View Full Version : tapping 2013 sisters ville
Edward Howell
12-17-2012, 10:28 AM
Last year I watched ideal weather for syrup in jan here in the valley but waited until feb 3 and got skunked , :cry:
The trees are running like a race horse , anytime a # 6 nail is put in for new tubing the trees are streaming sap down the side .:cool:
If this keeps up we will go in jan 1 . It is much warmer here in the ohio valley that in the mountians .
All the best gentleman and Merry Christmas !
12-17-2012, 11:12 AM
why you using nails
[QUOTE=Edward Howell;196682]Last year I watched ideal weather for syrup in jan here in the valley but waited until feb 3 and got skunked , :cry:
The trees are running like a race horse , anytime a # 6 nail is put in for new tubing the trees are streaming sap down the side .:cool:
If this keeps up we will go in jan 1 . It is much warmer here in the ohio valley that in the mountians .
If I was living where you are I would be all tapped in by mid Dec. The smart spouts or the CV2s will allow for 3 months or more of sap run before shutting down. This would take you into mid March when probably your season ends anyway. Tap away.:)
12-17-2012, 12:00 PM
Maybe off subject in a side direction? I use buckets, can I use "smart spouts or the CV2's". I have 7/16 taps and aluminum and galv. buckets with covers.
Edward Howell
12-17-2012, 12:13 PM
[QUOTE=Edward Howell;196682]Last year I watched ideal weather for syrup in jan here in the valley but waited until feb 3 and got skunked , :cry:
The trees are running like a race horse , anytime a # 6 nail is put in for new tubing the trees are streaming sap down the side .:cool:
If this keeps up we will go in jan 1 . It is much warmer here in the ohio valley that in the mountians .
If I was living where you are I would be all tapped in by mid Dec. The smart spouts or the CV2s will allow for 3 months or more of sap run before shutting down. This would take you into mid March when probably your season ends anyway. Tap away.:)
Spud , 3 months of syrup Makin ? Have i already died and in Glory with the Lord Jesus ? :)
Edward Howell
12-17-2012, 12:15 PM
Still need a galvanized nail here and there , not very many , In a perfect world ......
In those 3 months you will have some warm days here and there. In order to get all the sap you can you need to be tapped. If you read in the PMRC site (click on to when to tap) you will see they talk about early tapping. The big producers start tapping early January where I live. Some get a few early runs if the weather is right during Jan-Feb even though the real sugaring is more in March. A tap hole does not heal up as fast when it is cold and that is why early tapping is not a problem. I plan to tap in January in hopes of getting some early runs on maybe a handful of warmer days. Last Feb I got something like 15,000 gallons of sap before my neighbors even tapped their trees. They laughed at me when I was tapping and I laughed at them when the sap truck passed their house 5 times with full loads. That was about $7000.00 in sap. There were people on Trader last season that wished they had tapped early and feel they lost out on some runs. I don't want to miss out on any sap runs at all. So no you have not died and went to Heaven yet. I look forward to seeing you there someday.:)
Edward Howell
12-17-2012, 05:40 PM
Spud ,
Always rolling the dice , tap to early get froze out for maybe 45 days , but if stays warm the tapps stop really fast . I was use to march 1 at best in northern ohio . hard to adjust to jan here but the conditions are excellent . by feb 10 last year i had 60 deg days and the sap was clouded before it came into the tanks . Wayyy to hot :(
May all your trees run 6 %
12-17-2012, 06:24 PM
We tapped the second week of Feb last year and missed a couple of runs. Our last boil was 19 April and when we pulled out our CVs on the 20th/21th, our holes were still wet and running. We are adjusting our strategy and tapping the second week of January next month. The CVs definitely kept our tap holes running. The sugarmakers near us who didn't use the CVs were done at the end of March.
Edward Howell
01-07-2013, 03:01 PM
Ok the tapps are in and looks lilke 45 deg tomorrow and all the way to 55 deg by sunday ; looks friday to sunday one long run , no freeze ....
Should be up to my waist in sap :)
Edward Howell
01-12-2013, 07:56 PM
Nice run , trees woke up thursday around 2:00 pm and by 4:00 pm friday we a 2.16 gallon per tap run . :D . However the temp went to 62 on friday and the sap started to turn as we boiled , we started at just a little below fancy but moved to dark by time i finished @2:30 am . Ro went down , of course , ..... :cry: Looks like we have a good freeze coming in monday , hopefully these two warm days will not cook the tapps. Sugar started @1.6 % but droped to 1% when the rain moved in . Nice smooth syrup , little fruity , we can sell every drop the the customers :cool:
2/12 2.856 gallon per tap run on 5 week old taps , looks like these cv are worth the money :)
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