View Full Version : January Journal 2013
01-01-2013, 05:18 AM
Just wanted to tell all member happy New Year's and hope it was safe and wonderful. Let all your sap be 3% and make some excellent syrup this coming season an be safe
maple flats
01-01-2013, 07:46 AM
Happy New Year to all.
All of this snow will slow my progress.Last week my goal was to finish running laterals to my new expansion. The snow gave me new tasks. Now I'll need to do it all on foot since my ATV likely won't go thru the snow we now have and I don't have a snow mobile. BUT, we are better off with the snow on the ground instead of being like last year. The snow might settle to where the ATV can get through in a few days. I have looked at tracks for it but over $3000/set is more than I can go this year.
01-01-2013, 07:49 AM
Hope everyone is happy and well and 2013 is one of our best seasons yet.
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-01-2013, 08:23 AM
may boiling sodas run rampant this weekend and all during sugaring season
01-01-2013, 10:22 AM
Checked to see how much snow was at the sugarhouse this past weekend, there's plenty.
IT must have been a good night since I am just getting up and having my first cup of coffee! Well isnt that what New Years eve is all about? One question tho, we were watching the count-down but they never showed that crystal ball dropping? Weird. I plan on doing SOMETHING maple today but the wife just told me that the christmas tree must come down today so I have to tackle that first. the kids want to go sledding so that will need to be done (which BTW is fun as all get out cause I like it too) then maybe I will get to take the dog for a walk in the sugarbush or something.. I dont think we have had this much snow since I have had the lines up lat year!
This morning I started building an enclosure for my vac pump and electric motor on the back wall of my sugar house. It will be underneath my head tank. I will probably lay down a scrap piece of rubber roofing on top of the head tank platform to keep the rain out.
Dennis H.
01-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Got a few more things done in prep for the coming season.
I hauled the sap tank and vac pump up to the cabin. For the most part the tank is now level with the releaser sitting on it.
I hooked up the 2 mainlines that had to cross a trail and the vac pump is ready to go.
I need to go back up this coming weekend to run the vac line from the pump to the releaser, they are about 200' apart.
Now that the trailer is empty I can put my cage tank on it for hauling sap.
I need to also get a water sample tested because the time for inspection is coming quick to, it was the end of Jan last year.
Not much to do but the time for tapping is quickly getting here so I need to stay on things, right around a month to go!
01-02-2013, 08:46 AM
Time flies when you’re running amok.
Spent the better part of last week in the woods. Put up an additional 500’ of ¾ and ran new wire on another 600’. Burned through 1000’ of 5/16 reworking laterals and am going to need another 500’ to finish up. Near doubled the number of saddles out there, but now have 3 taps per lateral, typically. New fittings and drops throughout.
Getting ready for vacuum next year and for the first time I can honestly say that I’m happy with the way everything is laid out, tied up and finished off. Still have 30 or so laterals to rework, but last evening you couldn’t have paid me enough to press another fitting onto a piece of 5/16. Should be able to wrap it up this weekend though.
On the down side, my hood isn’t scheduled to be in until the 25th, and they are running a couple of weeks behind…going to be cutting it close for a pre-heater build.
red maples
01-02-2013, 04:13 PM
Ah nice to get in the woods today a little chilly but FINALLY finished installing my dry line wire, and got the 300 ft of 1" tubing all up and tied on it was a little chilly to start but onceI got moving I was sweating by lunch time.
Tomorrow I have to fix the snow blower, and cut a little more wood. at least an hour a day!!! then I can get back to the wet wire which is rolled out just have to tie it up and put in rachets and side ties. should go up much quicker as the dry line on this section is all graded. the other 500ft section will take some time as I have to hang that and grade it put in a few sap ladders.
01-03-2013, 03:57 PM
Ok, feeling guilty i've done nothing maple. Didnt even get the new collection tank installed in the hole i dug that is now buried in snow. Should be at least 6 weeks before anything loosens up. That's lots of time right?????? (I'll never learn)
01-03-2013, 06:16 PM
Im last minute with stuff like every year. My evaporator is in pieces and my buddy is supposed to fix my flue pan this weekend. Hopefully Ill have it set up more efficiently this year. I might add another blower. Last year I could have used more air. I stacked some pine and covered it the past few days. It was standing dead when I cut it last year and split it this summer so its pleanty dry. Plus I have a few hundred pallets for backup. I still have to set up the entire sugar shack and fix all my lines in the woods.
red maples
01-03-2013, 06:30 PM
man it was cold this morning. 0*F I waited until it was 10* to go outside. but had to do some other stuff didn't get to do much on to the lines!!! Tomorrow I run some errunds in the AM then back in the woods.
