View Full Version : Long Distance Maple sugaring
12-31-2012, 02:20 PM
I live in williston ND and would like to do maple syruping, so before you say I am crazy I am not really looking to make a ton of money off it its more or less just a hobby. I used to live in NY and had a large sugarbush 10000 trees but went out west for the oil patch. I have all the equipment already I just need sap. Is there anyone outhere that would sell me about 1000-1500 gallons and possibly even haul it for an additional fee? Yes I do know sap goes rancid in about 4-5 days maximum. Thanks, Toby
ok. this has to be the craziest post ever on this site.
12-31-2012, 02:53 PM
Why not just buy syrup locally, then dilute it 40:1 with water to make your own sap?
12-31-2012, 03:51 PM
Why not just buy syrup locally, then dilute it 40:1 with water to make your own sap?
:-)****. Why didn't I think of that!!!!!
12-31-2012, 07:16 PM
i actually don't think its that crazy an idea. I would think your best bet would be to connect with a large producer in the Minn. or Wisconsin and see if you could buy some sap from them. Then find a milk hauler and see if you could get someone to get it out your way. A tandem axle milk truck would likely have a 2000 to 2500 gal tank so if you can store or absorb that much, you might get more sap per $. From North-Central Minn. it is an 8 hour ride. I know there is a theory that when sap travels it compromises the sap quality, but perhaps Dr. Tim can comment more on that theory. I am a maplehaulic so I can understand your interest.
p.s. guessing from your name you are either a UniMog owner or a fan. Saw a couple on ebay in Williston a few weeks ago. was that you? they had blowers on them.
I am not trying to be negetative and mean no disrespect at all but wow, that seems like a huge expense..the trucking alone would cost thousands if you ask me. Might be better served buying a piece of land with some maples on it as close to home as possible and then travel to it on the weekends and do your sugarin..maybe you could hire someone to just check on things while your away??
happy thoughts
01-01-2013, 11:47 AM
I live in williston ND and would like to do maple syruping, so before you say I am crazy I am not really looking to make a ton of money off it its more or less just a hobby. I used to live in NY and had a large sugarbush 10000 trees but went out west for the oil patch. I have all the equipment already I just need sap. Is there anyone outhere that would sell me about 1000-1500 gallons and possibly even haul it for an additional fee? Yes I do know sap goes rancid in about 4-5 days maximum. Thanks, Toby
Surely, some sort of tappable maples are found in ND, no? There are always silver maples and box elders which appear to grow in your area.
01-02-2013, 07:31 AM
There is a maple producer in Detroit lakes MN, just east of fargoND by like 45miles or so that might be your best bet. I have a smaller farm of 1300 taps but I am about 6 hours to Fargo. Good luck to ya I think its great.
01-02-2013, 07:48 AM
A tandem axle milk truck would likely have a 2000 to 2500 gal tank so if you can store or absorb that much, you might get more sap per $.
Wouldn't the milk flavor get infused into the sap? Sounds like you'd run a high risk of making off-flavored syrup.
yeah I thought about that as well. Better off finding a water truck of some sort and having an independent haul it for you
I live in williston ND and would like to do maple syruping, so before you say I am crazy I am not really looking to make a ton of money off it its more or less just a hobby. I used to live in NY and had a large sugarbush 10000 trees but went out west for the oil patch. I have all the equipment already I just need sap. Is there anyone outhere that would sell me about 1000-1500 gallons and possibly even haul it for an additional fee? Yes I do know sap goes rancid in about 4-5 days maximum. Thanks, Toby
Toby- I feel your pain my friend. I walked away from sugaring years ago and moved to Alaska but never could stop thinking about sugaring. You got the bug for sure and it is not going to go away. Walking away from a 10,000 tap sugar woods has got to hurt real bad. I would rather have someone cut off my privates then walk away from 10,000 taps:o. Did you sell this woods? If not could you tap a small portion of it and pay someone to haul that sap to you? Hang in there my friend because this sickness will not go away.
Wouldn't the milk flavor get infused into the sap? Sounds like you'd run a high risk of making off-flavored syrup.
How many used milk trucks are used for sap? Most sugarmakers I know have at least one stainless milk bulk tank somewhere in their operation?
01-02-2013, 09:37 AM
I don't think it's that crazy of an idea, but you couldn't use a milk truck to haul the sap. Milk trucks that are liscenced to haul milk can only haul milk or water, nothing else. I don't know about other places, but I know in Wisconsin this is enforced. Also, the milk truck doesn't absorb the flavor of the milk, it's stainless steel and stainless doesn't absorb off flavors, not to mention the truck gets washed every time after it drops off a load of milk at the plant.
01-02-2013, 10:43 AM
I have a 3500 gallon stainless fire truck, which I was going to haul the sap in and I have plenty of equipment to process that load in about 36 -48 hrs depending on water content. But since everyone wants me to just dilute syrup, anyone want to sell me a 55 gallon drum of the stuff.
(2) 3x12 leader evaporators
shane hickey
01-02-2013, 01:22 PM
I can sell you a barrel after February for 1800 you'll have to pay for shipping.
I have a trucking company that i use all the time for bulk syrup.
I'm not sure what he'll chargr for ND but i can find out if your
I have a 3500 gallon stainless fire truck, which I was going to haul the sap in and I have plenty of equipment to process that load in about 36 -48 hrs depending on water content. But since everyone wants me to just dilute syrup, anyone want to sell me a 55 gallon drum of the stuff.
(2) 3x12 leader evaporators
I say if you want to and have the means to then go for it. Don't worry about being told it can't be done.
01-02-2013, 06:10 PM
ok. this has to be the craziest post ever on this site.
Did adk1 bump his head on the evaporator door while cleaning it out? He surely has forgotten about some of his posts from the past! :lol:
Sunday Rock Maple
01-02-2013, 08:07 PM
Sounds like boiling sap into syrup is the goal here and since transportation is the issue, perhaps locating someone willing to sell RO concentrate would be just what the doctor ordered? Love your spirit --- stick with it to the end my friend.
01-03-2013, 04:46 PM
Why not take a few days off come east and hook up with a sugar house and help them boil for a few days and you can return home a cured man till next year.
Dave Y
01-03-2013, 06:27 PM
Think about all of the milk tanks being used to hold sap, wash a milk truck tank and it is fine!
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