View Full Version : Started tapping today - Brookline NH

Nodda Duma
02-10-2013, 06:30 PM
With the upcoming above / below freezing weather, I figured it was time to start tapping maple trees.

First couple of years I was here I used buckets and tapped ~20 trees. The first year was a rental, and the second year was at our home we bought, and I thought 20 trees was about all I had. I was quite surprised this past spring when I finally got around to counting and counted 120 trees big enough to tap.

So this year is a big upgrade. I'm using drop lines into main lines and collecting in food barrels to tap ~100 trees. I upgraded my evaporator from turkey fryer to small cast iron stove. I don't expect to keep up evaporating the sap, so the extra will go to Parker's Maple Barn.


[Photo of cast iron stove before being covered by "Blizzard Nemo". Rug rat provided for scale]

I have one main line put in, with about 20 trees tied into it. Hard work, holy cow! Especially in the snow. I cycled through two helpers (my two oldest kids) and was still working when my wife hollered, gave up on yelling at me, then called my cell phone to say it was time for dinner. I'll get another 20 or so tied into that through the week (working in the dark after work). I underestimated the length of the main line and need to order more. I have two more "routes" to run main line.

I'm using Leader's 5/16" taps with check valves in the spout. I like what I read about increased productivity.. We'll see and I'll report back for those who are curious.

I'm hoping to break even vs. the up front cost or get close and make some profit next year. My wife is doubtful and just shakes her head. She doesn't even like syrup... but the kids do. We go through about three gallons per pancake breakfast it seems.

The sap dumps into a 40-gallon food grade bucket. I'm hoping that will be large enough to keep up with daily sap flow. I haven't planned how to get it from the lowest point of my property (where the stove is) to my truck on the higher part of the property, other than to roll it. I'm sure this will come back to haunt me when the barrel is full. I have a vague idea about lawn mower and a trailer.

Here you can see the sap flow from the tree warming in the sun, and a section of main line in the back.


I learned a couple lessons the hard way. One: Be sure you don't cut too much gap in the main line when inserting a four-port tie-in. Especially after you've run the line taught. My forearms cramped up more than once trying to pull the cut mainline together to tie into the pick-up:


[Not funny how much a cut main line shrinks when you try to insert this]

I think I'll get some of those clamp and tap 5/16" tie-ins.

Also learned that if you tell a 5 year old to hold your hammer, chances are that after 15 seconds she'll drop it in the snow, or run off then drop it in the snow.

Nodda Duma
02-15-2013, 05:03 AM
I've tapped a few more trees over the past couple of nights. Sap seems to be flowing pretty good...highlights real well where the droops in the main line are. I was hoping to tap a few more last night but was pulling the main line tighter to minimize the droops. I think I have about 30 trees tapped and tied into the main line now.

I received another spool of main line which I'll route through another part of the woods. This time I'll start running it from the collection point and work my way up to higher areas. I almost ran out of slope on the first one when I started laying it out from the high point down. Should get another 30 trees or so. When I'm done the main lines will be run like the spokes of half a wagon wheel..my property's kind of laid out like an amphitheater (though not that steep).

02-15-2013, 07:36 AM
I've tapped a few more trees over the past couple of nights. Sap seems to be flowing pretty good...highlights real well where the droops in the main line are. I was hoping to tap a few more last night but was pulling the main line tighter to minimize the droops. I think I have about 30 trees tapped and tied into the main line now.

I am just a little more North of you and put in another 24 taps last night around 4PM and the sap was moving for me as well. This is my first year trying tubing, putting 4-5 trees on a run with collection into 5 gallon buckets, I am hopeful I can get enough to boil with the 31 taps I have in place before the freeze up on Sunday.

Are most of your trees Sugars or Reds?

Nodda Duma
02-15-2013, 03:53 PM
I am just a little more North of you and put in another 24 taps last night around 4PM and the sap was moving for me as well. This is my first year trying tubing, putting 4-5 trees on a run with collection into 5 gallon buckets, I am hopeful I can get enough to boil with the 31 taps I have in place before the freeze up on Sunday.

Are most of your trees Sugars or Reds?

Honestly I'm not good at differentiating the different types.. I'll have to look.

Tapped a few more today... 36 now. A coworker was interested so I went over to their place and showed them how to tap for buckets. Holy cow their trees were running. For 5 trees they had already collected about a gallon in the hour I was there. He was all kinds of excited. I counted 35 tappable trees for them. They had no idea.

Nodda Duma
02-15-2013, 05:58 PM
Oops double post

02-19-2013, 12:35 PM
How did you make out last weekend? We got somewhere around 35 gallons of sap last week on 31 taps and made a little more than 72 ounces of syrup. Boiled outside late Saturday afternoon and finished it off in the house Sunday afternoon.

02-19-2013, 05:57 PM
Started to tap out today here. 178 on pipe line and the rest Wednesday for total of 323. No sap yet. Still have snow around tree's and was forty but dropped this afternoon now at 34 with light snow. Ready to rock and roll!

Nodda Duma
02-24-2013, 11:45 AM
So far I have about 20 gallons of sap in the barrel. I'm a little higher up and I don't think the trees get as much sun since the woods are thick. I'll try boiling next weekend or maybe later today.

02-24-2013, 06:38 PM
It's been slow here too. I only have about 12 gallons of sap in the snow bank. I plan on tapping the rest of my trees next week if the temps cooperate with maybe a boil middle to end of the week.