View Full Version : Western NY
01-15-2013, 06:17 PM
It's going to be cold here for at least the next 15 days. I will look at tapping with the next prolonged warm up. Cleaning up the shack and getting everything ready for now.
01-15-2013, 07:09 PM
Is this your first year with the Water guy R/O ?
01-21-2013, 11:44 AM
looking at the 10 day forecast, it appears the begining of next week looks decent. i will probably go through with plans to start tapping on sat/sunday and hope the weatherguys are right. still alot to do but have to make hay when the sunshines or at least you have the time to!! if my taps do not run for a week i will at least have a head start and will be able to finish up my "chores" before the boiling begins.
Are you concerned about drilling that hole and not having the taps run for a week? i.e. once you drill bacteria starts to close the hole up..
concord maple
01-21-2013, 02:02 PM
It's going to be cold here for at least the next 15 days. I will look at tapping with the next prolonged warm up. Cleaning up the shack and getting everything ready for now.
Just looked at the long range from the weather channel and they show the next week with consistent temperatures above freezing is after the second weekend in Feb. There are a few days above freezing scattered throughout the next few weeks but nothing to get excited about. Trees will be good and frozen after this coming week and weekend at least in these parts.
01-21-2013, 03:57 PM
I used the waterguys RO for 2 years and now I have a Lapierre Turbo 125.
The waterguys RO was ok for the price. It is not for a big producer and customer service was not solid to say the least. They know little about the maple industry but they make a decent hobby/small producer RO. It saved me a lot of time and firewood for 2 years but I wish that i would have just gone with an industrial RO from the start.
Looks like Feb. 14th or so until we get enought warm weather around here to make it worth tapping. Perfect timing as I am still working on projects around the shack.
01-21-2013, 05:40 PM
if the forecast changes i will not tap, but if it is decent i will tap 1/3 or so of my trees to try to catch any early runs. i am actually more concerned tapping into frozen wood than the holes closing up. if it is still to cold i ahve alot of firewood to cut so i can keep myself busy.
02-13-2013, 06:40 PM
Put up 30 buckets today (2/13) to see if anything was moving and almost all were running! I'm gonna have a busy next couple of days!
concord maple
02-14-2013, 08:43 PM
Looking at weather looks like next weekend 2/23 for this area. One day this coming week above 32. Over a foot of snow coming this weekend. Other than last year, this year is right back on schedule as the previous years.
A foot of snow coming this weekend? Huh???
concord maple
02-15-2013, 11:36 AM
Just watched local news at noon and 6-12 in persistent lake effect areas by Sunday night. One day above freezing next week. Still looks like the last week of Feb. Some guys around here are getting ready but I havent seen steam coming from sugarhouses yet.
02-15-2013, 12:49 PM
adk, he's talking about lake effect. the area south of buffalo is snow belt country, springville sits smack in the middle of that. i live right at the edge of the lake effect area, i get hit sometimes but not as bad as further west. we have virtually no snow on the ground right now but 40-50 miles away they 12-18 inches, one of my friends has about 4-5 inches of snow and i have little to none. they are calling for up 18" this weekend in the persistent snow belts. you could not pay me enough to move into that snow belt, if you do like to snowmobile or plow for a living it's great, but winter can last 7 months of the year there, it sucks. it is beautiful country but they can keep the snow.
02-15-2013, 07:54 PM
Collected 25 gallons from 35 taps this afternoon in West Falls. Not great, but not terrible.
02-15-2013, 08:01 PM
14 gal from 430pm yesterday til 300pm today on 15 taps, all reds, hamburg,ny
02-15-2013, 10:12 PM
just finished my first boil, had to draw off, bascially empty my pan with about 5 1/2 gallons still in it but with sap not running i did not have anything to chase the sweet. so i shut it done early and will finish it tomorrow, thought i had between 50-60 gallons of sap, but it tested 2.7% on the hydrometer, so i should get about 1.5 to 1.75 gallons of syrup. i probably would have boiled it down it down to about 3 to 3.5 gallons and then filled the pan with sap if the sap were running, maybe in 7-10days i can boil again. i was pretty happy with gph went from 50-60 down to 5 1/2 in about 3hrs15min, had it boiling in a little less than 10 minutes(started with some slush in buckets). i will clean my"shack" the pan, and my tanks this week and wait on mother nature.
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
02-16-2013, 08:44 PM
Finished tapping and running a few lines today - 56 taps. Installed 80 buckets on Tuesday and had 20 buckets out for the past couple of weeks. We haven't had much a run yet. A couple of weeks ago we made a little less than 3 quarts on the 20 buckets. Ever since, nothing! Patience, patience, patience.
02-16-2013, 09:53 PM
Tapped 230 on vac around the house still waiting to hang 180 buckets around town.My sap supplier will be tapping 200+ this weekend. Gathered 170 gallons on Friday of 1.7%,waiting for Saturday to run through my new home built ro.Ran some water through ro and ran out of time due to previous engagement.Will try to run ro tomorrow if I don't have a ice cube,not enough to boil but friend will take my concentrate.
