View Full Version : Who uses pastry buckets?
02-12-2013, 04:17 PM
Scored some pastry filling buckets (boston creme filling, raspberrry jam, etc) from a local donut shop. Cleaned them out with dish detergent, rinsed super well, bleached, and rinsed again using HOT water. They still have "sweet" odor. Anyone have a problem with pastry buckets having an effect on the finished product? I searched the topic and found someone suggest a cup of baking soda dissolved in a full bucket of water and left in the sun then a soak in bleach will cure the odor, but I don't want to invest that kind of time and effort if I don't have to.
Any suggestions?
02-12-2013, 04:34 PM
This will be our first year using buckets from a local bakery, we have cleaned them out the best we can but some still have that raspberry filling sent to them, I will let you know if it affects our finished product as we tapped on 2/9 hopefully all goes well.
02-12-2013, 04:59 PM
For sap they are fine, dont put hot syrup in them.
Man you have allot of bags.. I was gonna use the buckets too but decided on the bags instead.. But I have heard that the bakery buckets can be had for free with lids and all.
02-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Have used pastry buckets for 10 years now. I used hot water to wash them out dissolves all the sugar and sweet left in them. I only use soap if I have to. They work great for spiders from the tree to the bucket with tubing.
02-12-2013, 05:58 PM
Man you have allot of bags.. I was gonna use the buckets too but decided on the bags instead.. But I have heard that the bakery buckets can be had for free with lids and all.
Cant find free buckets anywhere around here. I paid for them when i got them and i just sold all the last of mine to a big producer in green bay. They take way too many days to clean them and dry them, and they take up a ton of room in storage. I will gladly pay $.25 a year for new bags. I can store 46 sack holders in 1 5 gallon pail so that is a big plus. End of the year we cut off 600 bags, washed, sanitised, and dried them in 3 hours with 2 people.
02-12-2013, 06:41 PM
bakery bucketts are what ive used for years.get them and the lids for free,the 4 gallon ones are perfect! ran them threw the dish washer 4 at a time when i first got them and have never had a problem.i put 2 taps per bucket with tubing threw the center of the lid.i use the 2 piece leader connecters sealed into the center and havent had any problems with water or dirt getting in,sap is clear as water and super clean
02-12-2013, 07:10 PM
i used bakery buckets last year also, i do remember my first batch of syrup was very light in color and had a fruity taste to it.
02-12-2013, 07:15 PM
I do, get them for a buck with lids. its worth it but we only need about 30. never had a taste or smell problem and she doesn't mind cleaning them the first time Because they smell good.
I have about a 150 bakery buckets that have had all sorts of different bakery products in them. I just rinse them out real good. I have never had a problem with the sap tasting or smelling funny. I would not worry about it.
02-15-2013, 08:35 AM
Well in glad to see in not the only one inquiring about this. This will be my first season and I had this same question. Judging by the bulk of replies I guess I'm going to do a hot rinse and run with it??
Yeah I would not worry about it either. Heck I have used a 275 gallon plastic tote that originally contained pop syrup. Even after 3 years of use it still smells like Dr Pepper inside but it has never introduced any off-flavor into my sap or syrup.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
02-15-2013, 10:39 AM
I have gathered up well over 1000 buckets and just hot rinse and never had a problem.
02-15-2013, 07:08 PM
All we do is rinse and use. Just dont ever get any buckets that have had pickles. We have bleached many times and they still smell of pickles. Oh well they will work for garden stuff
02-17-2013, 06:55 PM
Yep - Have used 4 and 5 gallon bakery product buckets, 5 gallon pickle buckets, Pickle barrels for storing sap. Have hung Milk jugs, Coffee cans, plastic mayonassie containers etc on the trees.....If it has had food in it - I probably have used it over the years. On storage barrels - I give them a good cleaning Inside and out and then scrub with a brush and hot water and liquid soap and rinse. Anything that has held pickles - I usually wash twice. Odd thing with plastic containes that have held pickles in them - the odor lingers - however it dosen't carry over to the maple syrup. Now for collecting sap - I now use mostly drop tubes into 4 and 5 gallon buckets thru the lids. I have used coffee cans with the lids on and slit with a small hole near the rim and hung on a Grim spile hook to collect sap. LOL Funny --- I am the only Backyarder in North America that has collected sap in Coffee Cans that will admit to it....Rink Mann is my Hero and John Wayne is second place. I know - I know - Who the heck is Rink Mann and John Wayne - That - my young fellow sugarmakers - will remain my secret. lol - Have a Great Season. ---Mike---
backyard sugaring
02-17-2013, 08:33 PM
Ausable, I agree with you on Rick Mann being a hero being a backyarder myself. I bought a cleaner at brewer store you mix yourself and it cleans really well. Doing it over again I would rather go buy new buckets. Good Luck all of you. Lee
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