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View Full Version : New to tubing - some questions

01-09-2013, 08:11 AM
I have a bunch of maples on our property. Last year was the first year I tried tubing, rather than buckets. While it was REALLY nice to have a single central location to collect from, I fear my using 5/16 tubes for everything reduced my collections.

I'd like to employ main lines this year: any thoughts on 1/2" versus 3/4"? 50ish taps total. Longest run from end to collection area: 300ft
How do you go from the 5/16" to the main line? Any links to product would be welcomed.
What does the slope of the mainline need to be?


Phillipsburg, NJ

01-09-2013, 08:49 AM
You want a 2-5% slope. For 50 taps you could use 1/2" or 3/4" mainline. You connect your 5/16" with either manifolds or saddles. Manifolds are put in by splicing the mainline and saddles are put in by drilling a hole in the mainline and then clamping or tying the saddle around the mainline.

https://www.leaderevaporator.com/default.aspx Is a good place to see pictures of all the fittings and such. Saddles and manifolds are under mainline fittings. 5/16" fittings are under plastic tubing.

Starting Small
01-09-2013, 09:27 AM
Would 50 taps on 5/16 restrict flow too much for mostly level ground? What is the max of taps on gravity fo5/16. Good info on the saddles i never completely understood how they worked.

01-09-2013, 09:47 AM
Well normally you would not run 50 taps on 1 5/16" line but, people do it. For better flow without using a mainline you can run more than one 5/16" and break the trees up into groups maybe 15 taps in a group. Most people would not run 5/16" over 50 feet but if you run more than one limiting the number of taps on it, it will help with flow. By running more than one you could still have them all run to the same collection tank. When you are starting out small I don't think maximum production should be a major concern planning ahead for the future mainlines and such helps but just starting do what you can to get sap. Everyone has their own ideas.

01-09-2013, 10:03 AM
I am new to tubing too but I'm lucky. I paid a visit to Haighs in Bellview MI. Spent several hours in one of his bushes. Came away and set things up to perfection. He recommend 3/4 because saddles are eaiser to come by and they are easy .Moral of the story is find some close to see how its done

01-09-2013, 03:30 PM
See questions below:

You want a 2-5% slope.

So for 300' is that between 6'-30' of slope?

For 50 taps you could use 1/2" or 3/4" mainline. You connect your 5/16" with either manifolds or saddles. Manifolds are put in by splicing the mainline and saddles are put in by drilling a hole in the mainline and then clamping or tying the saddle around the mainline.

https://www.leaderevaporator.com/default.aspx Is a good place to see pictures of all the fittings and such. Saddles and manifolds are under mainline fittings.

Is the saddle that I am looking for here? https://www.leaderevaporator.com/p-72-record-multi-fitting-plastic-mainline-saddle-entrance-fitting.aspx
Are these available at bascom?

5/16" fittings are under plastic tubing.

What gauge wire should be used to support the mainline?

01-09-2013, 06:32 PM
Slope 2-5% would be have the line going up 2-5 feet per 100 feet of line. So if you had line 2 feet off the ground at the beginning 0 it would be 4-9 feet at 100. Soem would say just aim for 3% every one hundred feet would be 3 feet higher than where you started. Elevation figures in as well if you are going up hill you have to figure the elevation change into your slope.

That Record fitting has the swiveling nipple. The other one the Quick seal one has a fixed nipple. Some don't like the record that swivels as it leaks. I personally don't like the price. I have not tried the Quick seal. I use the Lapierre Super Saddle right now you can see them at Bascoms https://www.bascommaple.com/category/mainline_sadles/mainline_fittings/ or The Maple Guys http://www.mapleguys.com/index.php?category=37. I might try the IPL saddles from Bascoms nest time I get some.

I use 12.5 gauge wire to support my mainline I also use the ratchet and spring used for high tensil fencing to pull it tight and I wire tie to the mainline with the ties you can see @ leaderevaporator.

Note I only sent you the link to Leader so you could see the pictures. Bascoms has just about everything they just don't have pictures of everything. Shop around for prices maybe look for a dealer near you. These three are the ones I use when I am ordering by mail. Feel free to ask any questions.

01-10-2013, 05:01 AM
How many taps ? one theory is that if you have 50+ taps on a 5/16 line you can create vacume and increase your production.. just a thought.

I have a bunch of maples on our property. Last year was the first year I tried tubing, rather than buckets. While it was REALLY nice to have a single central location to collect from, I fear my using 5/16 tubes for everything reduced my collections.

I'd like to employ main lines this year: any thoughts on 1/2" versus 3/4"? 50ish taps total. Longest run from end to collection area: 300ft
How do you go from the 5/16" to the main line? Any links to product would be welcomed.
What does the slope of the mainline need to be?


Phillipsburg, NJ