02-17-2013, 08:43 AM
Had a big run Thursday night into Friday. Lost track of the number of truck loads of sap. Did finish the week with 43 gallons of syrup. I've been running the RO to push out sap around 9%. It can go higher but I like to boil some. Looks like a decent day Tuesday and then nothing until the weekend. TIme to bottle and clean up inside the shack.
02-18-2013, 05:39 PM
Finally all taps are in. Now lets play the mother nature game. Good luck to all and by the way I live in the lake effect snow blet and love it!!! Lol
02-19-2013, 06:10 AM
Pouring rain.
02-19-2013, 08:14 PM
looks like a thaw on Friday and then a string of good runs starting Saturday. Up to 47 gallons os syrup. Sap shut down today just as it got started. Left the sap in the tanks to freeze to keep the upcoming runs cold. Good luck to everyone. Get tapped by Friday if you are not tapped yet. I think we will make a good part of our crop in this part of the State over the next 10 days. I plan to rest up and be ready for the long days.
02-20-2013, 07:52 PM
I'm looking to go all in Friday/Saturday.
02-21-2013, 07:45 AM
Good luck bassman, I imagine it will run hard on buckets this weekend. Good thaw day Friday and run like crazy on Saturday!
02-21-2013, 05:54 PM
All in is poker,making syrup -go all out
good luck surg'in
02-21-2013, 06:13 PM
true that sugarman3
02-22-2013, 06:50 PM
Going all in in the morning here in Lyons have about 200 taps going in and will be boiling some sap here. The rest is going to a larger evaporator down the road. Feels good to be doing some this year.
concord maple
02-23-2013, 07:35 AM
Well they missed the weather again for this weekend so far. Haven't been above freezing for about a week. Maybe Monday and Tuesday towards 40 then cold and snow again. I imagine those two days might thaw the trees. Waiting till next week to see what the temperatures look like.
02-23-2013, 01:08 PM
I ended up putting in 32 buckets today. Some dripping, most were not. Probably all I'll do this year because we just started a bigger job that will take me through the entire maple season. So it will be strictly nights and weekends for me and I don't want to get swamped with sap. Normally I have quite a few days off this time of year.
02-23-2013, 06:14 PM
We set 80 on gravity and then 13 buckets for some old fashion excersize, it was running a steady trickle by afternoon.... I have endless pals and trees but that should be enough for evenings and weekends....
02-25-2013, 01:48 PM
This past weekend was quite a dissapointment. My buckets didn't run hard. I'm a small producer...maybe Mon. & Tues. will be better. Only time will tell. Lookin forward to boiling soon. Good luck to all!
02-25-2013, 01:54 PM
Troutman, I'm in hamburg,ny and had the same kinda run this weekend. I had 15 buckets tapped on 2/9 and I ve made just under one gallon total on two different runs. Hung 10 more buckets last week but havent had much of a run in the past 8-9days. Hoping either today or tomorrow, all taps on reds, its all I got on my property. good luck
02-25-2013, 08:14 PM
I only got a few drips after I tapped on Saturday. Nothing today. Upper 30's for the next few days, but not expecting much with clouds, wind and precipitation. Big freeze for the weekend again. Last year was the earliest I ever got a good run, and this year will be the latest.
02-26-2013, 07:37 AM
just looked at the 10 day and unless i get a small run today, it does not look good until at least march 10th. what a difference a year makes!
02-26-2013, 08:22 AM
I was just thinking the same thing. The season will start for most around march 15th. It was over for me last year on march 17th. Should have a great run today and through the night. Then rest for a few weeks.
02-26-2013, 10:36 PM
Collected a pretty good amount tonight for my small operation. I'll have a good amount to at least do a test boil on the new fuel oil evaporator this weekend. Pretty excited!
02-27-2013, 03:00 PM
funny, i just read that a guy in maine got a decent run, and here i have nothing. maybe i need to move north!
Mountain Winds Farm
02-27-2013, 03:08 PM
sap ran hard here all day, slowing down some now as the temps drop off
02-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Ran well again for me again today as well. Got about the same amount I collected yesterday. Hope the new evaporator is up to the test this weekend!
02-28-2013, 11:12 AM
Should wrap up a huge 3 day run here tonight. Anything on vac has been steady. Gravity slow. Brand new air tech pump seized up. Thank goodness for trout brook sugar house next door getting me a loaner today.
02-28-2013, 11:38 AM
nothing here in the southern tier, except snow, my yard trees had about 1"-1 1/2" in them but that is it. where the hell is the global warming:confused::lol:
02-28-2013, 11:42 AM
As of this morning (thurs) 25.5 gallons from my 25 taps since tues., they were still running but slower this am, all reds, looking to boil this weekend
03-01-2013, 07:33 AM
yard trees ran decent yesterday but i doubt any of my woods taps did.
03-01-2013, 04:58 PM
yard trees ran decent yesterday but i doubt any of my woods taps did.
My woods trees actually gave up more than my yard tree yesterday. I don't think my big ones thawed out much yet.
03-01-2013, 07:05 PM
it ran a little this week, end of next week looks good
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
03-02-2013, 07:33 AM
Nothing this week for us. All of my trees are in the woods and at a decent elevation too. I agree with Bowtie, lots of snow in Allegany County. Once again, maybe next weekend!
