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Three Saps Sugar Shack
02-10-2013, 09:07 AM
i have a pin hole in my flu pan..... and have been waiting patiently for my sheet metal guy to come and tin the hole...but im afraid hes so busy , hes not going to get here before the start of the season... does anybody know a good repair guy in the southern vt area that will travel?

02-10-2013, 11:14 AM
if its soldered why cant you just solder it? i fixed 2 pin holes in my flue pan in about an hour

02-10-2013, 05:20 PM
In a pinch, say you sprung a leak while running, you can sprinkle a little corn meal into the the pan over the leak. It will migrate to the leak and plog it up. Now we are talking temporary fix of a pin hole here. It works like magic. In your case I would get some silver solder, and do the repair myself. If i had never done it before I'd research the procedure on the internet, ask a plumber, or the guy at the welding supply store, and practice on a scrap piece of metal first, then put my skills to the test. Best of luck on the repair an with your season.

Three Saps Sugar Shack
02-11-2013, 09:43 AM
im just a little leery about getting a flame or a red hot iron anywhere near the soldered joints....could be a catastrophic uh oh...

maple maniac65
02-11-2013, 10:05 AM
where is the hole located,. If it is on the bottom of a flue that s any easy fix if you are able to solder. In a corner or up in the valleys I would not attempt it myself but let an expert fix it.