View Full Version : pump questions

12-24-2012, 10:28 AM
I am very green to the vacuum side of sugaring and my question is, They claim 1 cfm per 100 taps. so if i wanted to set up a small run of say 120 or so would a 2 or 3 cfm pump work for me. I have been looking at those electric pumps on ebay and other sights and got my wheels turning. The piggy bank is empty for this year but if i could set somthing up on the cheap side of things i would like to give it a shot. If any of you have a idea how i could do it on the cheap or what i should use post away. im looking for advice on what to do and what not to do. thanks in advance. Josh

Bucket Head
12-24-2012, 04:51 PM
Yes, one of those small pumps would work. Many folks use them. Some folks also use those small, portable, automotive-use vacuum pumps that are used for "vaccing down" (a procedure performed before charging with refrigerant) an auto air conditioning system. I've seen those in the 5-6cfm range. The 2-3cfm ones will work, but your lines have to be absolutely leak free since you don't have many cfm to start with. Browse the vaccuum section on here and you'll see posts about the smaller pumps.


12-24-2012, 05:08 PM
I would not go any less than 3 cfm per 100 and since you are doing it for the first time probably 5 cfm/100 taps would be better. No matter how good you set up your first woods, it really takes experience to make a good tight system. Just my opinion:) Hope things go well for you this year!!!!


12-25-2012, 09:38 PM
Check ebay for a thomas 2650 pump. I use one, they work great for small bush.