03-03-2013, 09:48 PM
boiled down the 25ish gallons collected this week to just over a 1/2 gal of syrup, season total 1.5 gal of syrup, all reds
03-04-2013, 05:44 PM
just looked at the 10-day unless it changes i should/may/hope to get my first real run saturday. lets see march 9th last year we were pretty much done the 20th, i hope it lasts a little longer this year. it felt like mid-jan today!
03-04-2013, 05:51 PM
Had a table at a community expo yesturday and sold out of everything. 6 gallons of syrup, 9 pounds of granulate sugar, and 6 pounds of cream(all that we have made this year) and have orders to fill. hope the sap runs good this year, we need it. FYI- mape cotton candy sells!!! great way to bring peope to your booth.
good luck all, and to all a grea year!!
03-04-2013, 09:18 PM
We cleaned out our buckets and tanks last Thursday, collected about 120 gal. Sugar content was 4.5%, about 2% higher then normal.... Made 5 gal of syrup.... Looks like a great weekend coming up. Happy Boiling...
03-05-2013, 10:42 PM
Hardly any sap in arcade ny. Put the taps in two weeks ago, 20 of them, only got about 5-6 gallons of sap total. Not enough, still too cold i guess
03-08-2013, 05:29 PM
I'm just small. Got 20+ gallons on my 20 taps for the day. Things should be rippin' the next couple days.
03-08-2013, 05:42 PM
I'm just small. Got 20+ gallons on my 20 taps for the day. Things should be rippin' the next couple days.
Same here, 22 gallons on 32 taps. Have almost 50 gallons sitting right now ready to be boiled first thing in the morning. Hopefully have another 40+ to do Sunday.
03-09-2013, 07:32 PM
Pushed 75 gallons through my little rig in exactly 9 hours. 8.3 gph, not bad for me.
25 gallons in tank waiting for me tomorrow morning, along with what runs tonight.
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
03-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Made about a gallon and a half this weekend. Didn't get a very good run even with the warm weather. Still have 8+ inches of snow in the woods. Maybe next weekend.
03-10-2013, 08:01 PM
Carbon copy day today. Another 75 gallons and I caught up to the flow. Actually, the flow got quite slow by days end. Smaller trees had just about stopped with the warmth. Over the next couple days I'll finish up what I drew off and maybe even empty the pan and finish that too seeing we have a lengthy cold snap headed our way. Should have enough to make about 4 gallons, take or give.
03-10-2013, 08:28 PM
Just finishing on the stovetop in the house. Boiled down about 60 gallons in about 9ish hours today. This will give me the most syrup I've ever boiled down in one day. Still learning the new setup on the second boil. Expecting to get somewhere between 1-1.5 gallons. Collected sap later today after boiling and got about another 23-25 gallons today. Things seemed to slow down today compared to yesterday for me. It'll be interesting to see what happens the next couple days for flow. At least the cold weather coming will give me time to clean up and catch up. Might put some frozen jugs in the sap for a day or two depending on the weather. Not sure how reliable the 10 day is, but looks like we could get some more floods early next week. Exciting stuff. Hope everyone is doing well out there!
03-10-2013, 08:34 PM
ended up making 1.25 gallons between today and yesterday, for a season total of 2.5 gal, not bad for my first year ( all reds), i'm hooked!
03-11-2013, 09:35 AM
boiled down what i had from saturday, about 60 gallons, and collected sunday about 160 total but it was to late to start boiling so today after collecting, after work, i will try to boil most of the night. i am thinking that i will collect between 150-200 gallons today and a little less tomorrow, then it should not run for a few days. hopefully get caught up then.i am going to try to take tomorrow offfrom work, hill taps are just "waking up" as of yesterday, still about 4" of snow at the very top of the hill. holy muddy !!! only fell twice collecting yesterday nothing like a sap bath. steep slopes, full buckets and and wet conditions are a messy combo. will be interesting to see how long the sap will flow and not be buddy or have metabolism taste. may be making syrup in to mid april if conditions persist.
03-11-2013, 10:36 AM
yesterday we got 175 on our 140 taps half on buckets half on tubing. So far our setup is working pretty well a 2x4 pan on a custom made arch boiling off about 15 gallons an hour.
03-11-2013, 12:01 PM
Got about 1000 gallons off 1000 taps Sunday. Sap is getting cloudy as of Monday morning. Need it to cool down some. 175 gallons of syrup so far with a bunch of concentrate at home needing to be boiled.
03-11-2013, 12:47 PM
i was wondering if the sap was going to get cloudy with the night temp not getting below freezing, i think i will be alright with my hill taps because of the snow. i am hoping to make 50-60 gallons but i think it is going to real tough this year. realistically 30-35 gallons.
