View Full Version : OK to use 5 gallon non-toxic anti-freeze pails for sap?
Stamford sugarmaker
01-07-2013, 11:17 PM
I have some new 5 gallon pails that contained non-toxic anti freeze and was wondering if I can use them to gather sap, etc. They are propylene glycol cryo-tek-100 buckets with corrosion inhibitors from Hercules. Should they be washed out with anything special beyond hot water and soap?
Anybody done this before? Results?
thanks, Peter
01-07-2013, 11:23 PM
I would wash them out with some gasoline, then dry them with a
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-08-2013, 03:43 AM
as long as you keep all FOOD PRODUCT made that was exposed to these buckets for you family I will say yes you can use them. PLEASE DON'T GIVE ANY OF IT AWAY TO NON FAMILY MEMBERS OR SELL ANY OF IT TO NON FAMILY MEMBERS.
red maples
01-08-2013, 05:13 AM
All sarcasm aside .....NOOOOO!!!! Please go get yourself some nice new food grade buckets or something. but don't use those non-toxic or not. they weren't ment for food porducts in the first place and shouldn't be used now no mater what.
01-08-2013, 05:29 AM
I agree don't use them get something that is ment for food.
Thad Blaisdell
01-08-2013, 05:30 AM
Would you fill them with Ice water and take to the kids sporting events and expect people are going to drink from them? Would you use it to store baby formula? If you ask those simple questions about anything in the sugarhouse that will be your answer.
01-08-2013, 05:40 AM
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starting Small
01-08-2013, 05:48 AM
One thing I did last year when I was short on buckets was to go to one of my towns schools after they were done eating lunch but before the cafeteria workers were done for the day. I asked them if they had any buckets for me. They had many just laying around that held icing, jelly, etc. They were happy to get rid of them. I left them my name and number and to contact me when theye had more. That worked very well and didn't cost me a dime.
01-08-2013, 05:55 AM
there is this new food grade anti-freeze that they came out with, this might be what he means by non toxic, if that is the cast i assume they would be okay to use
happy thoughts
01-08-2013, 07:42 AM
Would you fill them with Ice water and take to the kids sporting events and expect people are going to drink from them? Would you use it to store baby formula? If you ask those simple questions about anything in the sugarhouse that will be your answer.
Peter- This is excellent advice and worth remembering. Don't use the buckets. In addition, Propylene glycol is sometimes used as a laxative (ex. Miralax) You probably don't want to make syrup with that extra property :). It is also responsible for allergic reactions in some people. I'd steer clear of those pails.
Uh that is a negetative and I hope that this thread gets deleted! yikes!
there is this new food grade anti-freeze that they came out with, this might be what he means by non toxic, if that is the cast i assume they would be okay to use
Make sure you tell your customers that you are the only one using antifreeze buckets in your operation. OR JUST DON'T DO IT.
01-08-2013, 10:06 AM
Would you use it to store baby formula? .
This should be a sticky on the top of this forum. Probably the best rhetorical question one should ask themselves for any sap/syrup storage.
01-08-2013, 10:09 AM
food grade anti freeze? what chemicals do they use to make it not freeze? hmm sounds delicious, maybe we should try that on our pancakes..... NOT do not use the buckets. just because it says non-toxic doesn't mean I would start eating Crayola markers.
01-08-2013, 10:58 AM
non toxic pretty much just means it is OK for your septic to keep a toilet from freezing ...........
If you are looking for something that isnt gonna cost you any money for sap collection on buckets, start saving gallon plastic milk jugs..get your nehghbors to save them for you too. before you know it you will have plenty of them. Or for alittle bit bigger capacity, you can goto local grocerie stores or Cosco I think you have in VT and goto the bakery department and ask them if they have any frosting/bakery buckets they would give you. These buckets come filled with frosting and when they are empty they usually just get tossed out.
I just re-read your post and it looks like you are looking for a gathering pail to dump your current buckets into (please tell me they are sap buckets or sap sacks).. Just goto any big box store or hardware store an look for polyethlene 5 gallon pails. will cost you under $5 for the pail and the lid.
Stamford sugarmaker
01-08-2013, 12:18 PM
Everybody happy???
Anybody else?
