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View Full Version : Half pint plans

11-26-2012, 08:27 AM
Anybody got any plans on something similar in size to the leader half pint? I started a oil tank arch but came across some materials and figured I want something different. Is the half pint ramped or just a big 2x3 firebox? Thanks

11-26-2012, 07:57 PM
found the davy jones plans, think I will go with that

12-02-2012, 05:54 AM
Anybody build this size of an arch? I need an estimate on how many firebrick I will need to acquire

12-03-2012, 08:20 AM
Check out my facebook page, Quinn's Sugar House, and go to photos and pic Quinn Boy's Syrup. I built that half pint last year for them. They made 4 gal of syrup on it. I bought the pan used from bascoms, got a 55 gallon drum, stove kit from Tractor Supply. My neighbor did all the fab work for me. He made a custom collar for the stack to come out the back. The kit one comes through the top not leaving enough room for the pan. I bricked it with a wall at 18" in leaving about an 1" between it and the pan. Filled behind the wall to the base of the stack opening with sand. It also has grates sitting on angle iron welded to the side of the drum.
