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View Full Version : Need a bit of help here

12-30-2012, 05:30 AM
Ok i live in the Monkton area and was wondering if i could walk someones sugarbush that has mainline and all that good stuff hung up. I need to get some ideas on how its done the right way and see what i need. Now i thought it would be better to ask instead of just walking into someones sugaring area and get shot at. So if you can or know someone who can please let me know. Just starting out and want to do this right. Thank you... jim

12-30-2012, 06:59 AM
if you need to get some insight get ahold of 802maple on here he may help u out i believe he is close to your location and has been in the business a long time. Great guy i've had the oppertuinty to chat with him in person before.Alot of knowledge on maple syruping.