Thad Blaisdell
01-08-2013, 01:29 PM
We are not trying to bash you or your ideas. We are just trying to make a very strong point. This is a subject that comes up way too often. The largest offense was some guy wanted to know if he could use a tank that had stored Round-up. Believe it or not some agreed that it could be cleaned. Sorry not for me or my children. Clean and New is the way to go.
Everybody happy???
Anybody else?
Yeah, dont take offense but I hope that you heed our advice
01-08-2013, 02:12 PM
i think you got the message with all these responses but i'll give you my 2cents NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!. use them to store tools and things . around here you can find them w/lids at the fudge shops ,candy makers, bakeries ect. for 2-2.50 each . food grade . good luck in your season
happy thoughts
01-08-2013, 05:24 PM
Everybody happy???
Anybody else?
I'm sincerely sorry that you took offense Peter when almost to a person we answered no. Yours was not an unreasonable question. As mentioned before we've certainly seen worse. But to ask if we're having fun??? Are you kidding? We're too busy trying to protect one of the few small agrarian industries left in the US, one that has been enjoyed by families through many generations. Unfortunately, it is coming under more and more federal and state scrutiny in order to insure that the product is safe and that makes it harder to stay small.
That said, we're generally a friendly bunch but we like our product kept pure. Sap should always be handled like milk and the baby formula reference is a darn good one imho, no kidding around!
farmall h
01-08-2013, 05:56 PM
Peter, Welcome to the Maple Trader.:)
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-08-2013, 06:10 PM
food grade anti freeze why yes there is next time you go to those anti gun Mcdonalds or any fast food joint look at the ketchup packets. Some of them have propylene glycol in them certified by the FDA go figure.
01-08-2013, 06:27 PM
I actually thought you guys were pretty calm. A lot different than my first reaction reading the thread title
01-08-2013, 07:35 PM
I have some new 5 gallon pails that contained non-toxic anti freeze and was wondering if I can use them to gather sap, etc. They are propylene glycol cryo-tek-100 buckets with corrosion inhibitors from Hercules. Should they be washed out with anything special beyond hot water and soap?
Anybody done this before? Results?
thanks, Peter Are you for real? No wonder we all have to register with the FDA!
Stamford sugarmaker
01-08-2013, 09:06 PM
rg maple,
No I am not real, that's why I aspire to be as perfect as you.
Are there standards of knowledge that one must have before asking questions on this forum? How many folks out there will now hesitate to ask a question because they don't want to be dissed by the self-righteous after seeing this thread? Is that what you folks really want?
I wasn't sure about something so I asked a group that is more experienced with stuff like this. A few simple, "Nah, probably not a good idea!" responses would have sufficed.
I would like to thank the members that PM'ed me to say not to be concerned too much about the bashing that would take place. I'm not. I have learned a lot from the forum and expect to do so in the future. And I will continue to ask questions.
01-08-2013, 09:24 PM
I understand where your coming from. I make steel pails for a living And was planing on using them my first year until I started to ask some friends about it. They are far from food grade! Good think I asked!!
Stamford, do a search on my call name and you will see some questions Mr. But hope you have all night cause it will take you a solid week of all nights just to get thru them..haha.
01-08-2013, 09:45 PM
Peter, I can see how you felt belittled after reading all of these posts. Not that I would condone using anti-freeze buckets, but 25 years ago I would have did the same thing and there was no "mapletrader" to go and ask. We at one time many years ago used empty hydraulic oil pails to gather sap with and before I start getting bashed, how many of you's on here did the very same thing?
Now with that being said, sugarmakers in general have gotten much more quality minded through the years.
In all reality most of the processed big box food today is loaded with mega chemicals and additives, but yet that is all deemed "safe", makes no sense to me.
I can tell you for a fact there are pallet fulls of 50lbs. bags with skulls and crossbones that gets dumped into batches of pudding in town at a leading, nationally recognized pudding producer. Why is this crap going on? Now can any of you tell me how that would be any different than using washed out antifreeze buckets for gathering. I am just trying to prove a point is all, while still not approving of the practice.
shane hickey
01-08-2013, 11:34 PM
[QUOTE=Stamford sugarmaker;198818]rg maple,
No I am not real, that's why I aspire to be as perfect as you.
