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View Full Version : 1st Time Running Tubing Pics and Videos!

02-04-2013, 04:08 PM
Ok so last year I went from a Turkey Fryer to my Last Boil on my New Leader Half-Pint...

This year I am running 5/16" Tube on Gravity hoping for Natural Vacuum!

No Videos yet but unless the weather Forecast Changes by the end of the week I will be tapping this weekend and should have Video up by this Sunday!

For now some Pics.

1st Thing I have done was made a Manifold for my tubeline to my 3 Stoarge Containers, All New Food Grade, 150 Gallons Total:


Close Up of the 1st Container where the Tube Enters my Sugarhouse:


Today I pre-made all the Fittings so All I have to do is connect them together for the mainline and then run the drops from the tree taps. Hoping to Tap this Saturday!


Stay Tuned for Updates!!! :cool:

02-04-2013, 04:23 PM
Good luck Don.
Hope to see any video you can get for us.
I call your videos my "FIX" until I can get going. Hope the weather co-operates for you this weekend.


02-04-2013, 04:27 PM

I wanna run out there and Tap now but no warm-up until Friday and I have to wait for my Camera Man to get home from school so I may wait til Saturday so we have lots of daylight even though I think it's gonna go pretty smooth and quick!

02-06-2013, 08:55 AM
The weather forecasts look to be only a 2 day warmup then back to below freezing...

Grrrr... I think I am gonna hold off and use the 2 warm days to clean the sap containers and my Syrup Pan...and if the 10 day changes and says it's gonna stay warm I can throw up the Tube/Taps on Monday...

02-06-2013, 05:45 PM
I wish I could run it right in the tank in the house!

02-08-2013, 04:07 PM
I am in Midland , Mi and the new taps,I put in today are dripping. I have some that I did 10 days ago and the tubes are full there is a wet spot around the tap,hole, but its not dripping. I assume some of the fittings are still frozen, otherwise I'd have some sap.

Is this the case? Do the trees supply the sap but the fittings stay frozen? And then the tap hole leaks? Or is this something else?

I did connect multiple tap,holes together and ran them into gathering containers.

02-08-2013, 05:02 PM
You might have hit the taps too hard with the hammer and split the tree around the tap hole a bit. Everthing I've read here says to leav it that way and hope for the best cause trying to fix it will cause more harm than good. Once things thaw out a bit on a warmer Sunny Day you should be ok...

I musta needed sleep cause I never heard my Alarm at 1:30pm... BLAH! First thing Tomorrow the taps are going in! Midnights shift sucks some times!