03-11-2013, 02:42 PM
Ran as hard as I've ever seen it run yesterday morning. Temps went from 25 to 45 from 8:30 to 9:30 am. I was working in the sugarhouse and I could hear the releaser tripping like every 20 seconds. I had to go take a look. I don't know if this video lok will work.!!!!/photo.php?v=487439067971783&set=vb.100001170834426&type
03-11-2013, 08:23 PM
So last Sunday I boiled off 35 gallons of 2 1/2% and left about an inch of sweet in the pan for a week. Stayed pretty much iced over all week. Saturday morning fired up and boiled off 75 gallons of 2% average and drew off about a gallon and a half of near syrup. Sunday did the same 75 gallons but drew off about 2 gallons or a little better. Still have an inch in the pan right now of pretty sweet stuff. This warm weather is making me nervous for it though. Gonna fire up tomorrow after wrok and boil off the 30 gallons I got today, and whatever runs til then.
Tonight I finished and bottled what I drew of over the weekend and have my first 2 3/4 gallons of the season. It is a very nice medium color.
03-12-2013, 10:41 AM
Up to 180 gallons. Syrup went dark. Cloudy sap. Still trickling on vac. Not mush weather in the 7 day around here. Looks like water boil for maple weekend. That always happens.
03-12-2013, 03:14 PM
We boiled Sat, Sun and Mon. Made about 20 gal of decent looking syrup. I also noticed this morning that the sap looked a little cloudy as well. Collected 100 gal of sap before the freeze to get things empty again. Sap has been running 2.5-3% for us, but we have all yard trees.
03-12-2013, 04:54 PM
Turned cloudy for me, too. Can't wait for the cold to get here. Just praying the soft maples don't break anytime soon!
03-12-2013, 09:40 PM
Saw some open buds on silvers in a yard that gets alot of sun while I was out working today. Haven't seen any others though. 10 day looks ok. Should have some good days to go.
03-13-2013, 06:09 PM
Got home from work at 5:00 and checked the buckets on the big tree by the house for the heck of it. Already down to 30º at this time. Was surprised to find those three buckets nearly full! Ended up collecting 28 gallons, nearly a gallon a tap. Not bad for a day I didn't even expect a drop.
Mountain Winds Farm
03-13-2013, 07:00 PM
Sap ran hard here all day. Infact I have no more room for sap ,all tanks are full. Just got back from Leader with the new pans after the flue pan failure on Monday. Now we have to change the arch from drop flue to raised flue and get it all together ,hopefully, so we can start cooking on Friday.
03-15-2013, 08:01 AM
anybody get anything this week, i had some in yard trees wed and hoping for sun today to get a small run, but it does not look good for the next 7 days, i did not seeahigh above 35 f. oh well i will finish down the stuff i boiled this week, and wait. going to make alot less than i thought. guess that means more taps next year, i will looking for some new land to tap soon to add to what i have. when i get new evap 150-200 gallons isn't going to cut for a 3x8. i have thought about asking people with maples in yards but not sure if it worth stopping in to gather on 5 trees. probably look for a woods or hope to buy some land soon. i would love to find a 20-25 acre patch of woods full of maples, but down here will most likely have to go for acreage to get a bunch of taps. wish land was selling for what it did 10-12 years ago!!
the stuff i have boiled down seems to be a little darker than i thought it would be but i still need to finish and filter it twice, so it should lighten up a little but it tastes great.
i wouldlike to go to some shacks this weekend but need to start a house remodel that needs to be livable in
03-15-2013, 08:07 AM
sorry about that hit the wrong key. house needs to be moved in 3 weeks. yeah right. told my parents they will have a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom for now the rest will get down but not in 3 weeks. rework plumbing, heating, new drwall, windows,roof,siding,doors and floors. yeah with work,and maple i should be able to do this in a couple of weeks!!! or not!!
03-15-2013, 08:43 AM
Also had a decent run on Wednesday, nearly a gallon per tap. Odd, because it didn't get all that warm that day and I didn't expect anything. So I have a 1/2" of sweet out in the pan and 30 gallons I collected on Wednesday. Hoping for a bit more before I fire up again, I like to see 50 gallons in storage. Snowin' and blowin' today, was hoping for better. The weekend looks awful and they keep dropping the highs for next week.
A bit different March that we've seen the last couple years.
03-15-2013, 02:23 PM
I might have to fire up tomorrow and boil off that last 30 gallons, then drain (and clean) the pan and finish that off in the house. I really see nothing in the next 7 days that will produce more than a few drops, and don't want to waste what I have.
03-16-2013, 05:51 PM
I might have to fire up tomorrow and boil off that last 30 gallons, then drain (and clean) the pan and finish that off in the house. I really see nothing in the next 7 days that will produce more than a few drops, and don't want to waste what I have.
Yep, did everything as planned. Actually removed the pan and got it rinsed out real good and set it back up ready for.............................whenever. Just finished bottling a gallon and a pint and a half. YTD total at 5 gallons and a half pint.
03-16-2013, 10:23 PM
I'm in a similar boat wnybassman. Got about 40 gallons that I gotta get rid of before it goes bad. Should get about a gallon or so. Upcoming weather isn't looking to promising. We'll see. One good thing is that I can throw out the ice b/c it's been colder lately. Report back tomorrow.