Are there standards of knowledge that one must have before asking questions on this forum? How many folks out there will now hesitate to ask a question because they don't want to be dissed by the self-righteous after seeing this thread? Is that what you folks really want?
Agreed i probably 1 of the top 10 or so biggest producers on here and i still dont know everything
Like you ive been dissed on by some of the jerks on this site but theres alot of good people on here to
Such as therron and thad both helped me alot. Remember there's no such thing
As a stupid question. If i can help you in any way pm me or facebook im on that alot
Its shane hickey with the new holland tractor for my pro file picture. Good luck this spring
01-09-2013, 08:15 AM
why can't we just answer him with a straight answer and not look down on him for asking questions? it's not like asked if you could use and oil tank for storage, anybody remember that? i have stated this before if you had any idea what goes into the foods we all eat you would have seconds on eating. i sure all that ripped on this guy are all experts in everything, if you have to rip on others go somewhere else!!
milk jugs is a good idea and if you need want a less expensive option try looking for the cage plastic tanks, usually 275 gallon for about 100-125 bucks. if you need collection for your taps look into sap bags inexpensive and safe. keep the questions coming. by the way sugar-based products have anti-freeze properties, we all eat sugar don't we??
01-09-2013, 08:37 AM
I am just saying...why would you even think that this is ok?????
01-09-2013, 08:42 AM
here is the material safety data sheet for propylene glycol
I think it's time for this thread to end. Where do we Americans get off saying what's good and what's bad for our health? We are the fattest most unhealthy people on the planet. Half the people that said don't use the buckets probably smoke cigarettes (and dope) and eat at fast food joints 4 times a week. Yea it would be better to use sap bags that are food grade or stainless buckets but not everyone can afford them. What Peter never said was he was planning to sell his syrup at the local flee market.
Stamford sugarmaker
01-09-2013, 09:42 AM
Thank you for all the re-assuring posts. No, I am not commercial. I just like to poison my own family and I! :) :) Right, Flat Lander Sugaring?
Delta pilot,
The thought occurred to me that it may be OK because for the past 10 years I have used non-toxic AF to winterize the fresh water system on my boat. It is the same stuff I mentioned in the OP- propylene glycol. In the spring I flush the tank a couple of times (with water and no soap) and we are good to go. We DRINK the water, brush our teeth, etc. and we ain't dead yet! It's used by boaters and RV people all over the world.
I couldn't open the link, what is the gist of what it said?
Again, thanks for your recent comments.
01-09-2013, 09:59 AM
That it is really not that bad according to osha would have to ingest large amounts do any thing. and not to put it in your eyes i wouldn't want syrup in my eye either. If you search the web for " propylene Glycol MSDS " you will find it. probably no worse then soda. Over time it can be bad if ingested small amounts often I would drink bottled water on the boat.
Thank you for all the re-assuring posts. No, I am not commercial. I just like to poison my own family and I! :) :) Right, Flat Lander Sugaring?
Delta pilot,
The thought occurred to me that it may be OK because for the past 10 years I have used non-toxic AF to winterize the fresh water system on my boat. It is the same stuff I mentioned in the OP- propylene glycol. In the spring I flush the tank a couple of times (with water and no soap) and we are good to go. We DRINK the water, brush our teeth, etc. and we ain't dead yet! It's used by boaters and RV people all over the world.
I couldn't open the link, what is the gist of what it said?
Again, thanks for your recent comments.
01-09-2013, 12:37 PM
.....really not that bad......
Not to insult anyone, as having this discussion periodically is good. However in most cases, "not that bad" doesn't mean the same as "good". I don't know whether to laugh a little or cringe a little when I hear this phrase. "Not that bad" is basically still a subset of bad. Sort of like the buddy syrup people made this year. When people first started making it after the hot spell it was "bad" -- no qualifiers were needed. As time went on, it got so people would descripe the taste as "not that bad." After tasting a good amount of it, I can tell you for certain that "not that bad" is a lot closer to "bad" than it is to "not so good" than "somewhat good". I don't know of a lot of people who would put it on their pancakes and still say it's "not that bad."
