View Full Version : Binghamville Forest 2006 vital stats

04-25-2006, 12:28 AM
I had been hearing from all over that many did not have that great a year. I for one thought it was great, especially comming off one of the worst seasons in recent memory in 2005. I tried to keep close tabs on volumes and times throughout the season and came up with seasonal averages for everything. There were a few boils where I fired just right and bumped up to 7.1 gal/hr on the evap rate, but the long term average seemed a much more realistic number. Now without further adew...(how do you spell adew?).....

Total number of taps = 63

Total sap collected = 475 gal.

Total syrup made = 12 gal

Sap to Syrup ratio = 39.58 gal sap/gal syrup

Syrup to tap ratio = 1.52 pints

Total boiling time = 74.5 hours

Average evaporation rate = 6.38 gal/hr

Total volume of beer consumed = 2793 ounces

Total beer to syrup ratio = 3.64 gal. beer/gal syrup

Disclaimer - proprietor not responsible for any misrepresentations or unauthorized use of the aforementioned vital statistics as some numbers tend to get fuzzy midway through a boil as evidenced by the beer volume consumed. It also should be noted that several persons of sketchy moral character assisted in the accumulation of some of the above statistics. If there are any questions pertaining to the authenticity of these calculations, I can be reached at the Betty Ford Clinic. The number is in the book!

04-25-2006, 06:51 AM
Well looks like like you did very well especially in the beer catagory(?) Looks like you had a good syrup year also.
We had a great year and looking forward to next year already. My youngest Sam want's to know when we're tapping already. We gave his school some syrup and candy. Did you ever see a bunch of 4 year olds after they've had maple candy? Whew! Glad I was leaving! :lol:
Take care

Russell Lampron
04-25-2006, 05:07 PM

Thats an odd number for the ounces of beer consumed. Did somebody spill one? In my guestamation that comes out to about 13 18 packs. The money you get back from redeeming those will give you a little profit this year.


05-03-2006, 09:59 PM
Al...had me laughin with the 4 year olds on maple candy! I can see that perfectly. Lucky you escaped unscathed! I still have to get up that way soon. It's not like it is very far! Maybe when I get the Harley out....It would be a nice short ride.

Russ....my numbers for beer included some home brew, so a few ounces here or there are not so rough estimates. Lucky for me, most of my friends are drunks! Kept me from burning myself again this year! :oops:

I am trying to include a picture or two of everyone that made it up my way this year, along with a couple of pics of the view from my front portch. Mansfield was beautiful as always this spring with the snow on top. Pretty soon the rest of the evergreens blocking the entire range will be down so the view will also be there from the sugar shack. it is truely great to be alive.

05-04-2006, 08:20 AM

That is the best bunch of photos I've seen in a very long time!!! They truely capture the whole essence of what a great hobby and fun time maple sugaring is for everyone....two and four legged alike. :D :D

You are absolutely right.."it is truely great to be alive"...