01-07-2013, 08:41 AM
The woods are almost done. Mains up, laterals all strung, drops in, everything graded out. Need to install about 40 saddles and I’m done out there for now.
Still need to lay in another cord or two of wood, clean up the shack and build a pre-heater.
Should be able to coast into the season….That’ll be a first. :lol:
red maples
01-09-2013, 05:24 PM
Alright, taking advantage of this warmer weather. Finished re-bricking the evap today. its just drying now. I put my heater buddy under the arch to keep it warm. tomorrow I will install the blower and get the wires run for that. then seal up the draft door get the pans back on and sealed up fill with water and get a little fire going to cure the cement. Hopefully I will have time to do all that shouldn't take me long I am sure I forgot something and will have to run back to the store again. but hopefully I can get it all done and cured. tomorrow!!! we'll see.
01-09-2013, 06:35 PM
Test boiled last night and it was AWESOME... I figured I was getting about 40gph or so... Speechless as all I can say is I am very impressed with this rig, and give a "nice job" to Patrick Phaneuf. :)
Clark thats a heck of a nice rig you got there. :)
Bruce L
01-10-2013, 08:52 PM
Drove through the roads in the bush with the 4 x 4 tractor yesterday,today lifted the new mainline wire up that a large limb took down over the winter,ready to tie the mainline to,ran mainline wire through the big "o" in the trench I dug before freeze-up,framed the walls for the new vacuum pump building tonight,tomorrow will be putting the walls together on the platform,then the roof,then running mainlines,etc,etc,etc.
01-11-2013, 06:05 AM
Finally recieved my new canner. Lapieree 16x16 with the rack, lid, and stainless valve. Need to get a thermomether still... Also got my 4inch scoop. I am very pleased with the work from Lapierre, although I can say that it did take a while, as I orderd it with the dealer in August, but it was worth it.
01-11-2013, 06:25 AM
My plan is to hold off to Feb 14th or so. I'm pretty well ready, but just came down with the flu yesterday, and am heading down to Belize next Saturday. I won't be home til the 29th. From my point of view anytime after the 29th will do!!! If I had a small 30-40 tap operation I'd tap , but extended deepfreeze is a major hassle
Pumpkin Village Maple
01-11-2013, 04:22 PM
Here in Fairfield Vt we had a maple interview with 3 top notch reporters from the Sixth Grade class. Grilled me with alot of tough question even when I had on my red plaid flannel shirt. :lol: Got out of that situation by offering maple candy and maple syrup samples. It was good to see them taking there school work so serious. Even had to do a blooper part. That wasn't to hard on my part. We're ready to here. 200 buckets waiting on us. Need a new cordless drill thou.
Have a great season.
Al Hayford
Algiers Evaporator
200 Buckets
01-14-2013, 03:14 PM
Took advantage of the summer weather this weekend to get alot done. +14 Celcius here... or somewhere close to 60 F.
GAthering tank now in place with boards under to try and balance it in the mud... yep need gravel there for next year or better yet a concrete pad.
Squirrel/Deer/turkey destroyed lines all repaired and back up. put in alot of splices as I didn't have any new line around to use. Man is it alot of work to repair chewed lines,,, way more than putting up totally new I think. any new lateral lines I run I think I'm going to put several anchors around trees and not just the anchoring clip at the end of the lateral. that way if it gets chewed a a couple places at least parts of the line are still up out of the snow and tensioned along the way rather than the entire line being on the ground.
One mistake I found I had made... I had cut the lateral lines off the mainline right at the barb fitting on the saddle to flush the laterals out and make sure everything was running/not plugged. However I left them like this all summer and now all the barbs are full of mudwasp nests (or some similar bug). I had to pull all the sadddles out to clean them out. Next year I'll stick on a cap or a small piece or tubing to prevent this.
Dragged some fallen trees out of the woods for next years firewood.. but it was actually too warm to do this... was sweating like crazy... Finish this up when the temps fall again this week.
01-14-2013, 06:30 PM
Almost done tapping. Turned on the vacuum pump Saturday afternoon and pulled in about 4,000 gallons of sap. Ran through the RO today while tapping, plan to boil tomorrow to sweeten pans and make a few gallons. Cold weather moving in so it was a nice break to see it run.
red maples
01-14-2013, 06:55 PM
Wow did it huh!!!!
Finally took down the x-mas tree (it was my job to take off the light and it outside) Got the outside x-mas lights down today, Did mid season chimney cleaning, cleaned out chicken coupe, was able to turn over some of the compost pile, worked on evap a little,
Tomorrow hopefully finish evap.... couple hours of chainsaw work. and the then into the woods to finish side ties on 400 ft pice of mainline. then hopefully install mainline tube and get it all tied up. I hope.
