View Full Version : had a visitor who is headed home

maple flats
05-02-2006, 08:55 PM
Banjo came to visit today, looked at how my old evap worked and looked at my new rig. After that he came to my home for supper and some great conversation. We talked and ate for hours, gave him a container with 3-4 fruit trees to plant and he was on his way home with a 3-4 hr drive ahead. It amazes me how nice all MapleTrader members are. If anyone needs to know anything about maple we now can answer all questions because we studied every aspect of making maple. I truly enjoyed the opportunity to meet yet another Trader. I sure hope Banjo gets across the border and back into Ontario with the fruit trees what with the current state of affairs on border crossings but if they don't pass some border guards will have some fine fruit trees to plant in their own yard. They were peaches and nectarines of unknown cross pollination.

maple flats
05-03-2006, 04:44 AM
Banjo sent me an email, he got home safely but had to dump the soil in the trees.

05-03-2006, 08:01 PM
Well Dave is the master of understatement, and I'd like to thank him a whole lot for showing me his equipment and sharing what he's learned as he's grown his operation. For someone new to the evaporator game, seeing one in operation (with water at this time of year) was a great help. I was very suprised at how quickly we went from a cold empty evaporator, to plenty of steam coming out. It's quite clear that a 2x6 is a VERY different kettle of fish from a 14" diameter pot on a propane burner :lol: . His "new" 3x8 raised flue pans look like quite the "machine", and I can't wait to hear how it operates. It was interesting to appreciate more of the (perhaps subtle) differences between drop and raised flues. In comparing Dave's two rigs it was interesting to see how the raised flues could continue much further out to the sides of the pan, without interfering with the side of the arch.

As Dave (sort of) said, we then enjoyed a great supper. I'd like to thank Joan for tremendous spirit, truly remarkable for someone who could so easily be feeling sorry for themselves with battling cancer. We had a lot of fun talking peach trees, and I'm glad to report that all that was required to get them into Canada was a quick return trip through US customs where they were happy for me to add the rich soil that the trees were potted in to their raised flower beds in front of the booth's. I repotted them quickly this morning before I went out and they seem to be unaware of the short "naked" time. We'll plant them "properly" this weekend, likely in the apple orchard we started last year. I'm looking forward to seeing how they make out.

It's worthy of comment that it never ceases to amaze me how forums like this one are able to bring people together who share common passions, and how well you can get to "know" someone without meeting them in the formal sense of the word. It's a special treat when you're able to meet face to face, as was the case with Dave. It turned out that delivering my Dad to the Syracuse airport was a great opportunity.

Thanks again Dave (and Joan).

cheers, Andrew

PS. Also worth mentioning that I had a great visit with Eugene (CheeseGenie) the other week as well. I'll be seeing him again, as it also turned out that we could help each other out with some farm equipment trading too. Luckily it's much less of a drive to his place from mine.

I have contacted a few other members and hope to be able to meet a few of them soon too. It's been such a great help to get me the understanding I need to either make or know what type of evaporator to aim for for next year. I sure hope I'll be able to help others out sometime as well.

05-03-2006, 08:20 PM
Yes it was a pleasure to meet Andrew(Banjo).I don't think the maple
season really ends.Today I bought off Ebay, a little gas tapper, I
don't need it that bad, but looked cute and cheap, at least cheap
untill the last hours of the sale. Also glad Andrew made it across with the trees,
next time try some "sugar maples".