View Full Version : black mainline re-route/ extension

Mike in NY
12-26-2012, 07:08 AM
Tree damage worse this year than ever. Had to re route one line and add 150 ft onto it. The boys and I did this preety easily but now several of the saddles we use are either in the wrong spot (just cap them off?) but the issue is with the ones tipped over from top. Some are even on the bottom of line now. These are the snap on fittings you drill a hole in the mainline for. Only repair I can see is to cut the maonline and insert a splice, I don't like to cut that line if can be avoided.
calling for a foot of snow in NY tonight; sure would be welcome here!

12-26-2012, 07:18 AM
If you have some saddles that are not in use any more (and the saddles are close to each other) just connect them with 5/16 tubing. That is much better then cutting main line and adding connectors in several spots.


Jeff E
12-26-2012, 10:03 AM
I like the idea of just running some 5/16, connecting the unused saddles. The downside is you probably have sap sitting there, not draining, getting funky.
Splicing adds those ice catchers, but I think I would go ahead and replace the segment that has the saddles in the wrong spots, and minimize your splices by doing a long length, rather than multiple little pieces.

Every saddle is a higher vac leak change than a splice. Thats why I would go with the splice.

Tough deal though. Good luck!

12-26-2012, 10:45 AM
Why couldn't you just take the saddle off,cut a solid piece of black gasket material and put it inside the saddle and then clamp the saddle back over the hole in the mainline?

12-26-2012, 06:04 PM
Believe it or not I've made out very well using black electrical tape on holes in main line and tubing for that matter. It's always in my pack whenever I check lines. You can stretch it nice and tight over the hole and make several passes around the pipe and it doesn't leak. I've got several places in the woods that have been "taped" for years and are still not leaking. It doesn't sound ideal but it's a great temporary solution at least.

12-26-2012, 06:51 PM
I have also used black electrical tape for repairs. If you keep it in your pocket and its a little warmer than the air it works better. I also use a towel to clean and dry the line off good. Having the hole in an unwanted spot when the saddle is no longer needed is the downside of saddles. I try not to have any more splices in my line than needed even if I have to fight 1000' rolls. Not to mention splicing the line after its already on wire and all nice and tight. In my case it was 2 saddles in about a 75 foot stretch of a 500'. I thought about capping the saddles, but I would rather tape the hole and use the saddles somewhere else.

Mike in NY
12-27-2012, 07:35 AM
several good ideas ,thanks! The tape sounds to easy but I'll give it a try on a few. Also have found a plug that fits nicely in hole and I will tape a few of them in place.