03-17-2013, 07:51 AM
I'm in a similar boat wnybassman. Got about 40 gallons that I gotta get rid of before it goes bad. Should get about a gallon or so. Upcoming weather isn't looking to promising. We'll see. One good thing is that I can throw out the ice b/c it's been colder lately. Report back tomorrow.
In that last 30 gals, I boiled up my ice. When I put the sap into my 15 gallon drums it was 1.8%. Ice formed around the perimeter of the drum and I carefully poured off about 10-11 gallons of sap and left the ice in the drum. Tested that sap and had the exact same % as when it went in the drum. I was expecting 2.5%, 3% or way more?? So the ice got boiled to. It's only time and wood. lol
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
03-17-2013, 08:40 AM
Oh how slow it is! Sure haven't had much of a run in southern Allegany county. About 30 gallons of sap from 156 taps in a week. Making small batches of syrup is fun but sure would like to be throwing firewood in the arch for two days straight. Doesn't look like much is going to happen this week with cold temperatures remaining.
03-17-2013, 04:22 PM
The National Weather Service site is now showing nothing above freezing until Saturday and Sunday next weekend, and even that is just mid 30's. is a little more optimistic, but I usually don't trust that one as much.
03-17-2013, 08:11 PM
Just bottled my syrup from today. Made 3/4 of a gallon today. Had about 35ish gallons from early to mid week last week. Puts me over my mark from last year! Learned how to clean my steam pans a little better today after I brought the syrup into the house to sit. I left pans in place, filled them with water & vinegar then put more wood on the fire. Got a boil goin and almost all the burnt sap came off effortlessly after the pans boiled for a bit. Won't be as dreadful as a process to clean them next time.
Surprising to see the weather like it is. Think I was done by this time last year...
03-18-2013, 06:40 PM
still at about 5 1/2 gallons made, that is on 300 taps!! what a terrible year for sap,at least here. i would rather have years like last year at least we had good weather. nothing in sight until maybe saturday and with 36 degrees i doubt i will get anything. i know some guys are having decent years but this is not what i expected, i am definately goingto try to find another woods that is lower in elevation for next year. i can remeber having ice on lakes for the april 1st trout opener so this is not super weird but just not sure how long the maples will hold out when it warms up.
03-19-2013, 06:10 PM
Ho Hum.
It's been 7 days since the last mediocre run.
Actually, it did run a little this morning but just enough to form a tiny icicle off the spout.
Towards the end of the 7 day forecast they are saying mid to upper 30's. Sure would like to see a couple 40's mixed in there somewhere.
At least I got my boat out of storage Sunday, I can start getting that ready I guess.
03-19-2013, 06:25 PM
My lines I thought for sure would break loose today, not. Buckets have icicles hanging off the spouts as well. Very depressing waiting for the sap to run, especially when you read on here about the luck others are having. :(
concord maple
03-19-2013, 06:43 PM
Last Tuesday was my last run (a week ago) that is frozen in 15 gallon drums. Did get 3 gallons that ran at end of the day Sunday. Not enough in storage to boil even if I get the drummed sap thawed. Last year it was a quick season and this year it never has really started yet. Next week should start getting good.
03-20-2013, 08:53 AM
just checked 10 day and not one day above 38 degrees. woke up to about 3-4" snow. yeah!! this sucks, and not just for maple production. i am getting rather tired of winter at this point.
PA mapler
03-21-2013, 05:15 PM
lol, I think I'll join your western NY thread.... it's depressing to read in the PA area how guys are just about finished, and what a great season it was! lol, boiled just two short days, made 2 gallons of syrup. No thaw in sight. The little bit of consolation is, that the two gallons I made are probably the best tasting ever ;)!
03-21-2013, 06:42 PM
Well my tank has accumulated a little over 300 gal. in the last week. Ran a little on the 19th, 20th, and today. Just enough to activate the vac, then quit. Now they've lowered daytime highs for next week.
concord maple
03-21-2013, 07:01 PM
About 8-10 inches of snow on the ground here with another 6 or so forecasted for tonight. May need to forget about maple for the weekend and get the snowmobiles back out and do some riding. Still got 40 gallons of sap froze in drums. Probably will get them inside and start thawing so they are ready to boil when it runs again.
03-21-2013, 09:09 PM
Nothing to get excited about for ANOTHER week.
I might get my icefishing stuff back out, still 6 to 8 inches on Silver Lake. Guys have been out all week.
Friday high near 30.
Saturday high near 31.
Sunday high near 33.
Monday high near 35.
Tuesday high near 34.
Wednesday high near 34.
Thursday high near 35.
concord maple
03-22-2013, 12:30 PM
12"-18" of snow in yard and woods. Just broke trail with snowmobile. Buckets are 1/2 full...with snow that is lol. Reminds me of January. Big run coming next weekend when it warms up.
03-23-2013, 09:05 PM
Warmed enough today to get a few drips into the buckets. If it don't get real cold tonight it should flow a little more tomorrow and for the next few days. By the end of the week into next weekend it looks like game on again.
03-23-2013, 09:13 PM
Oh my goodness, what's this sugar like water coming from my trees? Could it be???? Small run started up around 2 this afternoon. Still running now at about 34 degrees. This week looks good here - daily highs of 40, lows mid 20's almost every night. I think they got this forecast right....famous last words... Just spent the last couple days snowmobiling up on the Tug. Don't know how guys do syrup up there - easy 4' of snow on the ground.
