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11-01-2012, 07:57 AM
I am new to tubing i was wondering what i should get to pull the mainline wire tight.

Maple Hill
11-01-2012, 05:16 PM
Put a ratchet on one end of your wire.You can get them at a maple supply place or at Tractor Supply,the same ones used for fencing.

Dennis H.
11-01-2012, 06:17 PM
Get some of those ratchet tensioners where you got the fence wire.
You can use one at either end or like I do I use a gripple fence connector at one end and a ratchet tensioner at the other. Really fast that way.

Make sure you protect the trees at both ends by sliding the wire thru a length of mainline pipe.

Sunday Rock Maple
11-01-2012, 07:19 PM
We don't use any rachets --- just take up the slack with side ties. Put one on the outside bend of any corners then pull the main wire tight by hand and terminate the ends (we use corner insulators on 3/8" lags and crimps) then go back and put side ties as needed (generally alternating sides and every 50 feet). This will get the wire very tight but not quite as straight as the rachet method.

Jeff E
11-02-2012, 12:44 PM
I do both methods, as it allows you to take up slack with racheting tensioners. But I really like the side ties. I use 12 1/2 gauge high tension for the main line, and then light aluminum electric fence wire for the side ties. This way when (not if) a tree or big limb falls of the line, the aluminum will break and introduce slack into the line, limiting the chance of the mainline wire from breaking. I have had that situation happen countless times, and have only had to fix broken mainline once, and redoing side ties is easy.
Also, when you pull the lateral lines tight, they will act like side ties as well. so think about doing side ties on the opposite side of your laterals.

11-03-2012, 05:55 PM
I always ran opposing side ties going up the mainline. But this year it was suggested to me to keep the zigzagging to a minimum, so I guess I'm trying to keep the sideties more to one side, when possible. More of a challenge.