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View Full Version : New Evaporator, temporary Shelter

12-02-2012, 08:41 PM
Hi All,
Last year, I was totally out in the elements, no cover, and a cinderblock fireplace. This year, have a new 4X2 Hobby Mason, and probably will setup a temporary shelter (most likely a 10x10 canvas picnic-style). Bill Mason tricked out my 4X2 by welding irons on the bottom connecting the legs to make it into somewhat of a sled. The original idea is that I can drag or tow it with my tractor to a flat area down a hill about 100 yrds away from the house . This plan has some drawbacks: 1. Taking this trip down is going to happen once per year and it will come up and garaged at the end of the season. It will be exposed to the elements. I'll have to tarp up the unit to keep it as dry as possible, as the portable cover will need to come down during storms or really windy weather. 2. I'm afraid the move(s) will crack the heat stop morter. 3. The area where it will go does not have electricity and is far away from the beer fridge (but also hidden from the wife which is an advantage). As I'm installing the firebrick and quickly the weight of the unit is growing, I'm now wondering, why not just roll it out of the garage, to the corner of the driveway and boil there. But I'm concerned with boiling too close to the house. How close to a structure do you all typically advise? Should I be concerned with shaking the morter loose in travel? Anyone out there typically store their evaporator indoors and then move it out when the season nears? Thanks for the advice!

12-03-2012, 02:26 PM
I've seen a lot of pictures showing setups just outside someones garage door. It appears they store the evaporator inside when not in use. You should be fine as long as you're at least 5-10 feet away from the structure and the stack has adequate draw.
I can't comment on the mortar coming loose but I would think that you would want to limit the bumps when moving the unit.

12-03-2012, 05:06 PM
How close to a structure do you all typically advise?

Close enough to reach the beer fridge but far enough to avoid the wife.

12-03-2012, 05:52 PM
Hmmm...ok I will say what is on all our minds...back her car out in the driveway...cut a hole in the roof....put up a stack and boil inside...the car is much more weatherproof...

12-04-2012, 09:18 PM
Hmmm...ok I will say what is on all our minds...back her car out in the driveway...cut a hole in the roof....put up a stack and boil inside...the car is much more weatherproof...

ha ha! Yeah. That will do it. Great Idea!