Looking forward to the NH annual this weekend!!! supposed to have a comedian for the afternoon sounds like fun!!!
wow, I got my tree down New Years
01-16-2013, 05:32 PM
Loggers finished thinning the sugar bush. Mains and branch lines back up and regraded. Looking to tap in on Valentines Day again. Hoping this will help with the sap haul.
red maples
01-17-2013, 07:43 AM
Gotta finish up maple books for taxes today!!!!! Don't meet with the Accountant until feb 12th but need to get it done!!!
Man you need to check in on the trader daily or you really rack up the new posts.....fffeewww. about 5 pages of new stuff busy times for the maple community!!!.
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-17-2013, 11:42 AM
Just made a run to Deer River and purchased a 1500 gallon bulk tank for $1500.
red maples
01-17-2013, 06:29 PM
Done cooking the books!!! Got everything in there, mileage done, inventory done.....brain cooked as well. at least its all done!!!
01-18-2013, 09:13 PM
639463956396Been working in the pumps house and R.O. Room non stop the last two weeks. Almost have it all ready. Hooking up the pump house electric tomorrow and finishing the plumbing on the R.O. Get the electric hooked up to the R.O. early next week and set some tanks and I think I'll be ready. If time permits I know a section I can add 100 taps to my 3800 tap system pretty easily. Won't be long till go time here.
01-19-2013, 06:04 AM
Looks good Scott!
maple flats
01-19-2013, 06:34 AM
Yea, looks real nice.
I have 4 helpers coming today. I hope to finish installing laterals and drops on about 1800' of new main line plus build one sap ladder. The weather should be good, high forecast at 39F, but at the elevation my bush is that will likely be 2-4 degrees lower. This week I just got by arch stack base back. I had a new one made. This coming week I'll finish plumbing the new pans and finalize the set up. Then comes a conversion. Last year my RO ran on gas, this year I have grid power (so my 6320 watts of solar could be net metered) and I got everything I needed to convert the RO to electric. I think I'll still need to roll it outside to run it because of lack of room. For next year I need to expand the sugarhouse to keep things inside. Plans to build this last summer were foiled by a bad season for both syrup and blueberries last year. When I should have been spending some syrup money on expansion on the sugarhouse, I was installing $7,000 of drip irrigation on about 6 acres of blueberries, raspberries and market garden, at 2 locations. Then I had to pump water to one location from a creek about 1500' away to my irrigation pond which rarely runs dry but did last year.
01-19-2013, 06:42 AM
Done cooking the books!!! Got everything in there, mileage done, inventory done.....brain cooked as well. at least its all done!!!
red maples, I have mine now completed as well. Off to the tax man as soon as my 1099 comes.
Finally got around to installing rubber roofing on my head tank platform. My vac pump will sit underneath. Not a professional job but it will do. Managed to get one single sheet under the head tank with some strategic planning.
maple flats
01-20-2013, 05:09 AM
Yesterday we got a lot done, but not everything. I misjudged the lateral needed. I loaded 9 rolls of lateral, but still need 2-3 more. It would have taken too long to go get the rest so we quit in the woods at 4 even though we had light til 5. We still have about 400' of mainline to add laterals on. I also need some fittings so I can tie the new mains into my wet dry lines. I'll order them today since I use SS fittings.
shane hickey
01-20-2013, 05:53 AM
Well i had another son born this morning at 5:45
I guess i might have to find more taps to keep the
Same income
Is anyone interested in this gathering tank in the classifieds? I need go get rid of it ASAP so I can get the rest of my supplies. I lowered the price to $425
shane hickey
01-20-2013, 06:25 AM
Thank you.
maple flats
01-20-2013, 06:43 AM
Congrats Shane. Have you taught him how to identify a sugar maple yet? I hope he takes an interest in maple as he grows. I have 2 grown sons, both live locally. One helped me 2 days my first 3 years (total), the other has not even visited the sugarhouse. In contrast, my 2 grown daughters regularly help during the season, at the sugarhouse, especially on Saturdays when I have open houses, and one grandson works with me regularly when he has a day off in college. In fact he scheduled his classes so he only goes to school M,W,F and works T, Th, Sat for me. He takes Sundays off for his girlfriend. He works all year. Another grandson started this past summer (also in college) but he is only available on Saturdays. The first one also works both day on weekends when I have open house.