03-24-2013, 04:42 PM
Got to a high of 39 here in wny today. All of my taps where running by noon. Hopefully this will be a good week.
03-24-2013, 05:07 PM
Got to a high of 39 here in wny today. All of my taps where running by noon. Hopefully this will be a good week.
I hope so to. Between what dripped yesterday and today I gathered about 8 gallons a couple hours ago. Gonna go around just before dark and probably get another 5 gallons. Looks like the next few days will be about the same then I hope the flood gates open for the weekend into early next week.
I'm actually hoping to be done by late in the week next week, but I'd like to make it to 10 gallons for the season though. I'm usually done by now and I have other stuff I want to do.
Mountain Winds Farm
03-24-2013, 05:43 PM
Sap cut loose here in Berne about 2 pm. Running like crazy even now but tomorrow is vacuum leak finding day as we lost about 5 inches
sugar ED
03-25-2013, 01:23 AM
Oh my goodness, what's this sugar like water coming from my trees? Could it be???? Small run started up around 2 this afternoon. Still running now at about 34 degrees. This week looks good here - daily highs of 40, lows mid 20's almost every night. I think they got this forecast right....famous last words... Just spent the last couple days snowmobiling up on the Tug. Don't know how guys do syrup up there - easy 4' of snow on the ground.
Snowshoes and shovels and a lot of sweat !and if your lucky a snowmobile and sled !
But on the other hand ...It's starting to flow again ! My lines were frozen till about 4 pm yesterday and had blown apart in a lot of places due to the main lines being frozen solid ! but now all is fixed and set to boil in the morning ,Just hoping I can keep up with the flow! as to not have the storage tanks running over .trying to time this weather/sap flow/boiling ect. thing is not as easy as u add more taps ,lol now to get a much bigger holding tank would help, but think that going to wait till next year . Hope we are done with the snow !had enough ! Good luck tapping! ED
03-25-2013, 01:18 PM
Running as hard as I have seen this year. Clear sap so it should go back to medium amber with any luck. The next week looks to be epic here. Friday off!
03-25-2013, 03:07 PM
My partner text me "WE GOT SAP"... Now what are we suppose to do with it again? It has been soooo long..... :)
03-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Running a little here too. Problem is, it is mid afternoon before it gets going then it starts cooling off when it really starts running good. Last night just before dark when I collected, it was already down to 29-30 and skim ice was forming in the buckets already. Beggars can't be choosers I guess, happy to have it run at least. Still looks like we should be swimming in it this weekend.
03-26-2013, 06:35 PM
Trees opened up today. 15 gallons of sap each of the last two days, but collected 50 gallons today (out of 32 taps) and they are still running very good. So I got 80 gallons sitting right now ready to start boiling first thing in the morning. The next 6 or 7 days looks wild. Getting concerned about firewood.
03-27-2013, 01:38 PM
Have about 50 gallons in my 55 gallon storage barrel. Just went and got about 20 more a little bit ago. Looking for emergency storage. Might go buy some totes or unless I can think of a better idea. Hope everyone is doing well!
03-27-2013, 08:28 PM
Doing good here. Got the fire started just before 8:00 this morning and boiled off 90 gallons by 8:00 tonight. Killed the fire and just letting it simmer out there now, might as well make use of the energy produced by the giant pile of coals I ended up with. Will check a couple more times before I go to bed and probably top it off with a little more sap also. I know it will simmer down quite a bit overnight with that many coals.
I have 60 more gallons waiting for me in the morning. I collected over 2 gallons per tap average today, it was a good day.
32.5 right now and it has been for a couple hours. Not sure if it will drop enough tonight or not.
Not as concerned with my firewood pile now. The last few hours today I walked around the woods between firings and picked up some dead black locust logs 4" diameter and less. Split them up and they burned great! There are a lot more out there where they came from, so I'll be busier than normal tomorrow supplementing the wood I have left. I might even have wood left over at the end.
03-27-2013, 11:17 PM
Collected 370 gallons today, boiled in all but 100 and got about 8 gallon syrup in about 8 hours. Still running so hope for a good run for tomorrow as well.
03-28-2013, 05:39 AM
Woke up to 31.4º. Usually not enough to freeze the trees, especially the big yard tree by the house. Just checked it and it isn't dripping, and it was running hard at 11:00 last night. Maybe it was enough to get them reset for today.
03-28-2013, 07:40 AM
best run yet got 180 gallons and did not collect all, left about 30, no more room in tank,and dumped about 30 gallons or more in ice and yellowish sap. collected 15 gallns his morning from 7 taps in lawn. with this and any more today, i will have about a million hours of boiling and have no time to do it.
03-28-2013, 08:34 AM
Had great runs yesterday and the day before. Had some buckets flowing over and the new vacuum system kept me hopping. Looks like a descent forecast for more big runs. Yesterday was the best so far. Thank goodness for spring break so I can catch up on my wood supply and also some sleep. 3 hours a night is not enough!
