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View Full Version : Dry Type Defoamer Holder Help

Springfield Acer
01-29-2013, 07:27 PM
I bought a dry defoamer holder that is supposed to hang in the sap pan above the sap level and when a foam situation occurs, it touches the defoamer and stops it in its tracks. It did not come with any instructions at all and I assume that it is bent to hang over the edge at the proper height.
The holder is a thin strip of stainless 1-1/2" wide with a cup, one inch round and one inch deep welded on the strap near the end.
Does anyone know how this is installed and how well it works?

01-29-2013, 08:19 PM
I tried this many years ago. It worked ok, hanging it in there the way you're thinking. But it seemed like the defoamer would get used up almost all at once. Speaking with other sales reps, they made good sense in that if you're getting that much foam, it's already too much. So I gave it up and went back to adding the liquid every few minutes. Now I have an auto dripper, which works great, once you get it dialed in where it should be.

Hopefully you'll have better luck with it than I did!

01-29-2013, 08:28 PM
It works pretty much the way that you described. You hang it about a inch above the sap in the pan. Fill the cup about half full with de-foamer and be careful with it. You want to be sure you don't have an accident and dump it into the sap. It works really well, as the bubbles rise and hit the de-foamer the bubbles settle right down. Don't be afraid when the cup fills with sap/syrup this is normal. You will find it will solidify after it cools down.

Springfield Acer
01-29-2013, 08:55 PM
It seems obvious, but just to be sure, I assume that the strip is bent at the bottom so that the cup is vertical.
If so, I assume that the top of the cup is at one inch above the sap.

01-29-2013, 10:36 PM
If you are meaning bending the strip so that the top of the cup in horizontal with the sap, then yes. You have to experiment with the height, to find out what works best for you, but i would start at about an inch from the top ridge of the cup.

01-30-2013, 06:48 AM
I used the power for years and found it easier just take a little between your fingers every once in awhile and throw it in the steam a way. In your case the flu pan. It doesn't take much and if you do it on a regular basis you will hardly ever have trouble in the syrup pan.