View Full Version : Itchin To Get Going...I Think
Maple In The Woods
02-12-2013, 08:40 PM
Thought I'd give an update for Peru, ME. I tapped a 14" maple for a test southeast facing that gets sun most of the day on Sunday. This tree is always a "good runner" and it ran a bit Sunday then the wind and clouds shut it down today not much for sap. I think were close but not enough sun and warmth to thaw the trees, not until were in the 38 plus degree days more frequently with sun. I'm watching the weather but probably tap the weekend of the 23rd unless it warms like last year.
My Hobby??? I think?
2010 -120 Taps Gravity
2011 - 332 Taps Gravity
2012 - 350 Gravity and a loving wife
Homemade 2X6 Evaporator
Good to know. Thanks for sharing the info on your test tree. It's good to know we are not missing much yet. I am in Richmond Maine and am feeling jumpy about the warm weather lately. My family will probably tap this weekend or shortly after.
02-13-2013, 06:13 AM
Thanks for sharing your test with us! I'm in southern NH and keep watching the weather forecast - hoping to tap soon. The latest snow hasn't begun to melt off of my backyard arch yet.
02-13-2013, 09:11 AM
Im going to start this weekend here. It will take me the weekend to get all tapped in, of course wading around in hip deep snow in places will slow me down. The next few weeks are looking good, probly wont have any real good runs but atleast I will be all set when the decide to let go. Wishing everbody the best of luck this season with big runs and sweet sap. Josh
Maple Ridge
02-13-2013, 01:33 PM
I am in Turner and I also put in two test taps on Sunday the 10th. It has not dripped much here eather. I will tap the 23rd.
stephen wheeler
02-13-2013, 03:51 PM
Update from the mid-coast. We put in about 20 more taps today. We tapped trees that get pretty good sun exposure. Almost all were running as soon as we drilled. We checked some buckets that were already out. Some were running well, but some of the more shaded trees still seem to be a bit frozen. We plan to boil again this weekend.
good luck to all of you.
02-14-2013, 04:33 AM
To relieve the itch, I will head to the woods and and set the dump tanks, pumps, and plumbing. Will clean my gravity tubbing and position the five gallon buckets. Will tap another test tree as well. Looks like next week will be the official full blown tap date for the entire bush. My bush doesn't get full sun till about 10:30 AM, so it is always a slow start for me. Gitty up go!!!
02-14-2013, 04:33 AM
I've been running some new lines drilling holes in trees since Sunday the 10th. Not much sap till yesterday. Some places were running quite nicely by the afternoon. The snow pack has deminished alot as we got rain here on Monday. By yesterday I left my snow shoes in the truck.
02-14-2013, 05:21 AM
All 95 taps in yesterday & running beautifully. West Rockport, Maine.
Maple Ridge
02-14-2013, 09:15 AM
I was going to wait till next weekend, but the Wife thinks we should tap this weekend. I hate it when she says I TOLD YOU SO. So looks like this week end may be it for me.
02-14-2013, 06:25 PM
Sugar bug finally got to me.....Just put in 23 taps in Gardiner....all but three were running excellent!! Might put some more out this weekend if not next week.
Round Mtn Mapler
02-15-2013, 04:54 AM
150 taps in so far this week.
sap is running good on south facing trees. but on north slope trees there is little to no sap.
Even did my first small boil last night.
I'm going to tap the end of next week. I am sure I missed a little over the last two days, but next week looks to be mostly cold. It would have been nice to get some good sap runs, the wife and kids are off from school next week and I currently don't have any jobs lined up. We could have had some good daytime, low stress, boils.
02-15-2013, 11:10 AM
Spent 4 1/2 hours last night after work cleaning and setting up tanks. Worked in the woods untill 9:30 last night and tapped 125. The ones i tapped earlier in the night ran ok but it got cold last night and by the time i was done nothing was running at all. Today should have a good run...... we will see when i get home. Josh. Winterport ME.
02-15-2013, 07:35 PM
This is good to see, I'm a newbie! I have conflicting opinions from the few people I know that tap. Some are doing it this weekend and others are waiting longer. Ill be tapping in western maine, anyone around Hanover on here tapping this weekend?
02-16-2013, 03:52 AM
If I hadn't been ready to tap last weekend,and couldn't have started till now, I would wait until the long range forecast predicted more warm weather. Next week does not look productive for sap. It's always a crap shoot !
02-16-2013, 08:47 AM
I am in rockport as well. We put in 30 last week and they are all running. Looks like it may slow down this week. Will probably wait to tap more.
Good luck.
02-16-2013, 05:30 PM
I hung thirty five buckets thursday and ran decent that day and yesterday. I think i should have tapped monday because it would have ran tuesday and wednesday too. I boiled last night for a couple hours and got enough sap today to boil another couple hours. Wish it would stay warm. Lookin like i wont boil again until wednesday. Probably hang the rest of my buckets next saturday.
02-18-2013, 10:38 AM
first boil done...2 1/2 gals..tapped feb 12th...some trees running well others still frozen...
02-18-2013, 03:24 PM
Tapped 20 or so today, running even with the cold wind. Had time this weekend so I figured I'd get it done. Tapped a few on Friday that are now blocks of ice in the buckets. Weather looks some what favorable this week. New Mason 2x3 evap in the shack has me anxious to get going. I already boiled down a few gallons last week, with the propane burner and had it on the pancakes this morning, first runs are yummy...
Maple In The Woods
02-21-2013, 09:48 PM
Good to see the enthusiasm this season, as is every season. I tapped about 150 of my 350 taps last week(Friday the 15th) and have about 20 gallons of sap after flushing lines. The weeks been slow I think I'll do the rest this weekend can't do next weekend too busy ...letter Rip mother nature!!! Steady warm up trend but no real scoarchers yet, hopefully a good season.
My Hobby??? I think?
2010 -120 Taps Gravity
2011 - 332 Taps Gravity
2012 - 350 Gravity and a loving wife
Homemade 2X6 Evaporator
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