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View Full Version : Has anyone ever done AAF (Air After Fire)?

02-13-2013, 07:12 AM
I picked up a used blower that mounts to the exhaust end of a furnace (with significant CFM). Would this be a benefit similar to AOF or AUF? Is it unchartered territory? Granted it doesn't give the nozzle effect of AOF, I would have to modulate it with a dimmer control, and it would likely pull air from any gap that wasn't tightly sealed, but still, do y'all think this could do the trick? The other option is to use this as my air pusher for either/or AOF/AUF. :confused:


02-14-2013, 07:35 AM
Since everyone seems to have an opinion on THIS topic, I guess I'll let you know how it worked.

Tap, tap, tap

Pete S
02-14-2013, 10:28 AM
I am familiar with the blower you have obtained.

From what I know of what that blower is designed to do, and withstand,.........you will ruin it in minutes of the 1000*+ stack temps.

I'm not saying don't try it, but you will (should be) developing crippeling temps if you have your evaporator "tuned in" and rippin'!

02-14-2013, 12:09 PM
Even if it took the temps it wouldnt benefit you. You need the nozzle effect as you call it to create turbulence in the firebox, getting oxygen to unburnt wood gas.

02-14-2013, 05:08 PM
...you will ruin it in minutes of the 1000*+ stack temps.

And THAT, ladies & gentlemen, is why we post questions b4 blindly slapping bits of steel and wire together. Thank you, Pete. I don't know about tuned or rippin, but I can see the electronix cookin in short order. My original idea, when I picked it up, was to do something at the front, now I will surely stick with that plan.