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View Full Version : Hanging lines

02-12-2013, 07:40 PM
Is the idea to hang your mainline somewhat in the middle of your trees and the run your 5/16 lines to it. I have pretty much set up most of my trees with taps and sap line but have not conected the tree together yet. Just wondering where to put the main line or if i even need a mainline at all. will have about 80 taps when all done in this area. Its just so spreadout it maybe easier to just use 5/16 to the collection tank. What do you think.......learning alot of stuff the hardway. But thats just fine i guess.. Thank you all

02-13-2013, 06:52 AM
Well yes normally you would run the mainline up the middle of a group of trees and then branch off it to each side with the lateral lines running to your trees. You could run the whole thing on 5/16" as well. If running it all on 5/16" you might want to break the 80 taps into smaller groups and run more than one line, but still have one collection point if possible.

02-13-2013, 08:29 AM
Thank you
This year it just maybe all 5/16 and then add mainline next year if the flow is no good. I had planned on doing a few diffrent lines to the collection tank.. Thanks again.