03-28-2013, 08:40 AM
Woke up to 31.4º. Usually not enough to freeze the trees, especially the big yard tree by the house. Just checked it and it isn't dripping, and it was running hard at 11:00 last night. Maybe it was enough to get them reset for today.
The trees let loose again. I think it will be another big sap day.
03-28-2013, 03:17 PM
Got about 10 gallons today on my 20 taps. Not as good as the last two days. I have around 75 gallons from the last 3 days. Gotta decide when to tackle it. Might have to resort to after work tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well! Good luck to all!
03-28-2013, 05:03 PM
Shortly after the trees let loose this morning they slowed back down a bit. Still collected 50 gallons out of 32 taps though. Boiled through 60 more gallons. Finishing some in the house right now. Still have 35 gallons sitting in tanks. Probably will wait til Saturday to boil again.
03-28-2013, 10:10 PM
Just finished bottling a little over 2 1/4 gallons. Hoping it was closer to three but it wasn't. Very nice color though!! I'll wait until daylight tomorrow to get the window sash shot. Should have well over a gallon still in the pan though, I left it pretty sweet when I shut down.
03-30-2013, 09:20 PM
Had a really long day from sun-up til a couple hours past dark and pushed another 95 gallons through the pan. Drew off two large pots to finish off tomorrow and the pan is still rather sweet. Had many buckets today starting to get cloudy, and the last small storage drum also had slight cloudiness to it. Might be time to hang it up. Should reach my 10 gallon goal after today's boil, but we'll see.
03-30-2013, 10:29 PM
Huge run today! Looks like a very long night! Probably will have over2000 gallons of sap. My brother is still gathering the last gravity tank and the vacuum tank still has another 200 gallons that might have to stay there tonight. Was about 25 last night and sunny and 50 today.
03-31-2013, 11:59 AM
Just finished bottling 2 1/4 gallons from what I drew off while boiling yesterday. Still very nice light stuff. Almost a shame to pull taps, but I think I am, I'm ready to fish. lol Just drained out about four gallons to empty the pan and that is boiling right now. Hard to say what that will finish out at, but to guess I'd say 1/2 to 3/4 of a gallon. Will put me over the 10 gallon goal for the year.
Run Forest Run!
03-31-2013, 12:08 PM
That's what maple sugaring season is all about right there! What a beautiful bottle of syrup!
03-31-2013, 08:34 PM
Collected this evening. My sap is starting to get quite cloudy. Gonna leave taps in until Thursday time period to see what else I can get. Looks like I could have some freezing temps 2-3 nights this week where I am. Might take the taps out this weekend coming up (first weekend of April). Getting tons of bugs, flies, moths and ants in the sap. The peepers are pretty loud across from the house. I think it's time for me to put things away here and move on to fishing like wnybassman said. I should be over my original goal of 5 gallons so things have gone well this year. Another year of learning!
03-31-2013, 09:04 PM
Gonna leave taps in until Thursday time period to see what else I can get.
I guess I decided to do the same. Really for no other reason that I still have a half of a pickup load of that scrap wood I got the other day still on the back of my truck and I have to do something with it. I might as well burn it, under a pan of boiling sap. lol We'll see what we get. I'll need 60 gallons to justify firing things up again. A 100 would be better though. I'll go around tomorrow and rinse out the buckets a bit to help clean out any spoiled sap/residue.
03-31-2013, 11:44 PM
Just drained out about four gallons to empty the pan and that is boiling right now. Hard to say what that will finish out at, but to guess I'd say 1/2 to 3/4 of a gallon.
Good guess. After dinner tonight I started boiling that little bit down and figured I'd just finish it tonight instead of tomorrow. 3 more quarts. Finally broke the 10 gallon barrier lol
Still very tasty and still has awesome color!
I'll find out Wed/Thurs if any more will be made this year. I have never made it in April before.
04-01-2013, 05:55 PM
During the late afternoon I went around to all the buckets with a hot bucket of water and rinsed the bugs and cloudy/yellowed sap out, anticipating another run after this cold snap. Most taps were running a little, and some were froze up already. My biggest old growth tree with three pastry buckets on it were full, and the sap was still quite clear so I saved it. Got a 8 gallon head start on the next run. I even rinsed out my hauling buckets, and storage containers/buckets.
04-01-2013, 09:15 PM
Another gallon done with one more boil to go. That makes the grand total to about 4.25 gal. so far. Should pass my 5 gallon goal for the season. Should be interesting to see what the weather brings the next few days.
04-04-2013, 11:37 AM
Taps are just beginning to drip here about noon. First time in a few days since we went into a deep freeze. We'll see how this plays out I guess. Tap holes are 6 to 7 weeks old, and bucket taps at that. I'll know by the end of the day whether to pull taps, or try to get enough for one last big boil.
04-04-2013, 12:23 PM
Sap is running clear and fast here as we speak. Should be prime time over the next few days. Gonna pull the plug Sunday. Been a fun year. Could even surpass my season goal by a gallon if things run really well. My taps have been in since about Feb. 16th time period. Have fun everyone!
