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View Full Version : smoke stack design problem

01-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Hi everyone
I decided to "graduate" this year from my 2 X 4 flat pan to a drop flue pan. I had a 2 X 5 drop flue pan locally made and it is a beautiful piece of workmanship. I decided to tackle the arch myself and practice my MIG skills and had a Homer Simpson moment. The arch design is similar to the Davy Jones model on Trimble 3-D and I made the smoke stack base 24 " W x 10 " L x 24 " high and tapered it to 12 " W X 10 " L at the top to accomodate an 8 " smoke stack. I forgot to allow for the nice rolled edge on the rear of the pan which sticks out 1 1/2 " (insert D'oh !! here) so I can either cut off this edge and use my existing base or build a new shorter (approximately 10 " high) base which won't taper but will accomodate an 8 " stack or build a new tapered smoke stack base which will accomodate a 6 or 7 " stack. With bricking over board I have approximately 1 1/2 " clearance from the bottom of the flues. Any help would be great.

01-29-2013, 02:23 PM
Thinking about it more I could taper a new base but it would only be 8-10 " high while needing to be 24 " wide and 8 1/2 " long. I just wonder if this would allow sufficient flow.

01-29-2013, 03:51 PM
I wouldn't touch the pan.

What about tilting you existing base backwards a couple of degrees to clear the edge of the pan, then straightening it back out in the first section of pipe? A little tapered filler piece on the bottom on both sides and a straight piece across the front should give you enough tilt to clear the lip. Might be easier overall.

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-29-2013, 05:00 PM
forced air? if it is just drop the round sack right on to base, like all the new style forced air units.

Flat Lander Sugaring
01-29-2013, 05:44 PM
here's what I did, right or wrong, forced air gotta find the easiest way out. first couple pics, the album is my whole arch build


01-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Thanks folks
No, it is a natural draft though I hope to add AUF for 2014 season. Really liked the album of the arch build Flat Lander, it gave me some good ideas for the next time. I didn't think of angling the existing stack base so I'll see what I can McGuyver together cause it would sure save alot of time. Thanks again guys.