Build a good workforce so you can slow down someday.
shane hickey
01-20-2013, 10:40 AM
Thanks dave when they get old enough they will know what work is
01-20-2013, 11:42 AM
Yesterday i took advantage of the 38 degree weather and repaired lines in our Price county bush, Lincoln county bush i finished a few weeks back. Snow is maybe 4 inches deep but very compact and hard from some rain we had weeks ago, Now that the extreme cold is upon us, frost will start penetrateing deep if we don't get any fluffy snow cover. I went and looked at old post about deep frost, and seasons past, and it's kinda a mixed review on good and bad. Also talked to 2 producers in the area and it was a 50/50 love/ hate conversation also. Guess frost is a minor worry compared to extreme heat like last year. As far as line repair, it went good, not much as far as down/busted lines, never really had alot of rodent damage in that woods so im not expecting to many "hissers" when the vac is on. Our work weekend is Feb. 2nd and 3rd so everything else will be done and ready for tapping time. Since last year was a no tapping decision, all 1700 bags are on the holders and the wood is ready, still we have plenty to do that weekend though. I know no matter what the weather is like, if it's a hot one again, we will for sure put the bags out, my concern is the plastic getting old/brittle and the seams letting go after, not 1, but 2 years of being rolled up and temperature fluctuations. (no direct sun so they should be o.k this year yet i hope). After repairing lines i went to our north line where we are bordered by plum creek land (timber holding company). They are clear cutting 160 acres of a hardwood stand!! Can't see the logic in that except for greed/live for the day thinking.
01-21-2013, 08:19 AM
Strong winds here the past couple of days, blew over one of my mainline anchor trees, spent yesterday cleaning up that mess. Saddles go on today and the woods will be done.
My hood should arrive this week, need to get the steam stack set, the pans cleaned, preheater done, the tanks cleaned and set, and I’ll be good to go.
Deep freeze coming this week, highs in the teens, single digit lows.
Had our annual conference Saturday, always learn a thing or two there.
Entered some syrup for judging, had the grade right this time, density was spot on, color and clarity were good, no off flavors, just didn’t score as high as the winner/runner up on flavor. I know why, got to get rid of these poly tanks, but at least we’re on the right track and we’re happy with the results.
Came across an add in one of the periodicals handed out at the conference. This one for a “firewood processor”, if it weren’t for the $24k price tag, I’d be all over it.
Check out the vid…
01-21-2013, 06:01 PM
Not liking the weather pattern forecasts I'm seeing. Dip in the jet stream bringing us cold temps in February followed by a warmer than average March. Sounds like makings of a short season here. I might just be grateful for tapping a north facing slope.
01-22-2013, 05:54 AM
I was away most of the weekend, and it figures that it was warm.... got home and had about 25-30gals of frozen sap in the tanks from 45taps. Have to wait till it warms because I cant get it pumped out if its a block :o
Also finished off some sweet from the syrup pan, and made about a gallon of B-grade, yes b grade, but it has very good flavor and is not the strong for b. I think this color is due to the fact that I had only 45taps out, tapped them the 7th, and had to keep batching and wating for enough sap to boil, and then waiting to finish it off... Oh well. I will drain the rest of the pans and finish the rest of the sweet tonight I think.
Hows the evaporator running Clark? I cant wait to get mine going.
01-22-2013, 06:19 AM
i am pretty much ready for the season just a few minor sap line repairs left and have to finish putting up my new stainless stack. The last couple fittings i need for completing my 3rd membrane add on to the ro will be here today. Its always weird thinkin how 10 months of the year the sugarhouse is a silent little building then all the sudden its filled with sounds of evaporator and ro and pumps etc!
We have a snow day today so I plan to cut in some droplines. Is 9 degrees too cold to install tubing?:)
01-22-2013, 06:55 AM
I installed about 20 saddles yesterday in 10 degrees with a wind. By the end I couldn’t muster the strength to work the one handed tool.
That cold will sap the strength right out of you, well that and the tubing gets to be a little more uncooperative. Oh, and trying to work with heavy gloves….and heavy clothes…and….Aw, who am I kidding? It was just freaking cold out there. :lol:
Yeah I might do some electrical work in the sugarhouse instead. Its warmer in there (11 degrees).:)
red maples
01-22-2013, 08:38 AM
I was really hoping for some snow from winter storm Joe which turned out to be JOKE instead. even up to a few hours before the snow they were still forecasting 9-14 inches here through midday today!!! and we got a dusting...oh well out to the woods gotta get as much as I can get done today!!! wanna be ready 100% ready to tap by Jan 28th maybe a warm up coming!!! but can't trust the weather guys!!! As long as we don't get well not gonna say it!!! ;)
01-22-2013, 08:46 AM
-13 here this morning and will stay on the cold side till the week-end and then in the 20's I would imagine this is headed east. I can see you fellas hunkering down on the posts already. Bright side the days are getting brighter and longer. Man I am ready---drill in hand.
maple flats
01-22-2013, 12:22 PM
I still need to install laterals on some new mains. I hope 4 coils is enough, that's all I have left. I might need to do a supplies run. My tin shop is making all the new lids I needed today or tomorrow. I had to order 2 hot sap lids, 1 cold sap lid, a syrup pan lid (for when not in use), a draw off vat lid and 3 lids for my new head tank. I ordered them all in SS.
