View Full Version : Squirrel control?

01-23-2013, 02:39 PM
For what it is worth:

"...Try shaving cream. Squirrels hate it!...They hate the smell of shaving cream, and hate the smell of aftershave even more. ..."

Southern Ohio Forestry Association News letter, Jan 13.

Mike in NY
01-23-2013, 03:06 PM
I bought my 14 yr old a 12 gauge single shot and he pegged a couple, but weren't to happy about it. Upgraded him to a 20 ga pump action and he de-squirelled us by at least 50 this summer.Do not see the little bas terds using our saplines for a high wire act like we used to so either he has made a dent in their population or they have decided this is not a healthy environment in wich to reside.

Daves Maple Farm
01-23-2013, 06:48 PM
My 12 ga works fine but you have ta think. Looked out back door to see tree rat on bird feeder,
followed by big bang, blew hell out of tree rat as well as bird feeder! Wifen now has new 12.00 bird feeder!:emb:

shane hickey
01-23-2013, 08:14 PM
That is to funny at least you got the **** squirrel.

shane hickey
01-23-2013, 08:29 PM
My 12 ga works fine but you have ta think. Looked out back door to see tree rat on bird feeder,
followed by big bang, blew hell out of tree rat as well as bird feeder! Wifen now has new 12.00 bird feeder!:emb:

Heres a thought for ya build the birds house out of steel so
You shoot at it numerous times.

01-24-2013, 07:17 AM
I’ve been after the gal at my local sugaring supply house to procure some squirrel eliminating high explosives, but she ain’t havin’ any of it. Keeps muttering on about the BATF, prison terms, and all that rot.

We are in cahoots to develop something that will stay below the radar, not arouse so much interest from the Feds, and maybe save a few tree crowns (not to mention several yards of tubing), yet every time I visit it seems she’s completely forgotten about her end of the research.

Rich, I tell her, we could get rich off such a product, but she just smiles and pats me on the head, all the while ringing up a couple rolls of 5/16.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was actually in cahoots with the squirrels.

01-27-2013, 07:25 PM
one time i was coon hunting out of state and we hunted a sagebrush. saw some plat forms out of wood with rat traps. asked the guy what they were for and he said squirrel. i just use my 12 ga.

01-30-2013, 11:24 AM
I have alot of Squirrels... so I gotta ask... do they just walk on the hoselines or do they chew them or something else?

Cause the wife won't like it but I have a .22 LR, 22. Mag and 2 12 gauges and Squirrel Control would give me something to do before I can tap in a week or two...:lol:

01-30-2013, 12:47 PM
I have used my crossbow a few times, great practise..... cheap arrows, upland game tips and have a ball. Only during hunting season though. They are not a real problem for me really, not yet anyway. I will see now with a lot of tubing going up lately.


01-30-2013, 01:26 PM
Thanks Terry! You mentioned Crossbow and I forgot about my Fall Turkey with a crossbow video...also I put up my Buck and my Dad's Buck video in the Sugar Inn too...