View Full Version : plumbing a D&G RO?

12-29-2012, 10:22 AM
I just am hooking up a D&G 600 gph RO. I have never used a RO before, and the manual does not give a ton of info about how to plumb it. Just looking for someone to give me some info on wheather I have this hooked up right or wrong. I will try my best to describe how I have it drawn out. Raw sap and permeate come into the sugar house from 2 tanks outside. Off of the permeate line I have a Y and a shut off valve so that I can fill the wash basin with permeate. Both sap and permeate meet up at a 1.5" 3 way valve that brings them to the feed pump.Then it will pass through a 1.5" shut off valve . They enter another 3 way valve just before the feed pump. ( this 3 way valve is connected to the wash tank). The sap passes through the Ro and the concentrate leaves the RO and passes through a 3 way valve one line goes to the 3rd tank outside that feeds the evaporator and the other goes to the wash tank on the ro. The peremate leaves the RO and goes through a 3 way valve, one line goes to the peremate tank outside and the other goes to a floor drain. This is how I have it drawn up, please correct me if I have this wrong. For my first year I am only looking at a single pass through the RO. Also can anyone tell me what the overflow is on the RO, The manual says that it should be 1.5" also is this on the wash tank or where?(ro never came with a wash tank) Thanks for your time everyone!! Paul

12-29-2012, 04:56 PM
Don't know much about a D&G RO. Ihave a spingtech 600 an th wash tank is on the machine already and plumbed in.What i can tell you is that you will need at least a 600 gal tank for your permeate to go in,for rinsing and washing the RO.The concentrate should go the tank that feeds the evaporator,not back into your wash tank,only thing that you want going back into your wash tank should be permeate for washing your machine,my overflow on the wash tank basically is for when i forget i am filling the wsh tank and i walk away.Ihave a shut off on each line before the feed pump,opening what i need,raw sap or permeate to rinse after each wash,pemeate valve is closed till needed,then sap valve closed when using permeate.Ro's are great,used mine for 10yrs-HOPE THIS HELPED SOME

12-30-2012, 08:06 AM
Thanks Sugarman3, So the way you are telling me there is no need to have a line go to your wash tank from your concentrate line just to the tank that feeds the evaporator. Thanks paul

12-30-2012, 11:36 AM
no,hope this helped you

12-30-2012, 01:33 PM
Yeah it does help, Thanks vern.

12-30-2012, 05:57 PM
I believe you'll need a line from the concentrate back to the wash tank for when you wash the membranes. I've got a lapiere that I set up with a three way valve panel, both the concentrate and permeate get turned to wash, though basically nothing runs out the permeate.

12-30-2012, 06:23 PM
Check out page seven and eight for a diagram. This is how I set mine up. http://equipementsderabliere.elapierre.com/down/201.pdf

12-30-2012, 06:30 PM
In my opinion there should be no way to connect wash tank to concentrate take. I do not want any wash solution in the concentrate tank.

12-31-2012, 02:39 PM
Don't know much about a D&G RO. Ihave a spingtech 600 an th wash tank is on the machine already and plumbed in.What i can tell you is that you will need at least a 600 gal tank for your permeate to go in,for rinsing and washing the RO.The concentrate should go the tank that feeds the evaporator,not back into your wash tank,only thing that you want going back into your wash tank should be permeate for washing your machine,my overflow on the wash tank basically is for when i forget i am filling the wsh tank and i walk away.Ihave a shut off on each line before the feed pump,opening what i need,raw sap or permeate to rinse after each wash,pemeate valve is closed till needed,then sap valve closed when using permeate.Ro's are great,used mine for 10yrs-HOPE THIS HELPED SOME

Your concentrate should be able to go to the concentrate tank or to the wash tank or down the drain. During wash both concentrate line and permeate line go back into the wash tank or it will empty fast. During rinse they go down the drain.

Your Sprintech may be the same as the D&G depending how old it is, could you give mrnorthshore some pictures of the wash tank and plumbing?

12-31-2012, 03:15 PM
Hook it up like the diagram on page 7, looks like 4 three way valves is all you need for the panel. It is the same as the diagram I emailed you except the extra permeate and concentrate valves to send both to the drain that we talked about for rinse that I did not have on the diagram.
Or sugarman3's ro may be the same as yours but with the wash tank depending how old it is. Maybe he could take a couple pictures for you of how the tank is plumbed in the machine.


12-31-2012, 08:00 PM
Thanks OLDMANMAPLE, AND MARK. This is just want I needed to see, thanks so much for the feedback. Thanks Mark for all your help on this. Talk to ya soon Paul