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View Full Version : Thermostat switch for vacuum pump ??

02-11-2013, 07:06 PM
I have a surge vac pump that has a 5hp electric motor on it, Im trying to figure out the best way to turn it on/off with a t-sat since there will be nobody around to turn it on/off... any input or thoughts??? Thank You??

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-11-2013, 07:27 PM
honeywell has a temp setting you set with a differential of 3 to 15 deg below what you original setting is. So if you set it to turn on at 34deg you then have the option of having it turn off at 3 to 15 below. usually run it long enough to where sap will either be sucked out of the lines or start freezing so it doesnt get pulled back into your tap holes

02-11-2013, 07:57 PM
Flat lander sugaring is right about the thermostate, But you will need a motor starter to tun the unit on and off. I would recomend a hand,off, auto unit. They are at your local supply house and are horsepower rated and can work with your t-stat. I've hooked them up in the past and they work well.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-12-2013, 04:42 AM
Flat lander sugaring is right about the thermostate, But you will need a motor starter to tun the unit on and off. I would recomend a hand,off, auto unit. They are at your local supply house and are horsepower rated and can work with your t-stat. I've hooked them up in the past and they work well.
Thanks PJ I got tunnel vision on the t stat wasnt thinking about starting the motor.

02-12-2013, 05:22 AM
We have been useing a DuroStat digital display thermostat we got from FarmTek (catalog order) for 3 seasons without any problems. You can get them for $90.00 + shipping. Easy to use. Just google FarmTek and you can see pics and info on them. Good luck

02-12-2013, 06:34 PM
rhino...do you use a motor starter with this durostat, i see there are rated up to 30amps at 120v ???

02-13-2013, 05:25 AM
jbraun, We don't use a motor starter in our set up, We run a 3 horse and never had any problems. If i had it all hooked up already i would have you come and take a look at it but with the extended cool temps forecasted, i hate to have that equipment sitting along the road longer then it has to. From Athens, our woods is around 30 miles north on hwy 102 near Rib Lake. Not sure if a motor starter is important if you want your motor to last along time or what? All i know is that when it hits 32 degrees it starts the pump, and when it hits 28 degrees it shuts off. For a $90.00 investment, it sure saves time and gas and you know your pump is running. (if nothing else fails). You should see if FarmTek has a return policy and it they do, i would try one and see if it works in your application. I can't see why it wouldn't if it works for us?

Greenwich Maple Man
02-13-2013, 05:47 AM
To make this a little more complicated, anybody have any thought on doing this with a gas powered pump . The engine has electric start . Also it is in a building so would need to set the thermostat outside , because the building gets warm when everything is running .

02-13-2013, 05:51 PM
Rhino, I think thats the way to go, I have to test my 5hp motor to see how many amps it draws at start up..I have heard of people using a Johnson Control a419 t-stat but you will fry it if you dont use some kinda of starter of mag switch to absorb the amps at start up...this durostat says it is rated up to 30amps....I think I know were your at ......were YY and 102 merge on that curve....I get threw there sometimes for my work and seen the tubing in the woods....

02-14-2013, 06:13 AM
jbraun, Yep, thats where we are located. We buy power from a neighbor for the months of March and April if you are wondering how we power the vac pump when there is no power lines there. Hope the Durostat does a great job for you as it does for us.

02-15-2013, 07:30 PM
Rhino what model #? Is it 102720? Thanks, Paul

02-15-2013, 09:21 PM
Paul, Thats the stock number that FarmTek uses for the same DuroStat we use. The 3 buttons you see on the face of the unit is the mode button (to get temperature settings flashing) and then your up and down buttons to change the degree settings. Simple to use.