View Full Version : My 10x16 sugar shack completed

Eric in Kinburn
01-05-2013, 06:05 PM
I've posted pictures of it before, but here are a couple of pictures of it completely finished (I did the windows a couple of months ago). 10x16 with steel shingles and pavers for the floor.

Thanks for looking.


01-05-2013, 06:27 PM
Very Nice! It won't be long and you can enjoy your new setup!

01-05-2013, 06:38 PM
Very nice. What size pan do you have in there?

Eric in Kinburn
01-05-2013, 08:20 PM
Very nice. What size pan do you have in there?

Thanks! I've actually enjoyed the setup for the past 2 years. I just got around to making the windows. Much nicer than the 6 mil poly I had :lol:

Eric in Kinburn
01-05-2013, 08:28 PM
Very nice. What size pan do you have in there?

It's a 18"x48" D&G. I have added a pre-heating pan since and I also have a 16"x16" propane finisher.

01-05-2013, 08:57 PM
Are those brick pavers on the floor? If so what do you have for a base? I have thought about doing the same thing.

Eric in Kinburn
01-05-2013, 09:00 PM
Are those brick pavers on the floor? If so what do you have for a base? I have thought about doing the same thing.

I'm not sure I understand your question, but yes they are pavers. I made a rectangle out of 6x6 PT timbers and filled it with gravel and put pavers on top to be even with the timber.


01-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Yes you answered my question. Just wondered what you had under the pavers. Looks great.

01-11-2013, 08:20 PM
I have 300 of those same pavers, freebies . I was hoping to have it for this season , but its last on the list . The guy I bought my evap from has the same with a simple drain in the middle . Someday I'll burn the shanty :lol: . Very nice sugarshack you built by the way .

Eric in Kinburn
01-11-2013, 08:33 PM
I have 300 of those same pavers, freebies . I was hoping to have it for this season , but its last on the list . The guy I bought my evap from has the same with a simple drain in the middle . Someday I'll burn the shanty :lol: . Very nice sugarshack you built by the way .

Thanks! Mine were not free, but pretty cheap and that was a requirement :)

01-12-2013, 07:01 PM
That is an awesome set up, hardly a shack! Liked the prgress photos on your website. Any reason why you went with a 10' width, seems like everyone here goes 12' wide or greater? Just curious, as I am in planning stages of a shack that is probably a couple years away from being built.

Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
01-12-2013, 08:08 PM
Nice looking place!

Eric in Kinburn
01-13-2013, 08:02 AM
That is an awesome set up, hardly a shack! Liked the prgress photos on your website. Any reason why you went with a 10' width, seems like everyone here goes 12' wide or greater? Just curious, as I am in planning stages of a shack that is probably a couple years away from being built.

Thanks for the kind comments. No particular reason for 10' wide instead of 12'. I really didn't want to have too big a building. I only have a bit more than 4 acres to play with so I know I can't expand my production to more than 85 trees. Everyone on this forum suggests to build bigger than you need now and I believe it to be a good advice in general, I just didn't think it applied to my situation and so far I haven't been disappointed.

Dennis H.
01-13-2013, 08:15 AM
Very nice looking sugar house. I love the cupola.

It looks like you still have plenty of room for more equipment so you must have sized it right for you size of operation.

Tapped Out
01-13-2013, 07:42 PM
I'm not sure I understand your question, but yes they are pavers. I made a rectangle out of 6x6 PT timbers and filled it with gravel and put pavers on top to be even with the timber.

You should cut in a maple leaf design on the floor with red pavers. That would look awesome! It would also be a ton of work!!

Eric in Kinburn
01-14-2013, 07:50 AM
You should cut in a maple leaf design on the floor with red pavers. That would look awesome! It would also be a ton of work!!

Yeah, I'm not about to re-do the pavers in there, but you've given me an idea for a painted/stenciled maple leaf design on the floor. Maybe one day :)

04-01-2013, 12:02 AM
Very nice shack. I'd be proud to work in that!

Eric in Kinburn
04-01-2013, 06:48 AM
Very nice shack. I'd be proud to work in that!

Thank you and yes I am very proud to work in there. Unfortunately due to my dad's death I don't have time to do the maple run this year. Can't wait for next year!