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View Full Version : 2012 Canadian Maple Production

12-27-2012, 07:05 PM
Geography Maple products 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Canada Maple products expressed as syrup, total (gallons) 5,132r 9,078r 7,274r 8,551r 7,858
Gross value of maple products (dollars) 204,120r 395,207r 291,061r 348,848r 314,701
Nova ScotiaMaple products expressed as syrup, total (gallons) 21 19 28 31 25
Gross value of maple products (dollars) 915 1,040 1,534 1,667 1,400
New Brunswick2 Maple products expressed as syrup, total (gallons)169 386 309 341 353
Gross value of maple products (dollars) 8,817 22,230 18,620 21,728 20,661
Quebec4 Maple products expressed as syrup, total (gallons) 4,680r 8,256r 6,649r 7,690r 7,257
Gross value of maple products (dollars) 178,919r 346,293r 251,682r 292,895r 278,259
Ontario2 Maple products expressed as syrup, total (gallons) 262 417 288 488 223
Gross value of maple products (dollars) 15,469 25,644 19,225 32,559 14,381

Quebec was off approximately 5% 2011
All of Canada was off approximately off by 10% over 2011

Not to bad.

12-28-2012, 09:32 AM
I think those numbers should have three zeros to the right of them...as in Quebec in 2012 made 7,858,000 gallons of syrup.

likewise, Nova Scotia made 25,000 gallons of syrup in 2012.

but the overall trend is interesting- quebec was only down 5% last year. We were off 40%. There is always next year...

Jeff E
12-28-2012, 09:39 AM
I wonder if the minimal reduction in production is because there is so much more capacity for syrup production: i.e. many more trees on line.
It would be interesting to see if the production per tap stayed that stable.

If they have added many more taps to make up for the poor season, they could flood the market if they have a very good season. I will look at the link and see if they have tap # statistics in there.

12-28-2012, 11:01 AM
Qc production was lower around Montreal (south west) and equal in others regions.
only 132,121 more taps for 2012, for a total of 42,832,903.
2012 production is 2.24Lbs /tap, 2011 was 2.39lbs
all those numbers came from FPAQ Dossier Économiques, 2011 and 2012