View Full Version : Sorry I just had to post about what went down in CT today.

red maples
12-14-2012, 02:59 PM
Just saw the news I didn't even know this happened, what the hell is going on with all these shootings, 20 kids dead and 6 adults??? What kind of a person goes into a k-4 elementary school and does something like that. this is a time for good will towards men not this, just days before chirstmas break kids are so excited for the holidays and this???!!! I can't even imagine what kind of pain those families are going through right now!!! My thoughts go out to those effected by this awful awful tragedy!!!

12-14-2012, 03:11 PM
it takes a sick person to do that, its kinda freaky being in school everyday and not knowing what could happen

12-14-2012, 03:11 PM
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain those parents are dealing with right now. It truly is a sad day in America.


12-14-2012, 03:11 PM
Very sad day.

12-14-2012, 03:13 PM
My heart bleeds for those poor children and all of the families affected by this senseless act. I hope the SOB that did this rots in HELL. What is this country turning into. These kids were just babies and had alot of life left and now are gone. As i sit here and type this i have tears in my eyes.

12-14-2012, 03:26 PM
Prayers and thoughts to all the people in this small community. May God hold a healing hand on all who are touched by this tragedy.

Greenwich Maple Man
12-14-2012, 03:37 PM
Sad, sick, gross thing is all I can think . What a awful thing to have happen to a love one or person you know.

12-14-2012, 03:43 PM
Very sad. Thoughts and prayers going to all those affected especially being so close to Christmas, God be with them all.

steam maker
12-14-2012, 05:53 PM
what is this world coming too??????? our thoughts and prayers to all those affected from all of us at round mtn sugarhouse

Homestead Maple
12-14-2012, 06:24 PM
Prayers and thoughts to all the people in this small community. May God hold a healing hand on all who are touched by this tragedy.
Amen bobsklarz. Everyone here should remind their families how much they love them.

noreast maple
12-14-2012, 08:49 PM

lakeview maple
12-14-2012, 09:22 PM
Prayers for the families in CT and for this country ,May God be with us all,Al

12-15-2012, 03:40 AM
Truly very sad what happen yesterday morning my prayers are with all the familys not just the ones that lost there child but those who also have to get there child through such hard times. Its terrible that any family would have to indure anything like this. Please take a moment and prayer for them all.

red maples
12-15-2012, 07:17 AM
What a great tragedy this was indeed. This criminal act will no doubt be used to demonize the 2nd amendment even further. These horrific acts are occurring as a pretext to gun confiscation.

I know I am going to get attacked for mentioning the above, but this is NO coincidence the number of these occurring, and all in a relatively short time period of one another. There is quite possibly government or corporate roots to these events, although the verdict is still out in this early tragedy. May the Lord be with all the families of the victims in their hour of despair.

If every teacher would have had the right to concealed carry and was properly trained, this 1.) probably would have never happened.....(criminals know the teachers are unarmed) or 2.) would have been a much lower victim count b/c someone would have finished the killer off immediately.

No attack, but right now gun laws are the furthest thing from my mind. The lives lost, the families that are still numb by the loss of there kids husbands wives and my family are in the fore front of mind. Its not a time to be worried about gun laws. Its a time to go give your family a hug and say you love them.

12-15-2012, 07:25 AM
very sad day indeed...Although I live in CT, anywhere you live is too close. I couldn't wait for my kids to get off the bus yesterday...

12-15-2012, 08:19 PM
Where can one begin. I am sure these innocent Children and their Teachers are in Heaven with Almighty God. Heavenly Father - Please give the needed strength to all the Families and Survivors affected by this horrible act - to keep their Faith and carry on. ////// This sick - evil creature picked his victims well and carried out his shameful - cowards act - now he to - must face God and explain to God what he did and why - God will be swift and just.

Bruce L
12-15-2012, 08:38 PM
Extremely hard to even grasp or begin to comprehend how this could happen,and how anyone demented or not could do such a hideous act to the most innocent on earth.I am a part time bus driver,and as I look back at all the little ones peeking over the seats at me in my mirror it brings a tear to my eye wondering how anyone could hurt these little ones,though they are not my kids I would do everything in my power to protect them. The closing prayer at our church-"May God hold you in the palm of his hand",these poor little children are most certainly there,and I am sure he is weeping with the families at this absolute senseless tragedy.

Greenwich Maple Man
12-15-2012, 08:48 PM
While I didn't know any of the victims in this it gives me a sick feeling inside to know it even happened. Children of that age and the teachers ? I almost don't even want to know any more than I do. These people need to be put to rest and mourned over. Very sad .Thoughts and prayers with the familys and friends there and the survivors.

12-15-2012, 09:30 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to the parents, friends and all involved

12-16-2012, 02:30 AM
This has been deleted by Maple Flats because it strayed too far from the purpose of this forum. Sorry, Mark. This tragity can be commented on, as can prayers for the victims and their families BUT political views are not allowed.

12-16-2012, 06:49 AM
I am a high school teacher and It is troubling how vulnerable schools are to this sort of thing. Police officers in the building would help but in this day of cut, cut, cut there is no money. The real problem is a sick society. I honestly believe there are some kids that have a hard time telling the difference between video games and reality.

noreast maple
12-16-2012, 07:31 AM
I agree totaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red maples
12-16-2012, 07:46 AM
I would like to personally thank everyone for doing their best to keep this thread directed to the empathy and compassion that the families and community of CT effected by this deserve.

