View Full Version : 150 Gallons Storage Pic of Tube Manifold

01-31-2013, 12:29 AM
I now have two 55 gallon and one 40 gallon storage bin for a total of 150 Gallons.

I'll be running 15 taps on gravity to shoot for natural vacuum and this manifold lets me dump it in all 3 bins or I can close two and leave one open!

Here's the Manifold...


Here's where it comes inside from the 5/16 Line (Connection Outside)


All my tube fittings and supplies come tomorrow but I think I am still gonna wait at least a week to tap...

maple flats
01-31-2013, 03:40 AM
If filling all 3 how will you get the sap to not all favor the 1st container? Actually, 15 taps on a 55 will be plenty most if not all days. When I had some individual tubing systems on gravity, I had as many as 30 taps on a 55 gal bbl and felt real good when the bbl was over half full in a day. On real good days I got maybe 3/4 full, never over full. (however, I had no or almost no natural vac, thus the reason for my name of maple flats)

01-31-2013, 07:24 AM
Im doing somthing kinda like that for a head tank..... just temp for this year. theses are not the barrels im using these where jus6514t for the mock up.

Dennis H.
01-31-2013, 07:51 AM
Neat setup with the 3 bins. Very easy to keep clean with those lids.

Hey boondocker, make sure you have those barrels vented. I tried something similar for sap hauling and I just loosened the top bungs when I went to fill them with a pump, well one time I forgot to loosen it and was trying to figure out why I could pump much of any sap into it.

01-31-2013, 11:46 AM
I can't boil every day with my regular job so I may have to store sap til the weekend hence the 3 Barrels...

There's 3 Valves and if I close any two then the one barrel with the open valve gets the sap. If the front barrel is full then I close that valve and no more sap goes in that barrel...

01-31-2013, 08:50 PM
There is a 2" hole in the top of each barrel for those fill pipes. I tested everything tonight and it all worked perfect.