View Full Version : Cookstove modification

Kyle Baker
02-02-2013, 09:06 AM
Last year was my first year trying my hand at making syrup. It went well with my quickly thrown together setup, but I know I can do better.


This wood fired cookstove has to be loaded through the openings in the top, so I kept the boil going in my large stainless stock pot with no cover below it for direct flame, then I kept the cover on the front with a smaller warming pot and would just remove it to feed when needed.

I've got about 14" x 20" of total top space that can be opened up that I would like to set a steam pan on to give me larger surface area and hopefully increase the boil off rate.

Has anyone ever converted a cook stove like this by cutting an opening in the front of the firebox and possibly making a little hinged door for it? I'm sure it could be done. Just curious if anyone has tried before.

I'm getting excited already for the upcoming season :)
Happy sugaring everyone


Kyle Baker
02-09-2013, 12:45 PM
Well, I don't know if this should now be in the DIY section or not, but here is how I made out.
Marked hole and drilled corners with 1/8" bit. Then cut lines with zip cut.

Made door out of 3/16" plate and attached hinge, then fastened hinge to stove through an existing hole.


Just needs a latching handle now.

02-09-2013, 01:18 PM
Nice job.Can you install a gasket on the flat of the door,you don't want the heat leaking out the door.More to boil with.Keep us posted how it all works out!

Kyle Baker
02-09-2013, 01:24 PM
Good idea Jamie... I'll see what I can do about that. I'm also planning on fastening the piece of cast iron that I cut out on the inside of the door to fill the hole inside. Would help take the heat.
Probably having air leaking in the door wouldn't hurt too much... More air = more heat. I burn cedar.
I also have to get some brick to stack around the pan.

02-09-2013, 03:18 PM
Thats a great economic set-up, great for you.

Is the pan sitting on totally open space for the flame to lick it?
I counld't tell from the pics. Love the clear photos too, nice job !!


02-09-2013, 05:58 PM
LIke it!!

Judging by what you have done, I do believ you are hooked now!!! No doubt about it!!:) You will be spending lot of cash over the next few years all all sorts of "stuff" that you will surly need!!! :)

02-09-2013, 07:39 PM
Kyle, You want the air to come up from under the wood not through the door. I think your setup should work pretty well.

Kyle Baker
02-09-2013, 11:19 PM
Ya, the top has removable covers and I have it as one big open rectangle under the pan for this year. Last year I used a stock pot on the back burner and fed cedar through the front. This set up should have a way better boil off rate.
The cook stove has a grate in the middle for ashes to fall through, so air can come up from below into the firebox making it a great little stove.
I'm more than doubling my number of taps this year so things may get out of hand in the next few years if I'm not careful! Still a small hobby though. Aiming for 30 taps this year. What a fun hobby :)