The main reason to NOT use such things as this is public perception and the hypersensitivity to food safety. We are supposed to be making a PURE, WHOLESOME, NATURAL FOOD. That is how we market it. Is it OK to say that it is "close to" pure and really "not that bad?" Kind of hard to market syrup by saying, "pure maple syrup, with just a touch of propylene gylcol."
The second reason to NOT use such things is if the maple industry doesn't clean up its own act....the FDA or other governmental agency will be happy to come do it for us.
I really like the concept of "Would you use it to mix baby formula in?" Simple.
01-09-2013, 12:48 PM
You know, The guy asked a question looking for an answer. That's all. If you want to reply, then just answer the question. Welcome the question and answer the man. At least he was smart enough to come to us and ask. How many out there don't ask? How many might not ask because they don't want the beating. Insults, verbal abuse and beating him with a stick aren't necessary unless that's how you teach your kids and train your dog.....
The answer is obvious to most but you don't teach the novice by beating them up.
The only dumb question is the one that you don't ask.
red maples
01-09-2013, 01:27 PM
poor guy.....38 reply's with mine but I guess you get the point. at least I hope you do.
you know somehwere on here somebody said something on the line of no "mapletrader to go to, and they would have used non-food stuff then too" well back then it was really OK to use pretty much anything because we siomply didn't kow any better. but times have changed and we now know that there is is stuff that can be fatal or harmful if used improperly. it might not kill or hurt you but it could effect kids your kids kids what ever or hurt you down the road sometime in some form or another.
Lead used to be used for cooking in, paint, gasoline, all sorts of stuff, you will see in a few years alot of the stuff that we use on a daily basis will but no longer used either.... High fructose corn syrup and all the food additives come to mind. different plactic additives BPAs, paraformaldihide perfect example.... I think the search and cure for cancers need to start over and there will never be a cure for cancer so we need to go to the cause and see what's going on. they have done alot on that but I think more has to be done. Think about all the stuff that goes into making the interior cars we drive in every day there are even warning as to not sit with the windows closed in a hot car or you will be exposed to toxins.
Alright I am way off topic here but the point is the more we learn about what not to use stesses to point of don't take short cuts because you will only be hurting yourself and the industry in the long run. do it right the first time.
I think we can put this one to rest now what do think.
01-09-2013, 01:43 PM
So if the stuff is ok to stop potable water pipes from frezzing how could it not be ok to collect sap in the empty pails???
Registar with the FDA??????? Really when did that happen? I must have missed that memo.
01-09-2013, 02:08 PM
Oh by the way I dont think I would have fed any of my kids baby formula!! :) :)
01-09-2013, 02:08 PM
I never said i would use the buckets I'm done looking at this post.
Not to insult anyone, as having this discussion periodically is good. However in most cases, "not that bad" doesn't mean the same as "good". I don't know whether to laugh a little or cringe a little when I hear this phrase. "Not that bad" is basically still a subset of bad. Sort of like the buddy syrup people made this year. When people first started making it after the hot spell it was "bad" -- no qualifiers were needed. As time went on, it got so people would descripe the taste as "not that bad." After tasting a good amount of it, I can tell you for certain that "not that bad" is a lot closer to "bad" than it is to "not so good" than "somewhat good". I don't know of a lot of people who would put it on their pancakes and still say it's "not that bad."
The main reason to NOT use such things as this is public perception and the hypersensitivity to food safety. We are supposed to be making a PURE, WHOLESOME, NATURAL FOOD. That is how we market it. Is it OK to say that it is "close to" pure and really "not that bad?" Kind of hard to market syrup by saying, "pure maple syrup, with just a touch of propylene gylcol."
The second reason to NOT use such things is if the maple industry doesn't clean up its own act....the FDA or other governmental agency will be happy to come do it for us.
I really like the concept of "Would you use it to mix baby formula in?" Simple.
01-09-2013, 04:28 PM
I just can't ignore this...
As it gets closer to syrup time; it's feels good to be back on MapleTrader, but it feels bad to see a thread like this one.
