View Full Version : 4th Annual NH Intermediate Maple sugaring workshop

01-25-2013, 12:34 PM
Date: February 23rd, 2013
Location: Rocks Estate, Bethlehem NH

for a brochure, click here: http://extension.unh.edu/fwt/docs/FINALIntermediateMapleSugaringWorkshop.pdf

to register online: http://bit.ly/MapleSugaring


Are you a hobby or backyard maple producer and thinking about upgrading or expanding
your operation?

Or are you new to this traditional New England
pastime and want to dive right in?

Come to this hands-on workshop where the
following topics will be covered:

• Sugarhouse design and safety
• “Professional” evaporator designs and sizing
• Tubing fundamentals
• Filtering and canning options
• Small/medium sized vacuum systems
• Sugarbush management
• On-line resources and equipment suppliers
This class will be in the sugarhouse and outside in the woods, so please dress accordingly.