View Full Version : hauling sap truck sizing

Ryan Mahar
01-03-2013, 11:34 AM
Anyone out there with a Chevy 2500 HD hauling a 425 gallon tank full of sap. Just curious how the suspension of the 3/4 ton is handling this weight??

01-03-2013, 11:55 AM
I haul a 525 with a 2001 2500 hd and have no problem, but last year was the first. Before that I had a 325 in it.

01-03-2013, 12:00 PM
I have a GMC 2500HD with a 325 tank. Easy haul.

01-03-2013, 12:41 PM
I have a chevy 2500 hd with airbags I haul 425 gal tank on truck and 525 on trailor

Ryan Mahar
01-03-2013, 01:23 PM
sweet,guess I am all set then! Hope your tanks are full all year!! thanks for reply

01-03-2013, 01:31 PM
F350 with a 750 gal on it hauls no problem, you know its there definately and our trip has few hills but I'm sure it would have no problems anywhere. Its more exciting with about 450 gallons in the 750 sloshing around.

Randy Brutkoski
01-03-2013, 05:17 PM
Ryan, I hauled with a 425 pickup tank and i used timbrins in my truck. Felt like i didnt really have a load in it. But this year i bought a new 12 ft. dump trailer and i am putting 1050 gallon tank in it and a small one in my truck. But the difference is that i have a superduty. I need say no more. Does your chevy have a heated tail gate. I heard they are going to be a standard feature on the 2013 chevy pickups.

01-04-2013, 08:11 PM
Those helpers that randy got will help u in middletown. Less wear and tare on your truck.

01-04-2013, 08:25 PM
Ryan, I hauled with a 425 pickup tank and i used timbrins in my truck. Felt like i didnt really have a load in it. But this year i bought a new 12 ft. dump trailer and i am putting 1050 gallon tank in it and a small one in my truck. But the difference is that i have a superduty. I need say no more. Does your chevy have a heated tail gate. I heard they are going to be a standard feature on the 2013 chevy pickups.

Is the heated tailgate for when you break down your butt stays warm waiting for a ride ?

Randy Brutkoski
01-05-2013, 03:43 PM
Or when your pushing that broke down chevy and your hands wont get cold. Should be a big seller for chevy.

01-05-2013, 07:26 PM
after seeing the performance of our 2 F550's on the Newbury NH fire department, i can say this, I'd rather have a ford than a dodge, and i'd NEVER buy a ford. GO CHEVY!