I'm not one to spend any time on internet boards, other than when the season gets close, and then during the season to keep up with what's going with maple and gather great ideas and learn from what's posted here. I started in 2006 and have learned more from this sight than I ever could have by trial and error or reading books. I've learned lots by asking questions, and reading answers to other's questions but, I've also witnessed a trend that is becoming more common... and kind of unprofessional on this site. While the older wiser ones remain silent - or will answer in a few words - some of the young and unsure can be prone to over re-act and be just plain rude.
Has the question ever been asked on this board, and is there any way for someone starting out to search for a thread containing "non-toxic antifreeze pails for sap use"? I don't think so. This place is a collective wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in maple and offers hours of browsing, if you are so inclined, to sit back and do some research. I don't think this is a place for rudeness or drive by answers - there are virtual cafes out there for that. For me it's been a source of information and sure beats going to the library and plowing through the Dewey Decimal File - I can't have a cold beverage in the library...
This individual had the apparent guts to ask a very valid question, I think we should thank him - not spank him.
01-09-2013, 05:37 PM
This individual had the apparent guts to ask a very valid question, I think we should thank him - not spank him.
OK. So with about 30 seconds spent on a Google search, the very simple answer to this question is NO....don't use them as they contained NON-food grade chemicals.
Cryo-tek 100 "Non-toxic" Antifreeze is made for use "in hydronic closed loop heating and cooling systems, solar heating systems, and general plumbing
systems that require freeze protection." "The virgin propylene glycol used in cryo-tek is “GRAS” (Generally Recognized As Safe) for incidental contact with food."
"Incidental contact" is "the limited contact of food products with products not destined for direct contact with food."
So in essence, this product is not, and never was, a food-grade propylene gycol, but rather is a non-toxic antifreeze suitable for use as described by the manufacturer (for use in heating and cooling systems). In use, this material is typically used in a heating or cooling system pipes that run through a food plant, and a small accidental amount of leakage of the system won't result in a toxic discharge into food. It is a safe-guard against poisoning consumers. It is not meant to be added to, or in contact with food.
Non-toxic does NOT equal food-grade.
01-09-2013, 06:18 PM
Not to insult anyone, as having this discussion periodically is good. However in most cases, "not that bad" doesn't mean the same as "good". I don't know whether to laugh a little or cringe a little when I hear this phrase. "Not that bad" is basically still a subset of bad. Sort of like the buddy syrup people made this year. When people first started making it after the hot spell it was "bad" -- no qualifiers were needed. As time went on, it got so people would descripe the taste as "not that bad." After tasting a good amount of it, I can tell you for certain that "not that bad" is a lot closer to "bad" than it is to "not so good" than "somewhat good". I don't know of a lot of people who would put it on their pancakes and still say it's "not that bad."
The main reason to NOT use such things as this is public perception and the hypersensitivity to food safety. We are supposed to be making a PURE, WHOLESOME, NATURAL FOOD. That is how we market it. Is it OK to say that it is "close to" pure and really "not that bad?" Kind of hard to market syrup by saying, "pure maple syrup, with just a touch of propylene gylcol."
The second reason to NOT use such things is if the maple industry doesn't clean up its own act....the FDA or other governmental agency will be happy to come do it for us.
I really like the concept of "Would you use it to mix baby formula in?" Simple.
I'm not at all ridiculing anyone, especially Dr Tim....just the whole idea of some of what's occurred on this thread I can't help but feel like the marketing folks at Crown Maple are taking note of this and laughing their a##es off :(
While we are on the subject I have been told not to use drops of milk/butter for defoamer as it has caused allergy reactions in some consumers. So I wonder about using used milk jugs. If we can not get bacteria out of a plastic spout is this a problem of milk residue. I do not know. Just asking.
shane hickey
01-09-2013, 09:59 PM
You can use butter no problem it will be evaporated
At 219• just dont add to much deformer yuck dont taste good lol.
Milk jugs are ok to for sap.
01-09-2013, 10:08 PM
Here we go again!
Thad Blaisdell
01-10-2013, 05:05 AM
no actually its not ok to use butter.
Butter is an emulsion of fat in water - thus boliling starts at about 100 deg C. As it is not pure water, but solution of proteins, salts and hydrocarbons its boiling point will be higher (thus 110-120 looks more or less probable). However, once the water is removed second boiling point is possible - when the fat itself starts to boil. But organic fats have tendency to decompose before boiling.
