View Full Version : Tapped in Bellingham

02-11-2013, 04:46 AM
Tapped Sunday and surprised to see that all lines running full bore. Thought it would atke a day or two of warmer weather to get things moving. The season begins.:)

02-11-2013, 08:26 PM
i had a great day, although tapping in the snow is one heck of a workout!! i was very surprised to see the taps running as well as they were, even our reds were running real well! this should be a great week for runs..

Starting Small
02-11-2013, 08:38 PM
Foursap-do you have gravity or vac? Thanks,


02-12-2013, 08:19 PM
all of our tubing is gravity, most of it has a pretty good slope, so some natural vacuum occurs.

we put our collection barrels out yesterday afternoon, and collected this afternoon. we got 90 gallons of sap!!! i think we have about 150 (or so, no official count yet) taps on our tubing, so not a bad run for the first day!!

02-12-2013, 09:43 PM
Not bad? That's awesome! You'll be boiling before the weekend!

I'll try to swing down there soon.


02-16-2013, 05:33 AM
boiled Thu night and Fri night, had our first draw-off, 1.5 gals of grade A Fancy!! also collected 170 gals of sap in 36 hours. i have to get in the woods and count out taps, but we should be right around 200 again this year.

i sure hope the rest of the season is like this!

02-16-2013, 12:43 PM
foursap, i am in north smithfield rhode island and want to move on to gravity tubing this year. i have plans to go to bascombe wednesday to get supplies and tap right away. would you mind if i stop in and see your setup. i have tapped for 5 years now and the buckets are getting too time consuming. it would be nice to see a setup similar to what i am looking to do. we make for family and friends so no competition worries. thanks dave