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View Full Version : Thinner steel near rar of unit ?

01-30-2013, 09:21 AM
I am reluctant to post a pic of my pathetic arch after seeing the wonderful arch pics here, lol. I am trying to build a small arch and have a question about the steel thickness towards the rear of the unit, after the firebox area. I do have thicker steel planned for the firebox space, but wonder if I can use thinner, more workable steel for the ramp sides, bottom and where the stack will sit?

I did order ceramic blanket so all sides and bottom steel will be protected if that helps answer my question. I also will be useing firebrick up to the ramp and maybe a row or two on the ramp section.

Here is a basic pic if it helps.

Input welcome.



01-30-2013, 10:34 AM
I used 20 or 22 gauge steel on the sides and bottom, everywhere but the front. No need to use thick steel if you're using firebrick or insulation.