View Full Version : Selling our products, How? Where? Etc

01-05-2013, 07:13 PM

Hello all and Happy New Year!

I've been sugaring on a small basis last two seasons and have been very happy with the results, so much so that we've decided to go into very small commercial operations to "test the waters" so to speak. First and foremost, I do this because I love the process as well as the product! But if my family can make a few extra $$$ why not?!

My questions are about the sales process for maple syrup/products...

Where do you all sell the products? Online, farm shows etc?

How about the bulk/wholesale process? Are there main buyers for such a thing?

I'm not looking for anybody's trade secrets, just a little advice. :confused:

01-05-2013, 08:01 PM
Most of my retail is at farmer's markets. I know some that have product in local stores. Most of my bulk goes to Maple Grove in St Johnsbury, VT. In the last few years they do not seem to want any unless you are on the "list". Some goes to Goodrich's Maple. Bascom's in NH buys a lot. Most Maple publications have ads from bulk buyers. I know

01-05-2013, 09:28 PM
I sell at farmers markets, retail out of my sugar house, a few conveinance stores and i also have three local resturants that use my product. Im not sure of local laws in your area but i know here to retail you need a state license for your sugar house but is easy to get, a few requirements need to be met. good luck with quest