View Full Version : avreage tap time

01-28-2013, 06:59 PM
What is the average time(date) when sap starts to run I live just south of Albany , just wondering

01-28-2013, 07:54 PM
Sometime from early January (2012) to late March (2007 I believe).

My taps go in the last weekend of February. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I miss. But if I miss I don't miss by much. Valentines day is a popular date as well... just to tell the wife that.

01-28-2013, 08:37 PM
and the farther North you go, the later in the spring it starts. i.e. I live in Northville about an hour NW of you. Typically the normal tapping date is last week of Feb but be tapped by March 1. I plan on tapping on Feb 23 (weather depending). Last year I tapped on Valentines Day and my first boil wasent until the 21st and that was a warm spring

01-29-2013, 05:57 AM
I am going to start around presidents weekend,traditionally that is when i tap,except last yr,we were boiling feb 7th due to open winter,this last cold spell has froze the tree's up,it will take a couple warm days for the sap to run,meaning the tree's will have to un thaw for them to run right