View Full Version : 2006 Syrup Production Year End Totals & Locations

Cory Chrudimsky
04-08-2006, 09:09 PM
Cory Chrudimsky
Cory & Rick's Sugar Shack
3175 School Road

Located just out of Langlade county into Mararthon county...
1.) 2060 trees tapped, all on bags except for around 280
2.) 3'X12' (3year old) Dallaire Evaporater with Intenso-fire arch
3.) 390 gallons of great quality syrup made this year, no road tar....
4.) Tapped March 18th and cooked for the last time on April 8th....
5.) 12,500 gallons of sap collected, sugar content ranged from
1.5% to 3.5%.......