View Full Version : State Money
I heard the state will pay 25% towards a new RO.......Some energy saving program!!!!!!! I hear Leader has the paper work for it, Im sure the other dealers would have it as well.....Not bad if ya get 15% off form the dealer plus the 25%....... 8O 8O .......Im checking on it today....Ill let ya know what i find out........ 8) .Not sure if the other states have any programs like this.....Dont hurt to check......................
I found out it Fereral Money.....The same people who are paying for damages to the sugar bushes who got tore up by the storm last fall......Ill have more info tomorrow....
Fereral ......Federal.........Its worth checking into.... :lol:
NH Maplemaker
04-28-2006, 08:00 PM
Go for it Mike :!: :!: Keep us posted :lol: Jim L.
maple flats
04-28-2006, 08:51 PM
Get as much info as you can and as soon as possible too. The discounts end soon and if the retailers decide many are getting FED help buying the prices will mysteriously go up to negate the benifit. (That is my impression of solar prices, the mfgr or dealers are making more or at least don't need to sharpen their pencils quite as sharp.)
04-29-2006, 04:09 AM
This could be a good and a bad thing. First off the guys with the big bushes could go in and suck out all the money before any of the average producers can. I know of a few people that have alot of damage in there sugarbushes, but instead of going in and cutting the wood and selling the firewood chose to leave it there to rot and won't let anyone in to clean-up. Can tell me they don't have help to cut the wood they have plenty of help for tapping. The second thing is, As with everything else once the feds step in to help they have you, maybe not at first but after a while you would have to use equipment they want you to use, sell syrup at there price, etc. etc. etc.
It could be a good thing getting some help don't get me wrong, but I think there is a lot more things that could use some fed. money. Sugaring is something we all get into for different reasons, but we have to deal with mother nature. I think she is the one to decided on every aspect of sugaring. If everyone had perfect sugarbushes, with high sugar content, then syrup would be very high to perchase. And the little guys would be out of a hobby.
Sorry if i offended anyone, these are just my thoughs.
04-29-2006, 05:29 AM
I was looking over the flyer for Glenn Goodrich's open house and on friday, may 5, at 1pm lynn Millhiser will have a talk entitled "energy effcient equipment grant",,Might have to do with this topic?
04-29-2006, 07:53 PM
You got Parker- I checked into this when I ordered my R/O expansion. You need to do the paperwork before ordering it! The $ come from an energy efficiency pool for the entire nation. It appeared to be a ton of paperwork, enegy audits, financial disclosures,.... etc.
04-29-2006, 09:27 PM
and then you have Uncle Sam sticking his nose in your business too much. :x
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