View Full Version : great year so far..

02-05-2013, 08:27 AM
Started tapping on 1-17 and as of yesterday we have surpassed the total production of 2012 (17.5 gallons of syrup). Looking for a couple more weeks..but with summer intruding on our winter...that may be a bit difficult.
Seems like today and tomorrow will be the peak for our year, that is if the sun comes out today.

02-05-2013, 09:42 AM
No fair !!

Cold, snowing and blowing here in Sault Canada, border town to Sault Michigan.

Just dying to tap, burn and boil.

Great to hear your season is better than than expected, hope we all do geat.


03-28-2013, 11:36 AM
Finished our season on 2-19, it was a banner year for us 1750 gallons of sap that made 33.5 gallons of syrup. The syrup is so much better than last year!