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View Full Version : Is it worth changing to 8" stove pipe from 6"?

02-09-2013, 09:26 PM
I have an evaporator setup that I built and put into an rink shack that already had existing 6" stove pipe leading out of the shack. Im in the process of modifying and improving the evaporator design to increase airflow.

I was suggested somewhere by someone to perhaps consider increasing to 8" stove pipe, but im actually surprised at its expense, Ill need a good 14 feet of it to replace all the existing pipe. plus two elbows Is it really going to make a difference? Would 7" do the trick?

Thanks all

02-10-2013, 02:19 AM
If you are looking at prices of black pipe, you might find galvanized duct pipe a lot cheaper. Galvanized pipe can be an issue if it gets too hot because of the fumes coming off the burning zinc, but you you can use it in the outside part of your stack with no problems. It is cheaper and will last longer there than black pipe.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-10-2013, 05:07 AM
my 2x6 came with 12' of 7", 6" my be a little small. you need the draft for a conventional arch.