View Full Version : D + G Pellet and wood combo arch

12-26-2012, 12:12 PM
Looking to see if any Traders were at the Vermont maplerama last summer and were able to get a good look at the Dominion and Grimm Pellet and Cordwood hybrid arch? Or if anyone has seen one at an open house or other place...I would be curious of your impressions.

I am going to be switching to a pellet arch after this season and as far as I can tell, there are two current options on the market- CDL and Dominion and Grimm have ready technology. Lapierre supposedly has a second generation pellet arch in the works. The CDL one is the only one I know the price on.

thanks for your input...


Thad Blaisdell
12-26-2012, 01:09 PM
I took a look at the Lapierre pellet arch last year, real impressive until they told me the price, after recovering in the ambulance I decided that I must be allergic to theirs. lol

12-26-2012, 02:20 PM
Yes I ask Lapierre for a quote as well and it was stupid crazy money. The pellet burner they were using was imported from Europe and something like 25,000 dollars each. I think that is why they were looking at a second generation because it was stupid money.

12-26-2012, 02:59 PM
I watched the D&G run at the factory open house. I like the ability to burn wood if you run out of pellets. You can even burn both at the same time, they were throwing in wood on top of the pellets to show what would happen. I was hopeing for them to put in a bigger augar for woodchips but they don't see the demand for that yet. I will probably purchase one if I get a normal syrup crop this year.

12-26-2012, 08:52 PM
Mark- I seem to remember that you are a D&G dealer? Do you have pricing information yet for a 2.5x9 (I think that is smallest they make?) If you don't want to post on here, could you PM me? Trying to get some ball-park info.

I plan to use mine with a bulk silo that I will be using the rest of the year to fire a pellet boiler tied in to the house for heat and hot water...

Also- do you know if you can use regular raised flu pans or is it something special like what was required on the Lapierre pellet arch?