick are not mortared will it be useless for next year. Another option might be to just fire w/o bricks or blanket but will the galvanized hold up w/o any brick or insulation? I will probably only fire 4-5 times 6-8 hours each time. Not the best situation but that is where I am at. Any advice on loose brick and or blanket or firing w/o either would be appreciated. Thanks

02-14-2013, 09:23 PM
Blanket insulates sides to both protect them (and you) from high temps. Equally importantly, it keeps the heat in the arch, under the pan instead of out the sides=more efficiency. Bricks will protect metal to a point as well, more importantly blanket, especially from tossed in wood.

If you have it, why not use it? My arch uses both blanket and brick, brick is not mortatered together and worked fine. When fire is raging inside, sides of arch are hot too touch but will not burn skin...safer and more gph production.

My 2 cents

02-15-2013, 05:54 PM
Thank you for the reply. Anyone fire w/o brick or blanket? Will it ruin the galvanized? Thanks

maple flats
02-15-2013, 07:14 PM
Use the blanket, then a layer of the brick laid dry fit. If you cover the ceramic with brick it should still be good for next year when you mortar the brick in.

02-16-2013, 06:44 AM
Thanks again. Very helpful information.