View Full Version : oil fired
04-17-2006, 08:24 PM
I have been using the oil burner from my old furnace to heat my sap. Can someone explain what is different about a gun made specifically for an evaporator and if I can convert mine to such a setup.
Email one of the evaporator companys...I'm sure they can give you an answer.....Maybe someone here can?? Good luck...........
04-22-2006, 05:05 AM
We've tried this before, took alot of guessing to get proper nozzel and air flow, so you might be better to start with the evaporator company, save you alot of time.
04-22-2006, 07:39 AM
thanks. I'll e-mail a couple of them.
04-22-2006, 04:30 PM
Just some info: @ Proctor :3x10 w/steam-a-way,RO 6%-9%,burning kerosene due to freeze up worries(less BTU/gal) .51gal.fuel/gal. syrup
04-22-2006, 06:38 PM
There is nothing special about the gun put in evaporators. The manufacturers put commercial guns in them that burn 3-15 gallons of fuel an hour, depending on nozzle size. You need to check stack temps when sizing your nozzles. Lapierre recommends 1000 degrees, I disagree, I feel 800 degrees is plenty. You can get by with a standard furnace gun, but you will need to fool with different nozzle sizes to get the desired boil. My Lapierre came with 5.5 gal. nozzles and I cooled it down to 3.5 gal/hour. The other thing to consider is degree of spray, solid/45/60. I run a 60 degree spray, this spreads the heat, making the edges of the evaporator boil better.
Rob Harvey
04-22-2006, 08:42 PM
Hey Brandon did you see that the man from Orwell just said Lapierre was WRONG!!!!!
04-22-2006, 09:01 PM
I've been using a 5gph nozzle, giving me 6gph, 60 degree, on my 30"X8'. Stack temp. is usually 800 or 900, can't remember for sure right now. Leader originally says to only use 3.5 nozzle, giving 4.5 gph. But I like to boil as much as possible, so I give up a little efficency for speed.
Mike, how many gph syrup were you able to make this year? I'm thinking I need to think more seriously about getting an RO.
04-22-2006, 09:37 PM
If he had called Leader, they could have given him the right answer according to sapman. 8O No, I guess I am seeing double and just need to go to bed, better try to read these posts again in the morning. :( :o :mrgreen:
Gotta love the gaps, especially the 9/16". :lol: :lol:
Must be a north of the border thing! 8O
Rob Harvey
04-23-2006, 01:59 PM
Brandon, tired or not you read it right. The big guy from Orwell said Lapierre was WRONG. What with all that research and all. Go figure. Maybe it was just a translation problem what did he call him.... Oh yeah a "crazy Frenchman".
04-24-2006, 06:14 PM
Say what you want, most Canadian companies have forgotten more about sugaring equipment than the folks at Leader can remember! Just my opinion, what ever works for you!
Tim, With my 3x10oil fired w/preheater I made 2.5 to 3 gals an hr....NOT GOOD.... 8O ...I talked to A dealer and said I should try a 65 degree nozzle 7/8 gals an HR......I still am thinking about an RO....Saves oil and cuts boiling time down....I work with a couple who raises Alpacas......And a new kid at work from Ohio has an uncle who raises them....Mike
04-24-2006, 08:32 PM
I never said Leader nor did anyone else say they made the best equipment. You were the one who stated they made nothing but junk. Seems to me Lapierre backfired in your face as you were the one stating they were the best. To say in your opinion they are the best is fine with me and everyone else but to call what a lot of others own nothing but junk is ridiculous. You are happy with what you have and about everyone else is happy with what they have. There are a lot of people in the industry that make just as good or better syrup than you with equipment that they have worked many years for even if you consider it junk. I don't encourage others to buy from anyone other than the maple guys and leave it at that.! :!: :!: :D :D
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