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View Full Version : Lapierre Hobby Releaser

Mike R.
01-03-2013, 09:25 PM
I would like to hear from y'all about the Lapierre Hobby Releaser. I am looking a purchasing one but would like to hear how everyone's is working after the upgrades and issues they had with the early versions. I've been doing some reading on them and seems to me people have mixed thought on them.

Lets hear your thoughts.

Dennis H.
01-03-2013, 11:06 PM
They have been completely redesigned. BUT..... They are not yet shipping any.
I have had one on order from Chris at The Maple Guys since the spring sale. I have been told they are working on solving a few minor things and are currently in the testing stage. They may get shipped in time or they may not for the up coming season.

I got this one ordered for the stand of maples that I tubed at my dad's cabin, since it might not get here in time I moved my other releaser, also a Lapierre Hobby, up there.
I will use the new releaser on the trees here at the house if it gets here on time. If not I will have it for next season, not a big deal for me right now that is why I am not worried about it.

As for my older Lapierre Hobby, it works great. I never had a single issue with it. I heard of problems with it hanging up and not resetting. I talked to a guy up at LEME in Nov from Lapierr, I can't remeber his name but he from Lapierre it self. He told me that the problems occur when the releasers were out it the open uncovered. They would ice up around the flost rod.
I had mine under a small roof that I built ontop of the small tank I used.
Also You want to almost every day put a little silicone oil on the float rod.

01-04-2013, 05:16 AM
Dennis said something very important, the problems occur when the releasers were out in the open uncovered. I have had my bernard single for 2 years now and have never had a problem with a float sticking or any type of hang up. It seems that everyone with releaser problems no matter the brand have them outside uncovered. My releaser is on my tank outside but I built a cover for it out of a plastic trash can. It keeps the weather off the important parts and seems to help with the reliability.

red maples
01-04-2013, 07:45 AM
the last edition of the Lap. hobby was not bad. Mine have had covers they might get a little snow from it blowing but the issue that I had with them is the float won't release under high vac. basically anything over 23-24 "hg of vac. during the later part of the season when the vac pressure can get up as high as 25-27 I have to dial it back to 23" because it won't release the float. other wise its a good little releaser the key to any releaser is keeping it clean I flush it with HOT water every morning and scrub the float rod at least once a week. any little bit of sap that gets in there can dry out and make things sticky. I have a moisture trap that is a must!!! but I am going to move it right next to the relaser this year so sap doesn't fill the line between the vac and the releaser. I would like to see the new design in the new hobbys. I will probably be going to the new hobby double for the 2014 season as I will out grow this one. it supposedly works VERY good as it is a minuture version of the big ones. and is good for 1000 or 1100 taps I think.

Mike R.
01-04-2013, 02:43 PM
Thanks for the input. It sounds like most problems are results of poor maintenance and being out in the weather. I emailed Chris to see if I am able to still get one for 2013 season. If not I'll be looking for a used one.

If you are having issue with the float hanging up, why not add a little weight to the top of the float shaft. Maybe a 3/4"nut would be enough to fix it.

Dennis H.
01-04-2013, 02:58 PM
That was a fix that some have found to work. That is aleast when there was the gray plastic knob on top of the float rod.

red maples
01-04-2013, 03:03 PM
yeah I tried the weight and I can get to 25" inches but then it becomes too heavy and the sap level will go over the float and it wont work. the float is already heavy it made out of 4" pvc pipe and flat end caps. the float works by weight. 25" is the max.