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View Full Version : 500 taps in,1500 more to go

02-05-2013, 06:37 PM
2 days down and only a little over 550 in,fixing wind damage and been down a lot ,slipping on the frozen ground and 1" of snow,glad to have the steepest part done,now maybe i can make some head way,o ya,some holes did get wet this afternoon,hopefully i can get in 600 tomorrow

02-05-2013, 07:06 PM
And I thought I had it bad getting in approx. 45-50 taps in afull day. I now wont feel bad next time out doing more. Man that is a lot of taps you do.

Good luck with that.


02-06-2013, 05:18 AM
Better upgrade the turkey if you do 150 taps