12-16-2012, 09:35 AM
It should not be up to the schools to pay a sheriffs deputy or town policeman.. They are already on the payroll. They just need to move one out from behind a desk, or doughnut counter and put them to work at the schools.

Bucket Head
12-16-2012, 11:36 PM
This reply is'nt geared towards the "compassion" that Brad spoke of, and by no means am I trying to redirect this thread, but I wanted to reply to the above post that talks about about prevention.

Some schools do have law enforcement personel on site, but they are usually inner city schools. There is one near me that does have police present, but the schools in the surrounding suburbs do not.

I realize schools are "broke" and they'll claim theres no money for them, but its probably time to "find" some money for those remotely lockable, bullet-proof glass vestibules that banks have. Have a metal detector in it and when it goes off, the doors lock- nobody goes in or gets out until their checked out. There would be no opportunity to "force their way in", which is how they claim this gunman entered the school.

You can't walk into a police station or a courthouse around here without first showing I.D. then taking off belts/buckles, removing everything from your pockets and walking through a metal detector and/or getting the "wand" thing waved over you. And these places are full of armed law enforcement personel. But anyone can get through the front doors of a school and at least make it to the lobby/main office area (and probably farther) unimpeded.

Unfortunately, the time has come for school security systems/procedures to be implemented that would have been called "ridiculous" just a few years ago. Would these measures be expensive? Without a doubt. But every child that walks into a school in the morning should be able to walk back out at the end of the day and go home.


maple flats
12-17-2012, 04:23 PM
That sounds like a good cure. Have a bullet proof chamber that locks as anyone enters with any metal. Have one at every entrance.

12-17-2012, 05:53 PM
This reply is'nt geared towards the "compassion" that Brad spoke of, and by no means am I trying to redirect this thread, but I wanted to reply to the above post that talks about about prevention.

Some schools do have law enforcement personel on site, but they are usually inner city schools. There is one near me that does have police present, but the schools in the surrounding suburbs do not.

I realize schools are "broke" and they'll claim theres no money for them, but its probably time to "find" some money for those remotely lockable, bullet-proof glass vestibules that banks have. Have a metal detector in it and when it goes off, the doors lock- nobody goes in or gets out until their checked out. There would be no opportunity to "force their way in", which is how they claim this gunman entered the school.

You can't walk into a police station or a courthouse around here without first showing I.D. then taking off belts/buckles, removing everything from your pockets and walking through a metal detector and/or getting the "wand" thing waved over you. And these places are full of armed law enforcement personel. But anyone can get through the front doors of a school and at least make it to the lobby/main office area (and probably farther) unimpeded.

Unfortunately, the time has come for school security systems/procedures to be implemented that would have been called "ridiculous" just a few years ago. Would these measures be expensive? Without a doubt. But every child that walks into a school in the morning should be able to walk back out at the end of the day and go home.

Steve You know, I totally agree with everything you have suggested, & is totally logical to do this. But unfortunately, kids are not always inside the school all the time. Gym classes, games, cross country sports, etc, they are outside a lot. Evil minds will always find a way to wreak havoc, & although these safety measures are commendable, kids can't be put in a bubble.

Dennis H.
12-17-2012, 06:25 PM
What you are suggesting is a reverse prison!! Think about it, a prison is designed to keep the bad guys in and this you want to keep the bad guys out! won't work.

Even in the ideas that you have suggested if someone wants in they will find a way. If they knew that the front door has bullet proof glass and must be rung in to enter that they won't just go around back and bust open a door or even just walk up to a window and bust it out?

Another thing to think about is that all schools are weapon free zones, this is a very good thing up until something like this happens. You have to ask your self how this might have played up if someone that works there has a permit and had a handgun on thier person and was able to use it.

My daughter is 1st grade and this has me really thinking about her safety at school or the bus. Man, any thing can happen! What are we to do? What can we do?

12-17-2012, 07:01 PM
Why not make the weapon free zone thing only pertain to students and any faculty, teachers, principal, janator, whoever have legally acquired a carry permit promote them carrying firearms while there working. That or just hire a simple armed security person at each school. We spend tax money on everything else whats one more salary? We have armed people at our courthouse and Im a lot more worried about my kids than the people there. Theron

12-17-2012, 07:52 PM
We have citizens at our public school board meetings raising a ruckus over the school buying a large pizza from dominoes. Do you think they would spring for an extra salary? No way.

12-17-2012, 08:18 PM
Probly going to have to do something. Im thinking the real problem is a whole conglomeration of society problems. I would think the easiest thing would be to secure the school. Its going to be hard to fix all the problems in society that lead to these kind of things happening. Breakdown of the family, lack of jobs everyone struggling to make a living not having time to spend enough time with the kids. Violent video games, guns that you just pull the trigger till your tired of shooting people, on and on and on. Seams like its easier and quicker to hire a security guard. Theron

12-17-2012, 08:20 PM
Bring our troops back from Afganistan and let them guard our schools. Win win for everybody. Theron

noreast maple
12-17-2012, 08:56 PM
I agree with locking down schools , but also install metal detecters and a security gaurd at entrance ,armed.

Bucket Head
12-17-2012, 09:35 PM
I would'nt want anybody growing up in a "bubble", and thats not what I'm suggesting. However, if a "bubble" is whats required to keep children from being shot dead in their classrooms, so be it. I realize it would be impossible to keep kids completely safe outside of the school, but a whole lot more can be done to prevent someone with a gun to simply walk down the hallway and enter classrooms and start shooting children. School administrators, board members, teachers, local law enforcement, etc., everywhere better hurry up and figure out how to build their bubble.
