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View Full Version : How to make a door for my arch ???

02-13-2013, 03:51 PM
Hello to All:

I am kinda stumped as to make a door on my arch.

I am also afraid to ask because explaining it may be hard to do, in person is always easier.

I have my arch basically done except the door. I can burn anytime if I just put a sheet of steel in front and block it, so no panic for me.

I am stumped with the "hinges" set-up. Are there special hinges for stoves ? Can I use super heavy door hinges not meant for wood stoves ? Is there an easy door that just slides left to right with no hinges ?

Any input or pics if possible, is appreciated.



02-13-2013, 04:22 PM

I used heavy 4" door hinges for mine.

02-13-2013, 04:57 PM
I cheated and ordered a "vogelzang" Barrel stove kit. about $50. Then I found my F-in-law had one in his basement. The V-zang (2 styles) comes with a frame that you bolt to the front of your arch. I didn't want to mess with getting the angle "right" on making my own, so I went this way.

Tap, tap, tap

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-13-2013, 05:12 PM
heres the hinges I bought and they have no problem holding door and best part is once you open door you can lift the door off and set it a side if needed

Mike R.
02-13-2013, 05:20 PM
My old arch has old door hinges on it. Never had any issues with warpage, on the hinges but the door was purposely bent out at the bottom to allow better air flow. My new arch I have a old wood stove door with the drop hinge pins. The door has pins that drop into blocks with holes in them welded onto the arch. They are much like the ones Flat Lander has shown above.

02-13-2013, 06:27 PM
Thanks guys....Maybe I will just see what happens with these heavy duty hinges I have. They look like 4 or 5 inch steel, kinda heavy duty, guessing from a steel exterior door.

If they fail, so what, then I try again with bigger and better.

Thanks for that.


02-13-2013, 08:19 PM
I made a door out of 1.5 in. Angle iron . Make one frame,say ,12" square, or however big you want your opening to be . Make another frame approx. 13" so it fits over the 12" one with a lot of slop . Hinge 13" door with 1.5 x1/4 flat stock and a long 1/4" rod for a hindge pin . Install sheet metal inside of 12" frame and insulate with ceramic blanket . There are 2 pictures on Sugerbush under Tom-saw titled new arch build that show what I am trying to explain . I know , clear as mud .

02-13-2013, 08:30 PM
Hi Tom:

I do get what your explaining. Makes sense. BUT,,,,you say to put sheet metal on the 12" and insulate. I picture the 12" as the actual opening and the 13" frame is the one I thought you would insulate ???

Am I understanding this wrong ?

Sorry to be a pain.



02-13-2013, 08:34 PM
Hey Tom-saw,,,,,,I am not a member at that site so I was not allowed to view your pictures. The pics I did see, wow, nice arch !!


02-14-2013, 04:28 AM
Oops , that should of been the 13" door that needed to be sheet metaled and insulated .

02-14-2013, 07:02 AM
I built my front to resemble the front on an out door furnace. It's a lot bigger them you need but here's a picture for the concept.

02-14-2013, 07:30 AM
Hey pamaple.....That is one heavy duty looking rig.
I am sure that will last many generations.

Thanks for the pic.


Pete S
02-14-2013, 10:00 AM
Not sure of availability in your neighborhood, but was very happy with my door. I have to admit that I have some connections with HVAC installers, and found a door through one of them.

Look for an old cast iron door from a cola/wood buring stove.

You may have luck also at a scrap yard. WELL worth the effort/cost as it will perform flawlessly.

Warpage is probably the greatest concern that you'd have with a door you'd fabricate.

Good luck!6777

02-14-2013, 08:14 PM
BOY o BOY,,,,spent 2 plus hours JUST on the four pieces of angle for my swinging door. Wow, pretty hard for the butcher that I am. Cut the angle, measured twice, cut once, layed it out, spot welded, looked good, added more welds,,,,,twisted, crooked, warped,,,GGRRRR.

Got the grinder, took it apart, ground off all tacks, gotter smooth again. Now looking into the secret to keeping it square.

Just had to vent.

Love the idea of getting an old door from a woodstove,,,sounds great right around now.


02-15-2013, 07:18 AM
Did I mention that I got my Vogelzang in about 5 days, and it mounts on with about 8 bolts, and bolts are wicked easy to turn, and all you have to do is cut a hole, and its wicked easy, and, and, and. Don't re-invent the wheel (or door for that matter), Let the guys with time and know-how tackle self-builts. Get your door on, and BOIL SAP. Ask youself why you're doing this, to win a bragging prize about welding or to make MAPLE SYRUP. If you can't afford something, build it, but a $50 door! Hell, buy two.

Just my .02

02-15-2013, 07:29 AM

All I did was cut the hinge side first, welded the hinges on then cut the other 3 sides.

02-15-2013, 07:34 AM

All I did was cut the hinge side first, welded the hinges on then cut the other 3 sides.

I might add that I'm new though and have no idea what in doing :) and maybe this won't work?

02-15-2013, 09:08 AM
In hindsight, I maybe should have gotten a old woodstove door, but, too stubborn now to quit, not defeated yet.

I think when I weld the checker plate front on, I wil clamp it all down and things may straighten out.

Giving it a break for a coupe days as the gang is leaving today for our last ice fishng trip of the year.

Hope everyone who is tapping that your sap is sweet and runs great for the next 30 days !!



Pete S
02-15-2013, 10:05 AM
IF you can, "tack weld" your pieces in place on a table, or heavy sheet. THEN weld them together. After done welding, use a cutting wheel or grinder to cut if off your table/plate. Should be able to then say; "WHA LA"!

Good luck!

02-15-2013, 10:36 AM
I might add that I'm new though and have no idea what in doing :) and maybe this won't work?

If it swings, It Sings!