Mountain Winds Farm
04-04-2013, 03:58 PM
Started running hard here about noon. I do not think it has run harder all season,crystal clear and filling the tank
04-05-2013, 10:48 PM
I think I had the strongest run of the year today. Only had 20 gallons of sap last night, but it ran all night and strong all day and by 11:00 tonight I had pushed 105 gallons through the pan. There is still sap out in the buckets but I went around 3 times and collected, and 4 times on the higher % trees. Most of what I boiled was better than 2% but a couple buckets tested less. Will be interesting to see what this all finishes out at. Big freeze tonight and upper 40's tomorrow, but I am done. No more collecting and no more boiling outside. Just finish up what I boiled today, and clean up.
04-06-2013, 10:46 AM
Just bottled 1 7/8ths gallons. Lightest stuff of the year. Crazy!! Might fire up the outside rig one more time, the sweet I let simmer down out there after shutting down didn't simmer down nearly as far as I thought it would. Shoveled out too many coals I guess. If I fire it up, might as well collect sap from my high sugar percentage trees, right? lol
concord maple
04-06-2013, 10:56 AM
I am going to hang in there through Monday. Finishing and bottling and cleaning pans today and get ready for the run today, tonight, and I imagine they will quit running tomorrow with a low of 40 tonight. No more freeze for 7 days then.
04-06-2013, 03:21 PM
Gonna go collect for the final time after my son wakes up from his nap. Think I'm gonna pull the taps at the same time as well. I assume things are running fast and furious. What a way to end the season! Should have close to 100 gallons if not more to boil up. I'm going to split the boiling in half being that I'm boiling on an old fuel oil tank and don't know if I could handle a calculated 16 hour boil. One boil tomorrow and one monday after work maybe. Looking forward to report back my final total for the season. Hope everyone else has had a great season!
04-06-2013, 09:18 PM
The reds have started to bud, so i pulled the taps on those. Sugar maples still running clear, but I've run out of firewood, bottles and energy! I'm going to sell what ever decent sap I get to a place down the road. Glad I don't have to dump it. Got almost a gallon per tap in the last 24 hours.
04-06-2013, 11:46 PM
I ran another 40 gallons through the pan tonight from 7:00pm til midnight or so. There was a good 2" or more of sweet left in it also, that I reduced before adding more. I took the hydrometer with me out collecting and buckets that were between 1% and 1 1/2% got heaved. Only saved/boiled the 1 1/2% to 2 1/2%. Will be interesting to see what it finishes out at tomorrow.
04-07-2013, 12:15 PM
Bottled another 1 3/8 gallons.
Season total of 13 3/4 gallons. Over 4/10ths of a gallon of syrup per tap. WOW!! And I know some of those trees never spit out anything over 1 3/4% to 2%
Going out to pull taps right now.
concord maple
04-07-2013, 12:40 PM
I got 173 gallons of sap on 88 buckets since 6:00 pm last evening and still running. Should be done running by this evening as a low in mid 40s tonight and no freeze until next weekend.
04-08-2013, 08:12 PM
Taps are out. All sap is boiled. Just sitting back taking a break before I finish it off and bottle it. Can't wait to see what my final total is! Had a great year! Now time to improve upon what I had/did this year...
04-08-2013, 08:25 PM
Taps are out. All sap is boiled. Just sitting back taking a break before I finish it off and bottle it. Can't wait to see what my final total is! Had a great year! Now time to improve upon what I had/did this year...
Kind of feels good to be done, doesn't it? lol I'll feel even better once everything is cleaned up. I took a breather today and got the boat out for the first time. I'll get stuff cleaned something this week. I'm thinking whatever day it rains, I always get soaked washing stuff anyway.
04-09-2013, 08:29 PM
Just finished bottling last of my syrup. Ended up with 6.5 gallons. Not bad for my first year on the fuel oil tank. Looking to upgrade to a continuous flow pan or a real evaporator so I don't have to mess around with those steam pans ever again. They were a bear to clean before I figured them out...I guess they were still a little tough after I figured them out. Lots of other things to do now that the weather is getting nicer and it doesn't get dark at 5 pm. Hope all of you had a great season!
04-09-2013, 08:39 PM
Just finished bottling last of my syrup. Ended up with 6.5 gallons. Not bad for my first year on the fuel oil tank. Looking to upgrade to a continuous flow pan or a real evaporator so I don't have to mess around with those steam pans ever again. They were a bear to clean before I figured them out...I guess they were still a little tough after I figured them out. Lots of other things to do now that the weather is getting nicer and it doesn't get dark at 5 pm. Hope all of you had a great season!
That's a great total. Congrats!
04-10-2013, 01:20 PM
Taps are pulled and all cleaned up. Evaporator is soaking. 335 gallons made. The last 25 was commercial grade. Nice season.
04-10-2013, 05:45 PM
It has been a great season, 163 gal of mostly light amber on 411 taps. hope to get the taps out and tanks/lines cleaned this weekend. Good to hear that most others have also had a great season.
04-11-2013, 07:30 AM
I ran out of wood Sunday, but ended up with about 98 gallons from 220 taps of mostly a medium color. The last couple of gallons ended up darker is all. It was a LONG but very good season for us.
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