View Full Version : water jacket vs. propane canner?

01-08-2013, 12:21 PM
We are going to purchase a canner ASAP and I wanted to know if I should go with a standard propane canner or if we should splurge and get the water jacketed canner. We have about 1200 tapped and will keep adding on each year (we have the potential for about 6000 taps, but trying to build up slowly =) Our plans are to filter and bottle immediately. We stepped up to a 10 bank filter press this year. I am trying to think of this in the big picture for now and down the road. I keep coming back to gas fired canner....??? Also, any considerations on how to lay out where the press and canner are placed in the sugar shack? I assumed to keep press on a mobile cart for moving out to clean and heat it up out of the back pan?

01-08-2013, 07:19 PM
Water jacket has the advantage of no possibility of local boiling and niter formation. That is what I use now and I would never be without it.

01-11-2013, 05:35 AM
Thanks Riley. I like the idea of one thing you don't have to worry about but could afford a bigger canner if it was gas.

01-11-2013, 04:25 PM
with the little bit of syrup your gonna be doing id just do it in a stock pot on the stove in the sales building staci!.....jeezzzzzzzzz come on that wasnt hard to figure out!