View Full Version : Maple Syrup Chemistry 101

02-14-2013, 02:40 PM
See the phase diagram attached. The science of maple syrup is wrapped up in this table. (The table is for a water-sucralose solution but the science is the same)

Boiling Temperature and Density
Top line - Boiling curve - shows how temperature increases with concentration - we're striving for 66.5 to 67.5% sugar concentration which has a temperature rise of 4.2-5% above boiling point of water.

Keeping ice or tossing it.
In the light blue section of the graph (less than 60% sugar, above -9.5C) the water will freeze leaving all the sugars behind in solution. Beyond the Eutectic point (60% and -9.5C) the sugar will freeze into the ice.

If we over boil, crystalization will occur in storage if the concentration exceeds about 68%. The dark blue section on the right shows when crystalization will occur.

Diagram compliments of my first year University student. ("Hey Dad - some of this stuff we're learning has a practical application!")

02-14-2013, 04:21 PM
Nice diagrams.