View Full Version : Acc-u-cup

02-12-2013, 08:24 PM
So I picked up a acc u cup yesterday and I have a few questions. I looked up the web site for the thermometer, (cdn) and I guess my one question is about calibration. (http://www.cdnw.com/sites/default/files/English_DTQ450Xen.pdf) does the ice water work to calibrate at 32 degrees?
My other question is about the temp conversion chart I got. The maple guys printed it. It has the temp and then the degrees brix. How does that work???

02-13-2013, 01:34 PM
So I tried filling the cup up full with ice and then water but I could not get the temp bellow 34????? I hit 39.9 but it still showed err when I tried to calibrate!

02-13-2013, 03:28 PM
I have one and can check when I get home, but does the thermometer go as low as 32°? Have you tried adding boiling water at 212° and adjusting to that? It might be more accurate - as there's a big spread between 32 and 212 and you're looking for accuracy closer to boiling temps anyway. Just a thought.

maple flats
02-13-2013, 04:39 PM
If you use boiling you can use 212 when the barometric pressure at your location is 29.92" mercury. If someone doesn't chime in I'll look at mine at the sugarhouse and then give you an explanation. At this point I only remember that each temperature has a desired hydrometer reading. That is what the reading should show at that particular temperature. As for the Maple Guys printing the chart, the chart also appears in The North American Maple Producers Producer's Manual in a different format. In there is an explanation on the temperature/density relationship.
When using the Accu-cup you only need to match the chart to have syrup at proper density.

02-14-2013, 06:32 PM
Try putting another thermometer in it. You can buy digital thermometers at most grocery stores for very little, 7-8 dollars, or use a dial thermometer (these you would have to calibrate using ice water). If two thermometers read the same then I would be satisfied.

02-14-2013, 07:51 PM
well I was just reading how to calibrate the thermometer how they said to on their web site. If there is a better way I would try it!

02-15-2013, 07:05 PM
So I guess no one else was having the same problem I was, but I got it today!!! The directions say mix three parts ice to one part water, when the temp is below 34 and above 32 hold the cal button and if the temp is below 34 the thermometer will calibrate itself to 32 degrees and your all set to go.. I had to crush the ice and fill the cup up to get the temp below 34

02-26-2013, 04:15 PM
I dont get why its not working???!!!?? I calibrated the accucup the way the directions said to. I went over to a friends who was boiling today and tried to test it out. I filled the cup and emptied it and refilled it again (like it says too) and the temp was 5 degrees under what the auto drawoff was reading. So whats the problem!?!? Im might have to call bascoms tomorrow and figure it out.