Too cold here and getting colder the next 2-3 days. Forecast is for single digit nites and teens days thru Sunday. Might warm up next week. I might start tapping next week sometime.
01-22-2013, 06:37 PM
Heus, running good, just need more sap to tune her in better :cool:
Amber Gold
01-22-2013, 06:56 PM
Brad, I saw the forecast too before I went to bed. Woke up to a dusting and was wondering what happened...not sure how they got it that wrong.
red maples
01-23-2013, 03:47 PM
Hey Josh you feeling better? you were sounding pretty bad on Sat. I got a little cold worked outside all day mon & tues anyway its not too bad though sniffles and a little sore throat but I think I am fighting it off!!! I hope this is it and I don't get sick for the season AGAIN!!!
I don't have much trust in the Weather folks anymore.......They can't even get it right 4 hours out!!! as of yesterday we were gonna get a big storm on Friday / saturday well thats changed now too going south down to a 30% chance of snow on sat.
Today was a good day to work on indoor projects.....
Made 100 Drop lines
Put together 30 super saddles
Paid maple bills
Paid house bills
fill out my USDA farm census (for some reason its the law??) whatever its done.
Fill out State annual business report all paid up
Got in touch with the summer rental property owner sent in my down payment for lake house!!! Hard to think about swimming, boating and tubing when its 10*F outside!!!
Put in a little order to bascom's for a few last minute things hope thats all I need!!! I always miss something!!!
Off to clean the basement so I can work on a few things down there. mostly have to cleanoff the work bench!!!
Tomorrow need to work on the website and maybe bottle up the remainder of all my honey. about 60-70lbs or so. and see if I can get my hood project redone to actually work right.
Spent the past two snow days cutting in the rest of my drops. Fun in 8 degree weather. Thanks to One Leg John for loaning me his two handed tool.
01-24-2013, 06:22 PM
Massachusetts would summon me for Jury Duty right in the middle of February. Hoping I'll be able to get out with some jury nullification talk.
Gary R
01-26-2013, 08:14 PM
I went and visited Sugarmaker today. It looks like he is all ready to go. He took me to visit some brand new syrup makers. They've never made syrup and they went all in:) Everything brand new. 1500 taps on vacuum with at least 1000 more to add. Stainless tanks, RO, 3X10 evaporator with steamaway, full 10" air pump press, SS syrup barrels and it keeps going. A large barn was converted to a sugar house. It is a very nice operation. I hope everything goes well for them.
I put my completely frozen buckets of sweet in my garage. I hope they thaw out in a few days so I can boil soon.
01-27-2013, 04:46 PM
The woods are ready, nothing left to do out there but tap the trees.
Even spent a couple of hours cleaning and getting the shack set up, just have to clean the pans and set the head tank yet.
Warm spell coming the next two or three days, figure on getting the tanks cleaned and sanitized, maybe even set.
Should be able to tinker with the preheater on the week nights and cut wood on the weekends.
FWIW, the weatherman says at least two more weeks, maybe three.
01-27-2013, 05:02 PM
I got two more 275 gallon totes today. I need to powerwash all my tanks out. This week I need to get some vermiculite and fnish putting my evaporator together. Ill start setting up my tanks and fixing tubing this week too.
We're still frozen solid up here in Maine. We may have some rain tomorrow, but this morning it was only 8 degrees at my house.
red maples
01-29-2013, 02:51 PM
in for a little rain I guess here for the next few days???? don't know how much.... but got a little snow last night!!!
Tubing almost done. I hope I can get out a little tomorrow. Just need to put in saddles, one more dry line junction, a few fitting here and there. Since I am just about done might as well run another one of the branch lines into the dry line wet line set up. shouldn't take me too long!!!
Then its into the sugarhouse for a few days get everything ready to in there.
Then off for a few days hopefully get in some ice fishing in. relax a little before we start tapping. which will be sometime after feb 7 so far weather seems to be holding cold after this little warm spell!!!
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