Because of certain people's allergic reactions to milk products this is no longer allowed, neither is the hanging of salt pork or bacon.
The old timers used to hang a pork chop over the flue pan or just use butter. They all lived to be 100 or so. Now the new generation of sugar maker's use all that safe high tec stuff in a bottle and we only live about 70 years. It sounds like eating syrup made from lead soldered pans with a pork chop dripping on top may be the way to go.:o Oh let's not forget the hard boiled eggs in the flue pan. I would rather die happy then die healthy any day.:) I saw the other day in the news that Vermont is the healthiest state. If being 100 pounds over weight is healthy then I would rather be unhealthy. All these new regulations we have is just a way of creating jobs. I can assure you that the last thing our government wants is for you and I to live to be 62.
Greenwich Maple Man
01-10-2013, 05:54 AM
Alright , I have been reading this thread. I understand not everybody is doing this as a living etc. However new 5 gal. food grade buckets are either cheap or free as well as defoamer. Alot of the stuff that people try to convert to maple is the cheap stuff that could be had for very little $ . I hate to even say this again, but this is food . People eat it and feed it to there kids, give it as gifts etc. As was posted the maple industrie had better suck it up and pull its weight and use the proper tools to do the job. If not we are going to be moderated by the goverment. That will cost us even more than defoamer.
01-10-2013, 06:59 AM
Hard boiled eggs in the fue pan???? Do tell please, I have never heard of this but it does sound good. Do they take on a maple flavor?
01-10-2013, 07:26 AM
If you drop them in the pan just hard enough to crack the shell they take on lots of maple flaver but if you drop them too hard they make a mess
01-10-2013, 07:53 AM
If we can not get bacteria out of a plastic spout is this a problem of milk residue.
The bacteria and other microbes are (mostly) killed by the extensive boiling. Thus they are not a problem. Addition of milk, or contamination with peanut oil or other potential allergins leaves proteins in the syrup that might cause an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals.
01-10-2013, 07:55 AM
Hard boiled eggs in the fue pan???? Do tell please, I have never heard of this but it does sound good. Do they take on a maple flavor?
This practice, and the practice of putting hot dogs or other items to cook in the pans is no longer allowed.
01-10-2013, 12:24 PM
UHm I don't use a defoaming agent of any kind, though the people I learned sugaring from use milk. I just skim it with a little sieve.
Yup, nothing like a good ol sap dog! had a few in Vermont but have never done it myself and do not plan on it
red maples
01-10-2013, 02:06 PM
yeah you have to take some syrup or close to syrup out and cook what you want in a pot on the side on a separate burner and either use the syrup for your self or chuck it.
No defoamer!!!!??? you must boil slow then. I get organic canola oil. and I got a sprayer/ spritzer what ever fill it and sray when needed. It it such a fine spray the foam drops instantly. and it just filters out. Boy has this thread changed!!! LOL
that was the plan :) I use the Atmos 3000 defoamer. It works great and doesnt cost much either.
01-10-2013, 03:51 PM
ive never used defoamer but never had a "real" evaporator, but i just got some of the regular stuff bascoms sells
01-10-2013, 04:30 PM
O!!!!! M!!!!! G!!!!! WHO THE HELL CARES!!!!!!!! The poor guy just asked a simple question and tried to do the right thing and learn. Cant we just say, naw better use an icing bucket? Holy sugar sand. Guys gonna think eating homeade syrup is akin to putting a gun in his mouth, poor guy, hes going to wake up in the middle of the night screaming and his wife is going to ask him whats wrong and hes going to say he just had a nightmare that he accidently ingested a pancake with homeade syrup on it. Theron
01-10-2013, 04:34 PM
I too, feel this thread has ran its course. I am sure by now the OP gets it.
West Mountain Maple
01-10-2013, 05:26 PM
i kinda like to see a page 7 appear on a thread once on a while HOT TOPIC! i'd like to hear some opinions on stainless tanks with questionable lineage. Is it not impervious and can be cleaned in some way no matter what was in it, maybe i should start a new one for this. But really guys, the current discussion is great, rather than tell people to go search. the wealth of knowledge on this forum is actually overwhelming, as i have read most of it. couldnt even find this original round up tank discussion, was it a stainless tank.
farmall h
01-10-2013, 05:32 PM
This practice, and the practice of putting hot dogs or other items to cook in the pans is no longer allowed.
Eggs, hot dogs,brocolli,potatoes,corn....twinkies,'s all nasty. Take a break and go make yourself a sandwich!
01-10-2013, 06:17 PM
[QUOTE=West Mountain Maple;199129]i kinda like to see a page 7 appear on a thread once on a while HOT TOPIC!
I just read all this for the first time. Interesting thread after all the smarty answers. I'm getting hungry.:lol:
01-10-2013, 11:24 PM
This thread is becoming usefull after all...maple dogs? That's sounds really good. never would have thought of that on my own. lol.
We used to put everything under the sun in our sap and it all tasted good (and nobody died). There is nothing better then stuffing your pie hole with a maple dog. Things taste so good cooked in sap that the next time you see a dead chipmunk in your sap you may be tempted to cook it.:lol: Although DR. Tim is right in saying you are not allowed to cook things in sap anymore ( that is only for people that are selling their syrup ) Putting small amounts of food such as hot dogs and eggs into your sap will not alter the taste of your syrup at all. In the 80s we got blue ribbons for our syrup and I know there was eggs in the sap. Some of the new sugar maker's are (yuppy nerds) trying to find fault with everything we do. If you are going to sell your syrup then you should not put anything in your sap. If you are a small back yard sugar maker just making a few gallons for the family then have at it and enjoy the maple flavor in your eggs and hot dogs. Oh and by the way the pork chops we hung over the flue pan did not go to waste. The only near death we had in our sugar house was eating the pork chop out of turn. We should have had a sign saying ( don't steal the pork chop ). Those were the good ol days when family's came together and talked to one another (not texted) and enjoyed one another's company in the sugar house or out in the sugar woods. I miss those days a lot.
tom jr.
01-11-2013, 06:14 AM
AMEN to that spud!!!!
01-11-2013, 08:12 AM
to bad this site doesnt have a MODERATOR its time to close it
01-11-2013, 09:21 AM
yuppy nerds lol. You watch duck dynasty by chance? lol
01-11-2013, 11:18 AM
to bad this site doesnt have a MODERATOR its time to close it
Well it does have a moderator(s), but you have to talk about things like Jesus for posts to get deleted.
01-11-2013, 05:06 PM
blah blah blah said i was all done looking at this but i couldn't help it!!!
01-11-2013, 05:36 PM
Back to the main topic on this thread-using buckets for collecting sap which have had another chemical in it (toxic or not). Don't use them. We may have used them in the past, along with hotdogs and eggs boiling in the sap. Times are changing. The FDA would love to become our inspectors. In order for the big packers to sell our syrup (and we all are growing bigger and making more) we need to be sure the syrup we sell is free from anything that is not maple.
01-11-2013, 05:45 PM
Here Here !!
01-11-2013, 05:55 PM
yuppy nerds lol. You watch duck dynasty by chance? lol
i do :lol:
Greenwich Maple Man
01-11-2013, 06:30 PM
Well it does have a moderator(s), but you have to talk about things like Jesus for posts to get deleted.
I'm a moderator but we each have our own topics to moderate. This isn't mine so I can't do it.
Another issue is that maple is such a delicate flavor that will show an off flavor very easily even if it is from another food product.
yuppy nerds lol. You watch duck dynasty by chance? lol
I have never heard of Duck Dynasty. Is it a cartoon? With seven kids you would think I would have heard of it.
01-12-2013, 07:37 AM
I have never heard of Duck Dynasty. Is it a cartoon? With seven kids you would think I would have heard of it.
no not a cartoon, its a show about a bunch of rednecks who made millions off duck calls, the show is kinda about all the stupid funny stuff they do :cool:
01-12-2013, 08:06 PM
You know the things are set up for the show but i'll bet they aren't far off what they are like in real life..especially uncle
01-12-2013, 11:07 PM
even though there all scripted its still pretty funny
01-13-2013, 06:11 AM
You mean Mama Kay's boudain is scripted?:o
01-14-2013, 08:51 AM
you know it's the squirrel brains that make 'em so
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